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Bulldog Executioner

polycounter lvl 12
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d2king10 polycounter lvl 12
Here goes the current progress for a school assignment. I am still torn if I should put boots/pants on him because I am afraid it will take away from the dog legs (it wouldn't be as obvious it was dog legs if they are covered). Let me know what you guys think:


Here is a quick paint over to show you what I am going for:

Do you guys think pants will take away from the overall look?

Thanks in advance, and as always, CnC is welcome.


  • KyleJensen
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    KyleJensen polycounter lvl 12
    The gigantic belt makes the character look tiny for a character that I assume is supposed to be big and tough.
  • Slave_zero
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    Slave_zero polycounter lvl 8
    I suggest to make the legs much shorter. As bulldogs are known for having really small but strong legs. Smaller legs will also improve the overall appearance of the charackter in my opinion. At the moment mostly the head is comunicating the bulldog similarity. The basic form of the legs is also fitting. But shorter legs will make it more obvious that you had a bulldog in mind.

    I'm not sure if shorter legs will need an adjustment with the arm length. At the moment the length of the arms seem to fit.
  • d2king10
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    d2king10 polycounter lvl 12
    I tried shortening his legs a bit to match a bulldogs. I am not sure if I am going to change the belt though, I am quite fond of it being bulky (if he was really small, wouldn't the belt be insanely long). I was thinking of the belt more as a massive strap of leather.

    Thanks for the comments guys.

    Alright, here goes the armor:


    Everything is pretty much blocked out now, time for detail!
  • d1ver
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    d1ver polycounter lvl 14
    Screw Bulldog Executioner, I demand Pitbull the Rapist!

    Other than this he has extremly small feet and with his proportions he would be having a hard time keeping balance. I know that they are suppoed to be doggish, but I suggest you just exaggerate them.
    You may wanna try to switch and make a pair of more human feet, but think about making his nads more pawish. Cause right now you've a human torso with huge human arms but you hide doggish feet under the cloth and gear.

    Anyway the overall quality is good. I just believe it has more of a potential and I'm sure that you'll pull it off nicely. Good luck!
  • d2king10
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    d2king10 polycounter lvl 12
    Got some work done on the armor, this guy is going to be a quick model cause the deadline is approaching (I have been slacking haha)

    Most of the armor is going to be mirrored (thus why it is missing)
  • madmuffin
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    madmuffin polycounter lvl 7
    Heh, when I read "Bulldog Executioner" I was expecting it to be like a fancy mech or something, not so literal.

    I'm actually really digging the asymmetry aspect to the armor right now, the boot and hip guard plate things should probably be mirrored but it might be worth considering leaving only one arm piece, since the other arm already has the chain mail hanging down on it.

    My only anatomy crit is that the legs seem a tad bit tiny to support his massive upper body, you might want to beef up his muscles or give him larger feet to balance out the weight better, I feel like he'd tip over trying to raise an axe as is.

    Since it's an Executioner, I can't wait to see it's Axe, I bet it will look really brutal. Awesome work and keep it coming. :thumbup:
  • d2king10
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    d2king10 polycounter lvl 12
    @Madmuffin: Thanks for the comment, I should really check my topic more often, because I end up missing critique and only reading it after I update haha!

    I will look into the legs and see what I can do, unfortunately this project is due pretty soon and I still have to retopo and texture him! :poly122:

    Once I bake the armor, I will post a version with/without the mirrored armor and see what you guys think :)

  • Steve Schulze
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    Steve Schulze polycounter lvl 18
    Are you going to give hi another shoe? He looks a bit funny without one. Asymmetry is all well and good, but no one is going to run around with one boot on.

    Also, I don't know whether you want to mess with the proportions at this point in development, but he kinda feels like he might work better if his fingers were stubbier given they've presumably evovled from paws. Perhaps not. Something to think about anyway.
  • tex_cookiedough
    @ jackablade - im guessing he's only sculpting one and going to duplicate it as his rough paintover at the top suggests (no point sculpting both and his project is due soon) ;), i kinda like the fingers.. sorta like a warebulldog executioner :P

    @d2king10 - nice work man, i envy your zbrush skills XD just one little crit, some of the scratches on the axe look a little blurry, i know they wear away and whatnot but they look almost stretched around the middle of the blade(other than that it looks pretty badass).

    overall im loving your work, cant wait to see it finished! keep us posted :D
  • zxcman
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    zxcman polycounter lvl 10
    not bad.
    maybe it worth to go back few subds lower and rework muscles and their connections?
  • d2king10
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    d2king10 polycounter lvl 12
    Finished up the retopo on the body. It is sitting at 4202 tris, could/will probably clean it up once I finish retopoing everything.

  • d2king10
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    d2king10 polycounter lvl 12
    Finished his retopo, and he is sitting just under 13k tris :D


    Now hes just ready to bake, texture, and pose :thumbup:
  • trancerobot
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    trancerobot polycounter lvl 7
    I think the legs look weird. I looked at some bull dogs saw that and their legs are stumpy and kinda undefined but you still gotta know what's going on in there.

    A dog typically has legs like this. And this.

    But on yours the second part of the leg.... I guess the shins - are really really really tiny, and then are followed immediately by a foot with a weird calf muscle attached to it.

    IMO, you retopped too early, and you should go back and move the knees up a bit to make room for the second part of the leg, move the calf muscles up with it - off of the foot (it's currently sitting on top of the heel actually)

    Great upper body though. I have no crits besides that.
  • d2king10
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    d2king10 polycounter lvl 12
    Unfortunately I don't have time to go back and fix things, but I might be able to fix your suggestions on the model itself, we will see.

    Anyhow, here is some early texture work:

  • d2king10
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    d2king10 polycounter lvl 12
    Trying to get his blind eye to look a bit better, any suggestions?

  • Drakon
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    Drakon polycounter lvl 6
    Cool :) I think it would look better if he closed the scarred eye more
  • d2king10
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    d2king10 polycounter lvl 12
    Alright guys, here goes the final version of the bulldog executioner, enjoy!




  • Flaringo
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    Flaringo polycounter lvl 11
    Awesome job, man! I really like the design. His expression is great, too!
  • Minos
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    Minos polycounter lvl 16
  • MainManiac
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    MainManiac polycounter lvl 11
    So many good posts lately, we need more banners.
  • MainManiac
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    MainManiac polycounter lvl 11
    You managed to make it look exactly like a painting, wow!
  • Torch
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    Torch interpolator
    Reminds me of churchill! "Oh no no no no no..." *Northern Accent*

    *Lops someones head off* :D

    You should give him a badass executioner mask!
  • d2king10
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    d2king10 polycounter lvl 12
    Thanks for the comments guys!

    I considered giving him an executioners mask, but I was afraid it would cover up his face and not make it recognizable that he was a bulldog.
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