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Please give me feedback on my portfolio I need to know if its ready to be used when applying for industry placements. http://phil101.carbonmade.com/



  • glottis8
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    glottis8 polycounter lvl 9
    Hey Phil,

    I don't really think you are ready to be applying. You have quite a few things to show, but not many of them are at a level that will catch the eye of any employer. Sorry to be so harsh, but there needs to be a lot more quality and polish in many of your assets. With that said, think about picking maybe 3 of the many assets you have and one environment and really polish them... redo lights.. make them less boxy and work alot in your shapes. Your characters, rig them and show them up in poses... T shapes just don't show out your skills.

    That pave low has blurry textures... the b17 is ok, but your spec is way high... it looks like plastic. Just really take some time working some next gen quality. Better to show 3 way awesome pieces, than half finished work. Look around some other peoples portfolios and see what they do, and quality. They are the people you are competing for the job, and trust me, its tough out there.

    You have some solid notion of your modelling and texturing from you character work... just polish up and i think you'll have a great portfolio.
  • Mark Dygert
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    Hi Phil welcome to polycount =)

    To be honest, I don't think the portfolio is ready yet. It shows signs of promise but I think there are enough errors in anatomy and enough problems with some of the modeling and materials that I think you need to work on it more.

    A lot of these projects look to be as if they where created by someone still learning. I could give you specific feedback on the pieces if you want but I'm not sure if you want that specific of a critique?

    As far as portfolio construction goes, I think carbonmade is fine. You might want to try and unify the presentation of the renders, they seem to be a little bit all over the place some have backgrounds others are on flat color, the lighting for everything is different and some have break down shots while others don't. It will help to get these things to be a bit more consistent.

    For example: http://www.gavinrothery.com/site/folioview.php?cat_id=29
    Take a look at his renders, not really his layout, that is nice but not necessary. Notice how his renders all share the same light setup and camera settings, even angle, FOV and DOF. It would be great if he provided stats and break down shots, done the same way.

    The info box should probably feature things like triangle count (people don't count polys or verts btw) number, size and type of the textures and materials applied. When I was reading some of them it told me very little about your ability and more about what the history of various things.

    Other images like the black 88th guy didn't show the full model and listed his personal stats, and some construction stats, which is kind of weird, normally you see one or the other. Again I can't really say I cared too much to read how hold he was or where he was from, those thing should probably come across on the model?
  • gsokol
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    I agree with the other posters that you could could improve on your work. You are not yet at a level where employers would show interest. Just keep practicing and learning and you will get better and better. (not to mention, posting work here will help you get good feedback)

    On the bright side, you got a start..now you can just work on refining instead of working from scratch.

    2 things that I didn't see mentioned above may also be useful...

    Your galleries are poorly organized. Why do you have 2 images of boats lumped in with the images of the computer room with the bloody table? Also, your first gallery, with the plane has 2 different types of planes, a living room, and a car. Your galleries just look unorganized and not very professional.

    Also, you may want to consider specializing a little more. Most people specialize in either characters or environments...It might be a good idea to pick what you like/what you are best at and run with it. Your portfolio is only as good as your weakest link, so if you are a great environment artist but you have lame characters, you will probably be judged on that. Show only your absolute best work.

    Good luck!

    Oh...and welcome to polycount :)
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