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Tre's 3D Art N' Stuff

polycounter lvl 9
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Trevion3D polycounter lvl 9
Hey guys, im a little new to polycount and game art. im in my last year of School and i will be posting my School projects here for feedback. would love to hear what you guys think! =)


  • Trevion3D
  • Trevion3D
  • Trevion3D
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    Trevion3D polycounter lvl 9
    It was all based on a warhammer Concept, i was trying to learn modular asset creation.

  • Trevion3D
  • Trevion3D
  • professorXXX
    crickets...chirp chirp.

    better up your game son.
  • cholden
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    cholden polycounter lvl 18
    I know this concept all too well.

    SSAO is too high. Scene is exetremely blurry, reduce DoF.

    If you're going to google photos for textures, at least level and reduce their noise first, but I'd strongly suggest painting all of this.

    You know your wood texture is a single board running diagonally eating up a whole texture sheet at least four times it's size, right?

    Using a multiple materials on an object does not make it modular. It can be good practices, it just means you used multiple materials on the object.
  • Trevion3D
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    Trevion3D polycounter lvl 9
    well i used the same piece of wood to make the bridge, as i did the well, and used the same piece to make the walk way, isn't that modular?

    hmm and didnt use google I bing baby ;)
    but ill keep the noise level in mind next time. lol

    in due time I will be great, give me some time!!

    Thanks for your crits!!
    will keep it in mind for next project!!

    Ill be posting my Next one in this thread as well.
  • Zipfinator
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    Zipfinator polycounter lvl 9
    Using the same texture on multiple models isn't being modular. It's a good practice and saves texture memory, but it's not modular.

    Also as Cholden said, your wooden board shouldn't be diagonally positioned on the UV. That's a huge waste of space. Instead you should make it horizontal/vertical and then add more plank texture variations. If you're going to have that much extra space on the UV you might as well get some more variation in it.
  • Trevion3D
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    Trevion3D polycounter lvl 9
    Ok, Will do!

    im pretty new to texturing thanks for the advice
  • BlvdNights
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    BlvdNights polycounter lvl 8
    Trevion3D wrote: »
    in due time I will be great

    Keep trying

    If you were trying to use modular pieces, you've failed. It doesn't seem like you even know what it means. The advice above about making variations or putting other objects on the same texture page is exactly what you should have done. It also looks like you have UT terran in the back that you made in like a minute. There's very little variation in the rock material as well. If you're gonna make a shader, at least try to create a complex one for that giant mountain structure to help with the rock material. Also that bloom is just horrible.

    The concept has fantastic detail with the buildings on top but it looks like those were an afterthought and look incredibly lowpoly. The rock also has a bit of moister in it as well. Your rock is in the desert and is jagged and rough.
  • Trevion3D
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    Trevion3D polycounter lvl 9
    Loving the feedback, i need this to be better.

    hahaha wow you guys really hate this piece, well ill take what you are saying in to consideration.

    will just have to try harder and like the professor said

    "Better up my game"

  • danshewan
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    danshewan polycounter lvl 8
    Aside from the technical aspects that have already been mentioned, your interpretation of the concept has diminished just about everything that makes it such a great concept.

    The structural elements have no character, and the choice of overblown daylight desert as a backdrop doesn't fit the style of the building at all, or the universe in which it's supposed to belong.

    This concept has fucking acres of potential for moody, atmospheric lighting, weather and composition, and that's before we even take the character of the structures themselves into account, and right now it's entirely wasted.

    Also, what are those rings arching over the path? They're not in the concept, and they don't add anything to the result - they don't even look finished. I'd strongly advise you get rid of them.

    Rather than rushing onto your next project, I'd spend some time thinking about what makes the concept so intriguing, and rework some of the things already mentioned and do the concept justice.
  • Trevion3D
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    Trevion3D polycounter lvl 9
    well as much as i would love to fix it,

    i cant i have to move on because Its a school assignment and i have to pick something different. everything has been noted and will be improved.
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