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Looking for 3D modelers for a high speed racing game!

polycounter lvl 14
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Prominence polycounter lvl 14
Currently, Blue Comet Games is searching for a few good environmental artists to assist in our game, currently titled Acro Storm.

Acro Storm is a high speed weapons racer, similar in spirit to games such as WipEout, Extreme G Racing, and F-Zero (although the last has no weapons, it's certainly fast). Featuring a cast of characters with expressive and individual personalities, we intend to have a game that entices with both fun gameplay and narrative.

This is volunteer based- there's no payment involved as of now.

The characters in question are generally rather expressive and are vocal. The art style is more cel-shaded/toonist than anything else- in particular to be akin more to Ratchet and Clank/Jak and Daxter sort of fare.

Here's a bit of a WIP (really more of just a physics test and such. http://www.wow-zen.com/arco/biketest.html )

Moreso, here's some pieces of concept art for some of the characters:








If interested, feel free to contact me via PM or at fowlerck@hotmail.com or through bluecometgames@hotmail.com
Sorry if the post is a bit big. Thank you for your time.


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