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Help me with this big decision please

Hey everyone,

So I am now faced with a really big decision. I would like to purchase training that will help me learn good techniques and software very well. I am now faced with a costly decision to make.

Eat3D DVD Bundle. (22 DVD's)
Price: 1 Payment of $450 (After student discount)


-High quality DVD's
-Great reputation
-Will recieve DVD's to my door and can be reused alot
-More appealing to me


-Includes DVD's I am not interested in
-If I purchase the entire set and a new DVD comes out, I won't get it even though I purchased the set

Gnomon Subscription (Access to over 200 DVD's)
Price: $300 a year


-A very wide selection of DVD's
-Very good reputation
-Has more categorys of DVD's like Animation
-Made by many different industry professionals
-If a new DVD is released, I will have access to it


-Streaming videos and not DVD's delivered to my door
-Yearly subscription
-Most modeling videos made with Maya (which isnt exactly a con but I prefer Max)
-Some use XSI and Modo which is a con
-Most videos I wont end up watching

I need the communitys advice on what I should do. The price isnt really a huge deal, I am willing to spend whatever, but I do want what is best for me when I am spending hundreds of dollars. Let me know if you have experience with either companies, how the training was, if you would reccomend it.

Please help,



  • ZacD
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    ZacD ngon master
    You can always buy or borrow 1 or 2 from each and see what ones you like more.

    I'd also check to see how many gnomon dvd's you're interested in vs how many eat3D ones your interested in.
  • SnakeDoctor
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    SnakeDoctor polycounter lvl 14
    I personally prefer Eat3d tuts. I have always learned a considerable amount with them. To be honest I learned more from those DVD's then I have from school. Just my two cents.
  • Sandro
    Depends on what you want. Are you a character artist? environment? tech artist?

    Also, do you want to learn software/techniques or do you want to learn fundamentals>
  • Zpanzer
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    Zpanzer polycounter lvl 8
    While Gnomon has some very awesome dvds going, I can't shake of the feeling they are more of a showcase of workflow than anything else.

    I was particually disappointed by their Making Characters for Production... The entire modeling part was him getting 2 models from a libary and welding them together. I watched it all and didnt really think it was worth the money.

    On the other hand, I love Eat3D, ever since their pillar tutorial, I've kept comming back. The tutors have a pleasent voice(A big deal for me, I don't wanna spend 7-8 hours listening to some random dude with a mic from 1994) and they explain almost everything they do.
  • lefix
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    lefix polycounter lvl 11
    i've only seen the broken pillar and next gen texturing from eat 3d and would consider them a must see for beginners. i like how they explain everything you need to know on just a small project in little time, while other dvds like gnomon usually tend to be rather long and repetitive, even skipping some parts to speed up, covering bigger projects.
  • Intermission
    Thanks guys,

    I have actually have had the chance to see some of Eat3D's stuff and its great, the reason I am considering Gnomon is because with the subscription I will even get new DVD's that get released.

    I also noticed that Gnomon might be like "making of" rather than a tutorial.
  • Hoopla!
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    Hoopla! polygon
    i mix and match. some of the tutorials are in older versions of software and it kinda sux watching a zbrush tut done in vers 2 when 4 is out now and completely different. i would try to get good at one thing also, and the bundles would probably overwhelm you with so many different facets of cg idk anyone who could take it all in, in a reasonable amount of time. my 2 cents

    i have also decided on mainly eat3d tutes b/c they seem more current and at my level. gnomons stuff is often older and more of an overview of things.

    BTW, the polycount wiki is your friend, dont forget about it.
  • achillesian
  • Sean VanGorder
    ^^ Probably not the best thing to post on here.
  • Snowman
    Id say Eat 3D. If there are some you don't want could always just get them individually. Gnomon is good but I find that some of them feel like your just watching someone work and could use some more explanation but I guess whatever works for you.
  • Jason Young
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    Jason Young polycounter lvl 14
    I have yet to be satisfied with a gnomon dvd purchase. It's been awhile since I've bought one, but never found them particularly good and felt $60 was too expensive for what I got. The yearly subscription is probably well worth it, though, as $300 is rather cheap for all that training.

    The few eat3d dvds I bought were well worth it.
  • Autocon
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    Autocon polycounter lvl 15
    Eat3D has HQ streaming for 350 a year before any kinda of student discount. Any new vids added you can watch/DL the project files.

    I dont see what the big apeal of having a physical DVD is. Really once you watch a tut vid once or twice that will more then likely be it (at least in my case i have never gone back and watched a tutorial more then twice). A year is a long enough time to watch all the vids you want at least two or three or even four times.

    Although the few vids I have purchased I got the DVD with them because Eat3D didnt have streaming up when I made my purchases. But for a student where money is tight as with almost all students streaming is your best friend. I actually havent even opened any of the DVD's I have out of there celafain wrap save 1 which I used to see if I could play it on my PS3 and watch it on my TV. You cant : /

    As for pirating that is the worst option. Its people who priate who cause all these DRM/price increase issues. Pirates are a large cause of the state of PC gaming. Really pirating from your own industry is the worst thing you can do. I feel people who pirate off there own industry dont deserve to work in it. This could mainly be due to working hundreds of hours on a game only too see it pirated. Its not cool and not good for the industry your trying to break into.
  • Intermission
    Autocon wrote: »
    As for pirating that is the worst option. Its people who priate who cause all these DRM/price increase issues. Pirates are a large cause of the state of PC gaming. Really pirating from your own industry is the worst thing you can do. I feel people who pirate off there own industry dont deserve to work in it. This could mainly be due to working hundreds of hours on a game only too see it pirated. Its not cool and not good for the industry your trying to break into.


    I am trying to break into the industry why would I pirate it? Dumb post buddy.

    But I didnt know I could get a yearly Eat3D subscription, I will look into that. Thank you.

    Another one I was thinking of was Digital Tutors. It is $400 but they tend to cover everything and have a wide selection, I dont know. Eat3D seems to be winning right now but I def wanted animation training aswell.
  • xk0be
    Why not just buy exactly what you want from both?
  • ebagg
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    ebagg polycounter lvl 17
    xk0be wrote: »
    Why not just buy exactly what you want from both?

    Exactly. As a student, focus on one discipline. A few DVDs about specifically what you want is great, Eat3d has great trailers for each DVD to help you decide which you want and from there, there are TONS of free tutorials on youtube and such.
  • Intermission
    Because when going big, the dicount is massive. The 5 DVD's I want from Gnomon equals the price of the yearly subscription that I would get over 200 with.

    Same with Eat3D
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