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Developing Skill

Hello Polycount,

I am new to 3D modeling and I just got Zbrush 4 pretty recently. I just finished watching these Zbrush tutorials: http://www.cgarena.com/freestuff/tutorials/zbrush/pixozbrush/

And they were very useful, they familiarized me with the interface and what I can do in Zbrush. But now that Im familiar with the everything and what I can do, may someone tell me anything to do or that got you started on 3D modeling? I need something that will improve my noobish skills. :P



  • SnakeDoctor
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    SnakeDoctor keyframe
    Eat3D has some very good tuts. Although they cost money the 3ds max 101 could help you alot. If not CGTUTS is a good source of information for multiple modeling programs.
  • Flava-Fly
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    Flava-Fly polycounter lvl 9
    Its all about the practise I'm afraid, videos will get you so far but just keep your head in applications and skills will accrue naturally.
  • Mark Dygert
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    Are you talking about learning a 3D app like Max, Maya or Softimage?
  • dejawolf
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    dejawolf polycounter lvl 18
    hours of hours upon hours of studies, and work. every day.
  • SnakeDoctor
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    SnakeDoctor keyframe
    Oh and if your in school you need to work outside of class. I spend hours reading tuts and trying new things by myself. Don't be like other kids in my class that just do what the tacher says to just get an A. I hate to say it but I would bet money they wouldnt get jobs after graduating.
  • JusticeMoose
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    Flava-Fly wrote: »
    Its all about the practise I'm afraid, videos will get you so far but just keep your head in applications and skills will accrue naturally.

    Any suggestions where to start? I dont know what to make o.o
  • ZacD
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    ZacD ngon master
    Crates, barrels, dumpsters seem to be a common starting place :P
    anything that you can find a lot of photo references of works great, you can always model something you have (wrench, anything on the desk, nic nacs), it makes it easier.
  • MattQ86
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    MattQ86 polycounter lvl 15
    Yeah, the only way to improve is to invest dozens of hundreds of thousands of hours. Check out the Polycount wiki for a good place to get started.

    Also I can't see this thread title without thinking of:

  • JusticeMoose
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    ZacD wrote: »
    Crates, barrels, dumpsters seem to be a common starting place :P
    anything that you can find a lot of photo references of works great, you can always model something you have (wrench, anything on the desk, nic nacs), it makes it easier.

    Sure sure, but the thing is, how? o.o The only thing I know how to make are the subtools and how to morph them. How would I make a wrench shape or something like that?

    Oh yeah and MattQ, go listen to some Van Halen and get your head straight. No G music allowed.
  • MattQ86
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    MattQ86 polycounter lvl 15
    Thanks for ignoring my LINK TO THE VERY HELPFUL POLYCOUNT WIKI and telling me to go listen to "jump" you butt.

    Go pick up a trial version of Maya or Max for your hard surface modeling. At some point you're going to want to texture these hard-surface props and Zbrush's UVmaster isn't really efficient enough with the UV space yet.
  • JusticeMoose
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    MattQ86 wrote: »
    Thanks for ignoring my LINK TO THE VERY HELPFUL POLYCOUNT WIKI and telling me to go listen to "jump" you butt.

    Go pick up a trial version of Maya or Max for your hard surface modeling. At some point you're going to want to texture these hard-surface props and Zbrush's UVmaster isn't really efficient enough with the UV space yet.

    lool ok good idea.

    Wait but do people usually start out in 3DS or Maya with their models, then move to Zbrush to do the details?
  • ZacD
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    ZacD ngon master
    zBrush is optional, I don't recommend jumping into until you know the basics of max/maya.
  • JusticeMoose
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    This is what happened when I jumped in to Zbrush today:
  • JusticeMoose
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    I have one more question, what do all of the advanced users usually use? In what order? Do you just start out with Zbrush and finish in Zbrush, import from 3DS/Maya > Zbrush? Or the other way around?
  • Autocon
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    Autocon polycounter lvl 15
    If your new to modeling start with the basics first. Start with your basic industry standard modeling package like Max or Maya before even trying to learn zbrush. Zbrush is a great thing to learn after you have all the basics down in your traditional modeling packages as skills/knowledge/fundamentals pass back between them.

    There are a ton of tutorials as suggested you can follow. The Max Bible is a great book for someone new to Max, i dont remember what the Maya equivalent book is but there is one.

    Just look at shit in pictures, your room and model them, post them in Pimping and Previewing here on Polycount, get feedback from other artists on how to improve them and follow through with it.

    Good luck.

    Also the Polycount Wiki is an AMAZING source of info.
  • JusticeMoose
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    Autocon wrote: »
    If your new to modeling start with the basics first. Start with your basic industry standard modeling package like Max or Maya before even trying to learn zbrush. Zbrush is a great thing to learn after you have all the basics down in your traditional modeling packages as skills/knowledge/fundamentals pass back between them.

    There are a ton of tutorials as suggested you can follow. The Max Bible is a great book for someone new to Max, i dont remember what the Maya equivalent book is but there is one.

    Just look at shit in pictures, your room and model them, post them in Pimping and Previewing here on Polycount, get feedback from other artists on how to improve them and follow through with it.

    Good luck.

    Also the Polycount Wiki is an AMAZING source of info.

    Alright thanks man, Ive already started some 3DS max tutorials from this guy on youtube. I dont know if I want to post in there because everyone elses posts are going to be much much better o.o
  • Calabi
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    Calabi polycounter lvl 12
    I say start with something simple and free like Wings3D or Blender or a free old copy of Carrara. They are perfectly good and there's no need to be indoctrinated into buying some expensive software, no individual artist should be buying(if you know the fundamentals it wont take long to get up to speed in any new software)
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