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Website feedback.

polycounter lvl 10
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Baaaah! polycounter lvl 10
Hi guys,

I've been working on my website recently as it's getting to the stage where I need to find a job. I thought I'd post it here and see what you folks think.

My new site

I've read a couple of the articles about what to try and avoid doing, and I've also looked at quite a few of the sites of polycount members. I've adopted a layout that I've seen a couple of times and which seems to be the most straight forward. Anyway, any feedback would be cool. Thanks again.


  • 3Dyan
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    3Dyan polycounter lvl 13
    It does the job, but I personally think it looks a bit plain, especially on a wide screen.
    For starters I would consider adding a nice non distracting graphic at the background sides. Even if it's just a simple gradient.
  • Barnstable
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    I agree with Licky. It could use just a subtle gradient along the sides. Nothing too distracting. But the over all set up of the site looks good to me.

    Also I would actually suggest not adding those 2D sketches and paintings to the portfolio. I know employers like to see that kind of stuff, but I think your 3D work is much stronger and since the 2D stuff is last, I think it might lessen the impact of your other work.

    Just my 2 cents.
  • Baaaah!
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    Baaaah! polycounter lvl 10
    Thanks for the feedback guys :)

    Licky: I'll try and get something for the background.

    Barnstable: I must say I'm in two minds at the moment over this. I have seen job descriptions where 2D traditional is listed within the criteria. I think I'm more likely to cut down the content on that page at the moment, rather than remove it entirely, but I'll certainly keep what you've said in mind. Cheers
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