Hi guys

I just have a question
Where can I learn about CG in Canada?
Also, I wanna learn sculpting while I learn computer graphic
Is there any school that can learn it?
I came to Canada for studying English, and I'm studying english at the English Second Language school now.
Actually, when I was in Korea I had worked by 3d character designer for about 4 years.
After ESL course I wanna study about CG more to get a job.
now..time to decide if I keep studying at ESL to go other university or get a job after quit ESL course.
Please anwser about it
I see respecting ownership rights still hasn't caught on in the Asian community
But lets not prejudge him before we know all the facts.
fair enough, but I am sure we've all seen popular works being blatanly claimed as own (sometimes without even any modification or alteration) on various Asian art community forums. I don't think it's dismissable as plain ignorance or a language barrier. It's a cultural problem in my opinion.
so I edited the posting information.
(I put the original artist information_ the original thread)
Even though I edited the information,, if the image cause some problem
I'll delete the image.
and when I posted about it in Asia community, I gave information about
the original thread definitely ^^;
I really wanna say sorry for making confuse you guys and thanks Mop
I really enjoyed when I was filling the color ^^;
Well I guess if you are going to try and defame an entire race, you might as well do it to one that is 2 billion strong.
Hehe just an observation.
I'm glad you posted a link to your portfolio. Now we know who you are and have evidence that you are a bigot.
www.thatpolygon.com = likes to diss Asians
Some suggestions...
It will probably cost a fortune =/
I could have been lied to though so... yeah... don't go to colleges, trust me.
you don't need to really go there man, your work is very good! Really just make a demo reel and send it to everyone
they do
as soon as students have money to pay for the schooling