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polycounter lvl 14
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imb3nt polycounter lvl 14
Hey ladies & gentlemen. Here are a couple things i've worked on for class the past couple weeks. I wanna refine them a bit more to make em ready for the ol' folio so any comments / crits would be greatly appreciated.

Thanks! :)

Sub-D Assignment, Fender Jaguar




Zbrush Animal Assignment, T T T TORTOISE





  • imb3nt
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    imb3nt polycounter lvl 14
    some ref on the gee-tar:


  • SouthpawSid
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    SouthpawSid polycounter lvl 7
    great job on the jag. going to finish it through? I hope so!
  • jocose
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    jocose polycounter lvl 11
    Might want to give your tortoise an eye. It would be something simple you could do that would really make the piece come alive. You might also want to work on his pose a little and make him look like he is standing on something.

    He is kind of just floating awkwardly right now.

    Overall your they are two pretty strong pieces though. Work a little on their presentation and they should make good portfolio items.
  • imb3nt
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    imb3nt polycounter lvl 14
    Thanks guys! :)

    @SouthpawSid: Yeah, I'd like to spend more time and finish it up but the assignments keep coming. I get a 3 week break here pretty soon where i won't have to worry about school so maybe i'll have some hours then i can put into finishing / cleaning it up a bit. The main things i'd like to fix is where the neck meets the body, which right now they're just kinda blobbed together. also some more detail on the hardware couldn't hurt. I'd like to bake this down to a low poly but i'm not sure how that would work as a folio piece, might be better just to leave it as a hp piece. but i dunno. if you noticed any areas in particular that needed some love feel free to let me know :)

    @jocose: Thanks for the input, i didn't really think about that before. So when you mentioned presentation with the tortoise i pictured a little pedestal of dirt/grass and maybe him more in a walking stance. The eyes shouldn't be too hard (although it wasn't until this assignment that i knew you could work independently on 2 or more objects in zbrush), so I'll get those bad-boys in there and take a few more screens. i originally pictured him with a twig or somethin hanging out of his mouth too, but that might be too much. Also i really wanted to add more skin detail but i'm thinking my comp will die if i add any more divisions.

    Anywho, thanks for the suggestions! gets me excited to open these back up :)

    Keep em comin!
  • SouthpawSid
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    SouthpawSid polycounter lvl 7
    ahh Arizona Ai! Right on, I too get that 3 week break from Ai-OC. lol.
  • imb3nt
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    imb3nt polycounter lvl 14
    Right on.

    I hope you enjoy it as much as i'm gonna. :)
  • Andreas
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    Andreas polycounter lvl 11
    The knobs on the guitar look too sharp...your own design?
  • imb3nt
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    imb3nt polycounter lvl 14
    Nah, they're from reference. I wasn't 100% happy with them but i moved on to get the assignment done on time. I'll add that to the cleanup list :)

    Heres a better ref shot of the knobs.

  • imb3nt
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    imb3nt polycounter lvl 14
    Now to work on my final:

  • imb3nt
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    imb3nt polycounter lvl 14

    So this assignment is basically just building a hp and baking it down to a low but i'm starting to regret my choice. SOOO much little crap that i really want to model out and make but its starting to get closer to the deadline (tomorrow morning) and i'm thinking i'm just gonna stop where i am and bake it down to a quick low. I found some really great reference late in the game so i started trying to model everything out the best i could without spending too much time on one thing but i still want to give the tires more love before its all said and done. Any crits/tips would be greatly appreciated. :poly122:


  • ZacD
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    ZacD ngon master
    get busy, you have a lot of work left to do!
  • duoxan
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    duoxan polycounter lvl 17
    you finish it ben?
  • samgriffiths
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    seems like a decent school, which ?
  • imb3nt
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    imb3nt polycounter lvl 14
    @ duoxan
    I technically finished it but i'm gonna rework it from the ground up. I still have quite a bit of high poly work I wanted to do for it (more parts, welds, dents ect...) and the bake turned out pretty rough. BUT it was done enough for the class and the instructor liked it. :nerd:

    @ samgriffiths
    I go to the Art Institute of Phoenix. I started the program about 7 years ago before my 5 year break :P and they've totally restructured the game art program which is awesome. Before there were quite a few very generalized classes that worked for both game art and animation students but now they have very specific/specialized classes which is great. :thumbup:

    Now i can relax a bit. :poly122:
  • Disco Stu
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    relax another 5 years :D

    Nice job on the high.
  • duoxan
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    duoxan polycounter lvl 17
    rc's? turned out pretty sweet dude
  • imb3nt
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    imb3nt polycounter lvl 14
    Thanks dude, yeah it was for RC's.

    Started working on my earlier projects. Added some eyes to the turtle and it made a HUUUUUUGE difference (thx jocose) I'm gonna add some more detail to the base (rocks/leaves/roughage/ect) and maybe i can get some more skin detail before its all said and done. Then i can move on and finish the guitar.

  • imb3nt
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    imb3nt polycounter lvl 14
    This weeks assignment was decals in udk. I threw together a little scene where i could kinda bring 3 decals together. Right now the damage (chunks out of the drywall and on the edges, not the hole itself), the outlets and the drywall dust on the wall/ground are decals. I had fun with this one.

    Still working on a pretty big project in the meantime. C&C appreciated. :)

  • Raider
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    Raider polycounter lvl 9
    I quite like that mini environment except for the huge blackness of that AO, way tooooo much AO for the skirtings etc
  • vofff
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    vofff polycounter lvl 10
    are u going to make them into low polys?
  • ZacD
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    ZacD ngon master
    yeah way too much AO for the corners and the wall is too bumpy, looks more like stone, I really like the dry wall damage though.
  • imb3nt
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    imb3nt polycounter lvl 14
    Thanks guys, I'll jump on it after work today. I need to do some reading on how to adjust screenspace ambient occlusion. :poly122:

    @ vofff: Thats probably as low poly as its gonna get, the whole scene is 336 triangles right now but I'll take a 2nd look at it tonight and see if i can cut down somewhere.
  • Joseph Silverman
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    Joseph Silverman polycounter lvl 17
    Yeah zac is totally right about the drywall -- it looks like you have a bit of a cloudy pattern to go along the noisy pattern, and that's making the wall look rocky.

    Drywall is flat, the only place 'cloudiness' would come into the normal is on the bumps themselves -- they aren't really consistent in height so making the cloudy heightmap to them only might get the desired visual detail without misrepresenting the surface.
  • nullfed
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    nullfed polycounter lvl 9
    All nice stuff.

    That tortoise is cool - some more scales on the limbs would finish it nicely. The shell grooves are great. Polypaint it!
  • imb3nt
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    imb3nt polycounter lvl 14
    Keeping busy lately. :)

    Heres some work from my character modelling class.

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