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3DS Max TF2 model import help

Hi, i'm new to modeling because I have though of a good misc item for the Pyro in Team Fortress 2, the "Mangled Musician's Mask." I would like to model and send this in to Valve, hopefully looking very close to this:

What I have done is downloaded a thirty day free trial of 3DS Max to do this, considering modelers like Gerre did a mask for the Medic in a half an hour, I figure, even for a noobie like myself, I could do a simple white mask.

Now my problem is that I can't import the TF2 model into 3DS, I followed the instructions in this thread here:
and downloaded what importers and exporters I needed to and placed them in the correct folders, now when i try to import the smd files for pyro, nothing in the folder pops up.

Some help for this would greatly be appreciated asap, because I hope to get most of this done before vacation, and maybe send it in early enough for Valve to maybe, just maybe, put it in for Halloween! Thanks for all your help, and wish me luck on my first modeling endevour! :D


  • Mark Dygert
    Offline / Send Message
    So I take it you've decompiled the models and you have a bunch of SMD files?

    The majority of those files are animations that do not contain a mesh. There is one reference SMD that contains the mesh. That's the one you want to locate and import.

    I've also decompiled all of the TF2 character models and textures, then saved them out as .obj files. I can probably go digging through my junk drive to see if I still have them but since you probably just need to import the ref smd, you're so close its not worth it.
  • EvilDeadFan
    Offline / Send Message
    Yet I've put them all in a specific folder and none appear when I try to import, what am I doing wrong? Is it that the import program won't work on 2011? In that case could somebody please link a 2010 demo downloader? I'd be very grateful, thanks! :D
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