With their new album release (which is amazing), Arcade Fire is performing a live YouTube broadcast from Madison Square Garden tomorrow (8/5/10) at 10pm EST
The show will be available at the above link.
Thanks for posting it.
Shit's going down in an hour.
Really great band!! Go Canada
They're showing a couple of the songs... one of their best was Rococo... Will playing the synths on that got OUT of control and I can only imagine how incredibly loud and powerful it was at the stadium... gotta put the headphones on or on some nice speakers for due justice.
I really hope they re-air the entire show or sell it... I'd buy that noise in a heartbeat.
Right, got to stop gushing like a little indie hipster fanboy!
Is Rococo a song from their new album? Not sure which one it is, but I recall an amazing song from the concert I didn't recognize... must be it!
I enjoyed Wake Up as the finale, but that song just feels so awesome...
I caught the rebroadcast right after it finished live, so got to listen through it all afterall!!