Hey everyone, I'm really still a novice at art and game art, and I know many other people on these boards are as well, and so I thought I would make this thread so that more seasoned polycount artists could help out the newbies and maybe even give some tips to some other artists.
The point of this thread is for you guys to share a PSD file. Any PSD file, it can be from a past personal project perhaps, an SDK texture, whatever. It can be anything from environments, props and characters.
So basically you would post the PSD file and what its from, and thats it really, watch people give thank yous and such.

Thanks Everyone
Seriously though I think actual tutorials would probably be more helpful.
edit: http://www.filefront.com/17162229/Texture4-
I mean, what could he possibly do with your psds
Make a model for your texture?
.PSD, .Max with HP, LP (Plane), bake already set up, bla bla, everyhing is in there.
Download: http://rapidshare.com/files/249054816/HP_STC_wall.rar
PS. .MAX will only work in 3DsMax2010.
But i do think it could be a neat idea to see peoples psd's though. See what kind of masks they use and how they do certain things (deeper technical stuff).
eric - I know how tuts might be a better, but still I've learned quite a bit by looking through people's psds and hopefully some other people can learn as well
maze - I know how you might think this could be a bad idea and not as helpful, but I mean you can still learn from psds, looking at other people's texturing workflow is a great way to add to your own.
Matthew - That is exactly the kindof thing I'm looking for thank you for sharing
HP - that os awesome thanks for sharing man
I think that to improve the helpful factor I think possibly when you post the psd you can give a quick rundown of your process for that texture, or course you don't have to, but that would make it a little bit more helpful to some people
Thanks again everyone
someone did just that with this model
and sold it on turbosquid.
You can reverse engineer, see how they set and laid it out. What is really required.