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[Portfolio] – Chemical Alia

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Chemical Alia polycounter lvl 7
I'm putting together a new portfolio site, and any feedback regarding navigation, organization, load times or the content itself would be much appreciated. It's a simple Carbonmade, with fairly limited layout options, so for now my goal is to present the images in a clean and non-confusing way. I'd like to add more detailed descriptions, and new content is always incoming.


Thank you!


  • Vrav
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    Vrav polycounter lvl 11
    I like it. Maybe make the abandoned mine shots appear first in your environment art section, since that's the thumbnail and all... but I'm guessing these are ordered newest to oldest, so it should be cool once you have textured shots of the street corner.

    Your texturing style in that section is really unusual... it's cool, but weird. Like if HL2 and TF2 had babies.
  • ScudzAlmighty
    Your 2D stuff is fantastic Shaylyn, especially that 3rd pic with the multi-coloured braids, very very nice.

    the layout works for me, I know some people like to stress the "keep it all on one page" thing, but your strong in all the categories you've got up. And while it's one extra button press, it's a button i want to press.

    I might suggest moving the Abandoned mine to the top of that stack (and trying to keep the top image and the Enviro's image in sync), but also spend some time with the smaller details. It looks really good from far back but up close its a little boring.
  • GarageBay9
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    GarageBay9 polycounter lvl 13
    You have to do some tutorials showing your Photoshop workflow for your 2D work.

    I will PAY you for tutorials of your 2D workflow. My God, that stuff is savagely awesome.
  • StefanH
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    StefanH polycounter lvl 12
    Hospital is your strongest piece i think. I would put it first!
  • Marine
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    Marine polycounter lvl 19
    Great stuff all round, I'd ditch the radio from your environment section, it feels out of place.
    And art intern on Rage? Bastard.
  • Holi
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    Holi polycounter lvl 16
  • r_fletch_r
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    r_fletch_r polycounter lvl 9
    Layouts simple and solid. I love your paintings, alot of variety. the Asian with the bleached dreads is great.

    That little lowpoly transistor radio really doesnt deserve to be with the rest of your work though, it needs some beveling and a rebake. For the highpoly I think your have the coord space of your environment map setup incorrectly. it looks like its being projected in screen rather than spherical space.

    On a picky note I would consider increasing the sampling rate of your ambient occlusion renders. If your using a Mentalray equiped app a Physical Sun/Sky system could really make your buildings look nice(since your going down the offline render route.)
  • Surfa
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    Surfa polycounter lvl 12
    I feel like you environment work is a massive disappointment after seeing you 2d skills and your tf2 stuff.
    I did a quick image (with super awesome spelling mistakes) to express my feelings better. My main concern isn't with the modeling but with you texture usage.

    Also with you 2d stuff I would personally remove
    and maybe these

    Also push this image to the top it is just fantastic.
  • fabio brasilien
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    fabio brasilien polycounter lvl 11
    Congratulation for your master degree, I didn´t know you had finished. I´ve seen your posts regards female characters. Very good stuff! Also congratulation to being working with RAGE. I´m sure soon you gonna have more nice stuff to put in your portfolio.
    I agree with Surfa in most points, even you don´t want to change your already finished work those are good tips.
    That radio doesn´t fit on that... :)
    In my opinion don´t remove 783x1000.jpg and 666x850.jpg they are nice.
    By the way...your image:
    What a great image!!!...I also need a tutorial... ;)
  • Saman
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    Saman polycounter lvl 14
    These look very interesting. I don't understand why you don't have larger versions of them; http://media.cmcdn.net/8625431/800x152.jpeg

    I think your TF2 characters look great!

    But I don't agree on removing these;
  • Hoopla!
  • Vguhal
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    Vguhal polycounter lvl 9
    Layout is simple and effective, looking good :).

    I agree with ScudzAlmighty that you should move the abandoned mine piece up to the top of the 3D section, and like Surfa's crit image says, I think it would benefit you to remove the transistor radio until you can get a better bake out of it.

    I might also suggest that you switch the position of your mod projects directory with the 2D section... I think your TF2 characters are a really strong portion of your work and it would help if people saw them earlier rather than later (left to right, top to bottom reading style?).

    The hair on this is amazing btw:
  • Chemical Alia
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    Chemical Alia polycounter lvl 7
    Thanks for all the suggestions and thoughts, guys! Everything is spot on to what my main concerns are about, and I'm in agreement with almost everything that was mentioned.
    I might suggest moving the Abandoned mine to the top of that stack (and trying to keep the top image and the Enviro's image in sync), but also spend some time with the smaller details. It looks really good from far back but up close its a little boring.
    Vrav wrote: »
    I like it. Maybe make the abandoned mine shots appear first in your environment art section, since that's the thumbnail and all... but I'm guessing these are ordered newest to oldest, so it should be cool once you have textured shots of the street corner.

    Your texturing style in that section is really unusual... it's cool, but weird. Like if HL2 and TF2 had babies.

    Exactly, I think the mine probably makes sense to be first, but I was undecided since the WIP is newer . I guess I'll leave the mine first until I get father along with the street corner scene. That dilemma has been really bugging me, lol. But yeah, I spent so much time researching TF2 when working on my master's, it doesn't surprise me that some of the style might have leaked into my other stuff v: I don't really see it, but it's been pointed out a bunch of times. Not sure if it's just my preference for settings or the work itself.

    GarageBay9 wrote: »
    You have to do some tutorials showing your Photoshop workflow for your 2D work.

    I will PAY you for tutorials of your 2D workflow. My God, that stuff is savagely awesome.

    I'd be more than happy to share my process, I just need to make a note of it when I'm working! I rarely work the same exact way (or adhere to best practices), but I have some methods that work for me overall and I've been meaning to do a tutorial for a while. This is a pretty crappy example, but sometimes I keep track of my progress and share it at different stages of refinement, maybe a drawing like this might interest you for now: http://chemicalalia.deviantart.com/gallery/#/d2jwrz0
    r_fletch_r wrote: »
    That little lowpoly transistor radio really doesnt deserve to be with the rest of your work though, it needs some beveling and a rebake. For the highpoly I think your have the coord space of your environment map setup incorrectly. it looks like its being projected in screen rather than spherical space.

    On a picky note I would consider increasing the sampling rate of your ambient occlusion renders. If your using a Mentalray equiped app a Physical Sun/Sky system could really make your buildings look nice(since your going down the offline render route.)

    Thanks, I'll check that out! And ugh, yeah, radio normals desperately need attention. That's one of the ones I was really hesitant to include, though I like the hipoly itself, but the more I think about it, having it there just draws attention to my CONSPICUOUS LACK OF INDIVIDUAL ASSETS. Which I'm currently rectifying, anyway c:
    Surfa wrote: »
    I feel like you environment work is a massive disappointment after seeing you 2d skills and your tf2 stuff.
    I did a quick image (with super awesome spelling mistakes) to express my feelings better. My main concern isn't with the modeling but with you texture usage.

    Also with you 2d stuff I would personally remove
    and maybe these

    Also push this image to the top it is just fantastic.

    Thanks for the in-depth look! You're totally right about the textures (the point about the fence made me lol). It's hard for me to draw the line when it comes to including earlier work, since I've made a lot of mistakes along the way. I would prefer to just cycle old stuff out, rather than going back and fixing it, but maybe this scene could benefit from some re-work. I'll ditch it until then, in either case! No scrubs.

    Vguhal wrote: »
    I might also suggest that you switch the position of your mod projects directory with the 2D section... I think your TF2 characters are a really strong portion of your work and it would help if people saw them earlier rather than later (left to right, top to bottom reading style?).

    This is totally logical and makes sense. I feel that the section is strong, but I am also somewhat paranoid of being perceived as a character artist. :shifty: I'll be adding more props and textures to that section shortly, since I'm creating assets for a map contest, so it's definitely something to consider.
  • Bishop
    Your portfolio is amazing. I'm just a sucker for tf2 work anyways. And your resume is pretty interesting in-fact.
  • Chemical Alia
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    Chemical Alia polycounter lvl 7
    Well, I added a section for publications. A lot of people ask for access to my paper, so I figured it would be good to have it up there somewhere. I think can do more with HTML and I know someone who got colors working, but text stuff is very limited. As it is right now, the description of the project requires a click just to see it, and I couldn't even find it at first.

    I also don't like how the actual links are all the way at the bottom. I really want to get them a different color too. Suggestions would be awesome, and I wonder how confusing it actually is right now. I could maybe make it available in the "About" link, but I actually find that a little hard to notice as well.



    Bishop wrote: »
    Your portfolio is amazing. I'm just a sucker for tf2 work anyways. And your resume is pretty interesting in-fact.

    Haha, thank you.
  • jakelear
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    jakelear polycounter lvl 14
    I don't have any unique feedback on the site, but I wanted to ask if you do commissions?
    I'm particularly interested in the TF2 Spy Drawing, and possibly commissioning prints in this style.

    Edit: Awesome work!
  • bounchfx
    wow. fantastic work!
  • BradMyers82
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    BradMyers82 interpolator
    I especially dig your 2d art. Great portfolio of work!
  • Shogun3d
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    Shogun3d polycounter lvl 12
    Interesting work, I really like the mod work done on for TF2, however if you're shooting for an Environment Artist position I would provide more primary full environment and asset pieces.

    For example, on your 3d page, you have a wireframe shaded as your first image. Shove that down and put your best rendered/engine full piece on top so that it's the first thing a director would see. Provide some texture flats as well to display your ability to texture utilizing various maps.

    You have very strong traditional skills which makes me very envious :) I would suggest some environment sketches if possible.

    As for the rest of your 2d stuff or if you need help laying out some things talk to Elliot Lilly, he's a concept artist about to join you folks down in ID Software and is very talented.

    Good luck!!
  • Chemical Alia
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    Chemical Alia polycounter lvl 7
    kaburan wrote: »

    True that, thanks for the suggestions! I currently have what I'd consider my best work up, though I definitely want to go back and get some more renders with wireframes, texture samples etc. Right now my main focus is to simply make more stuff, both full scenes and individual assets, so I'm getting there little by little. Working is pretty much my only hobby until I'm satisfied with my body of work and the quantity of it.

    I remember when Elliot came down last month, we all went to lunch, though I didn't get a chance to meet him personally. His work is completely badass, glad to hear he'll be starting here soon!
  • Shogun3d
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    Shogun3d polycounter lvl 12
    Hey don't make fun of me, Stuff is a great word. You can use it for anything!
  • Chemical Alia
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    Chemical Alia polycounter lvl 7
    jakelear wrote: »
    I don't have any unique feedback on the site, but I wanted to ask if you do commissions?
    I'm particularly interested in the TF2 Spy Drawing, and possibly commissioning prints in this style.

    Edit: Awesome work!

    Sorry I missed your question before. I can do commissions, but right now it mostly depends on the scope of the project and what the time requirements might be. Feel free to drop me a line, I'd be interested in hearing what you had in mind.
  • achillesian
  • Marcan
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    Marcan polycounter lvl 12

    Amazing portfolio, probably one of my favourite so far. Clean presentation; your 2d stuff is especially solid. My only issue is too few 3d works, and being generally weaker than your 2d stuff. But some of them are still great!

    You're very talented, great work and good luck!
  • plyrs
    Good clean portfolio layout. Your 2d painting skills are amazing. I would like to see that put to work on some hand painted texture work :D

    Seeing a portfolio like yours certainly gave me a swift kick in the pants. Back to work on the projects for me!
  • Chemical Alia
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    Chemical Alia polycounter lvl 7
    Marcan wrote: »

    Amazing portfolio, probably one of my favourite so far. Clean presentation; your 2d stuff is especially solid. My only issue is too few 3d works, and being generally weaker than your 2d stuff. But some of them are still great!

    You're very talented, great work and good luck!

    Thank you kindly! And yeah, I have a traditional fine arts background, so I've been accustomed to that much longer than I have 3d. I really enjoy it now, and I'm trying to focus on those skills in particular.
    plyrs wrote: »
    Good clean portfolio layout. Your 2d painting skills are amazing. I would like to see that put to work on some hand painted texture work :D

    Seeing a portfolio like yours certainly gave me a swift kick in the pants. Back to work on the projects for me!

    Haha, projects are good. One of my friends is working on that Art Pass TF2 map contest, and I'm helping him by creating custom textures and new assets, since it's a Middle Eastern theme. I've started slowly adding some new hand-painted stuff to the mod section, hopefully that helps fill it out a bit by the end of the project.
  • jakelear
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    jakelear polycounter lvl 14
    Lovin' those door textures, nicely done.
  • Hazardous
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    Hazardous polycounter lvl 12
    btw great thesis, was an enjoyable cuppa tea morning read!!!
  • Chemical Alia
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    Chemical Alia polycounter lvl 7
    Well, I got my layout pretty much to a point where I'm satisfied with it. I'll try to get my domain name transfered over as soon as possible, but there's still one thing that's bugging me about the site itself. I'm starting to add new stuff to the mod section, examples of individual assts for the TF2 Art Pass contest. They're mostly just diffuse, with a few normal maps here and there, though, so I might want to present them in a more interesting way, and grouped together in the engine.

    Did anybody actually click or notice the tiny little About page at the top? That's where my contact info and stuff is outside of the resume, and I really hate how much it's off to the side like that. If it's hard to notice, maybe it would be worth it to put that info in the resume section as well? I don't think I want to add another non-image thumbnail, but it seems pretty important.
  • Shogun3d
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    Shogun3d polycounter lvl 12
    I'm able to notice it just fine. I wouldn't worry about it's position. Looks fine.
  • piippo
    Noticed it just fine too, although I first glanced the major sections first.
  • Chemical Alia
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    Chemical Alia polycounter lvl 7
    kaburan wrote: »
    I'm able to notice it just fine. I wouldn't worry about it's position. Looks fine.

    piippo wrote: »
    Noticed it just fine too, although I first glanced the major sections first.

    Hmm, interesting. I mostly brought it up because totally failed to notice it myself for like, several days. But I'm fine with it too, as long as people can find my email and what not.
  • raul
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    raul polycounter lvl 11
    outstanding folio, shaylin! :)
  • JonathanF
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    JonathanF polycounter lvl 13
    great work! I love your recreations of team fortress to female characters! your environmental are awesome! AND on top of that! your 2d skills are sick! Keep up the amazing work!
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