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MEGAMIND. Looks brilliant!!



It's looks like an amazing teenage/more mature master piece from dreamworks!

Got really excited when I saw this.


  • ZacD
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    ZacD ngon master
    I saw the trailer before inception and thought it looked horrible... I didn't laugh once. I don't think they've put out a decent movie since the first shrek. IMO
  • Swizzle
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    Swizzle polycounter lvl 15
    That looks awful.
  • Paul Pepera
  • Skamberin
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    Skamberin polycounter lvl 14
    I like the concept of the badguy winning for once. Will give it a shot, it looks like a dreamworks movie though.
  • ZacD
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    ZacD ngon master
    Why would they do that to themselves...
  • Skamberin
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    Skamberin polycounter lvl 14
  • HonkyPunch
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    HonkyPunch polycounter lvl 18
    chick looks like she has the downs.
  • Monkeez
    I agree with the faces being a silly argument but Wall-e = Short Circuit I'm not too sure about.
  • ScudzAlmighty
    it's the incredibles 2 with bad voice actors. and not Incredible...
  • conte
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    conte polycounter lvl 18
  • Skamberin
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    Skamberin polycounter lvl 14
    Not Pixar = bad always and forever.
  • fearian
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    fearian greentooth
    I liked the 'ith unfathomable!' joke at the end of the trailer, and the Idea is cool, but It hasnt stopped them from making the bad guy look like a walking joke, wacky but lovable as he mishaps his way to success and finds a heart of gold at the end of the journey of a lifetimFUCK THAT SHIT gimme space hitler.
  • Monkeez
    Skamberin wrote: »
    Not Pixar = bad always and forever.

    I enjoyed How to Train Your Dragon.

    Oh and also I'm really not looking forward to when Pixar release Cars 2.
  • Skamberin
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    Skamberin polycounter lvl 14
    Loved How to Train Your Dragon. And Pixar is as hit and miss as Dreamworks imo.
    Pixar has a better track record because they've released less movies.

    Echoing not wanting Cars 2.
  • Steve Schulze
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    Steve Schulze polycounter lvl 18
    Dreamworks do occasionally pull off a good movie. I really liked Kung Fu Panda and despite the awful trailer, the Dragon one has got nothing but positive reviews from everyone I know who's seen it. That said, this appears to be less great. What's the other 3d animated super hero related movie where the villain is the protagonist in the works at the moment? That one looked better...

    *checking... checking...*

    Ah. Despicable Me.
    Still not the most amazing looking of films, but definitely the pick of the two.
  • HonkyPunch
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    HonkyPunch polycounter lvl 18
  • Nick Carver
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    Nick Carver polycounter lvl 10
    I really don't find this appealing at all. I've always found the Shrek films to be cynically constructed cashcows (needlessly crammed with star names, movie/pop-culture references every few minutes to keep the adults entertained, endlessly rehashing the same jokes) that seem to have been purposefully tailored to generate the biggest revenue possible. The fact that this is from the 'genuises' that brought us those films is not very inspiring. The character design in Megamind is pretty lazy and in some cases (Megamind himself) downright ugly too.

    I think that with How to Train Your Dragon and - to some extent - Kung Fu Panda, Dreamworks are trying harder to create genuinely enjoyable films, but this looks like another predictable, bland piece of fluff. I wonder how much of that is down to Jeffrey Katzenberg - apparently he was determined to make Toy Story more 'edgy' (ie. crap) while in charge of motion picture development at Disney. Also, Aardman split from Dreamworks after meddling from Katzenberg over the direction of Curse of the Wererabbit and Flushed Away.
  • Taylor Hood
    Jeeze...I can kind of understand the harshness towards Dreamworks but come on.

    I loved the style and to me Megamind (the character) was appealing.
    I think Despicable Me looks amazing aswell.

    Yes it's ANOTHER superhero movie but I love the animation, gotta give it that. IT'S DREAMWORKS.

    Pixar will always be king tho =]

    Weirdly, I never actually enjoyed Shrek at all. Was kinda meh...
  • Blaizer
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    Blaizer interpolator
    I think some of you really don't like this kind of 3d movies... then watch japanese ANIME and tell me (you have too many genres). If you don't like anything, then i must suppose you are depressed or something :D cuz this new film looks funny enough to be watched on my huge TV or in the cinema with the kids. I laughed with the trailer.

    we are getting older and we are losing the child within us? :P

    I remember you that these films are aimed to all ages, but more for small kids. Don't expect something very complex because the answer will be always a NO.

    Anyone watched planet 51? the story was very very bad, but the kids in my family loved it.

    I watched Monsters vs Aliens the other day and i enjoyed it. It has its flaws like all, but it was good!

    Too many countries would like to have companies like pixar and dreamworks.. i don't understand some of you :D, What do you expect? Avatar level with better story?
  • ZacD
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    ZacD ngon master
    The trailer just seemed so stupid. Oh look at me I'm a stupid silly Evil Alien that's really not that evil.
  • PolyHertz
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    PolyHertz polycount lvl 666
    Like how the bad guy wins, and the 'unfathomable' part at the end. Otherwise, looks dull, and the characters uninteresting.
  • ScudzAlmighty
    I expect appealing character design and voice actors who can act, not fucking Jonah Hill.
    Monsters vs Aliens was entertaining sure, it wasn't a shadow of Nemo, Bugs Life, the Incredibles, Ratatoullie, Fantastic Mr. Fox, Kung Fu Panda, 9, or a dozen other animated films, and hey isn't this the same villain?

    it's got nothing to do with "losing the child within us" and everything to do with another mediocre movie from a mostly mediocre studio.
  • Taylor Hood
    Tbh I think Johan Hills mediocre voice acting goes well with his actual character in the trailer. He's kinda like a subdued, nerdy, shy and akward kinda guy so his voice isn't going to be prominent, I think.

    To be honest everyone sound like they are dissing Dreamworks but they are one of the top dogs along with Pixar and ILM. Even if it has bad voice actor choices and, for some of you, unappealing characters, it's still VERY high qaulity animation. These guys are some of the best at animation - maybe not at ideas.
  • BunnyJen
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    BunnyJen polycounter lvl 6
    I like the idea behind it, but most of the characters annoyed the hell out of me so I can't see myself managing to sit through it. :/
  • Taylor Hood
    Elaborate on how they annoyed you?
  • BunnyJen
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    BunnyJen polycounter lvl 6
    Same voices I hear in almost every animated film, whiney annoying ott voices that I dunno if I can bear listening to for two hours againnnn. The bad guy just frustrated me too, just didn't feel very interesting or original. Felt like a mix between your standard alien, Mars Attacks aliens and the bad guy in Monsters vs Aliens. Just didn't feel inspired at all. But that's just my opinion. I agree the animation is good, but good animation won't save the film for me if I don't connect/care for the characters, I'll just lose ineterst. :)
  • Nick Carver
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    Nick Carver polycounter lvl 10
    High production values, animation quality and art direction are a given with these studios. Maybe we've become a little numb to the visual quality of these animated movies, but the fact remains that over time they will live and die by the quality of their characters and storylines. As an example, Open Season had some of the best character design and animation I've seen in a movie, but I couldn't tell you a single memorable thing that happened in that film. I don't think that any of the Dreamworks animations - with the exception of How to Train Your Dragon - will age very well due to their over-reliance on big names, pop culture humour etc. For me, it's cynical, short-termist film-making. But hey, it's incredibly successful so what do I know. When you look at a Pixar movie they all feel so genuine and heartfelt and it's very easy to imagine Toy Story or the Incredibles still being as beloved 30 years from now.

    BTW, I thought Cloudy with a Chance of Meatballs was stupidly entertaining and had all the right ingredients when it came to story, animation, characters etc. Check it out if you haven't already!
  • Mezz
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    Mezz polycounter lvl 8
    So, I seem to KEEP hearing, 'hype, hype, hype' for this movie, so clicking into this thread, I was like, oo!! Trailer for it!! hoping it could live up to a lot of the hype ALREADY out there.

    Keeping in mind that I watched this trailer, knowing Dreamworks CAN do good things: I was... so very underwhelmed. This looks COMPLETELY like a cash cow that they're trying to milk, but others got their first and left only the last few drops. I kept thinking, hey, this is kinda like the Incredibles... but not very good.

    Yes, the ANIMATION looked good. But that's not what the point here is. This movie looks like a bunch of big-name actors crammed into a tirelessly copied idea. The bad-guy winning COULD make for a great story, but a good movie needs more than one great idea to carry it. This movie looks VERY dissapointing already.

    For everyone brining up How To Train Your Dragon (which, imo, is an AMAZING movie, great story, designs, everything), I just want to point out that the guys in charge of making it awesome were with Disney before. Before they brought Chris Sanders and Dean DeBlois on, they admitted it was headed for a train wreck. In fact, we have them to thank for Lilo and Stich as well. So yes, it was through Dreamworks, but what's more important is the specific PEOPLE working directly on each project. Like, I LOVE Pixar, but think John Lasseter should stay away from the creative side nowadays. NO MORE CAR MOVIES. Whereas Brad Bird was in charge of the Incredibles, and everyone knows how amazing that movie was.

    Despicable Me was really funny and cute, but you gotta admit was shadowed immensly in comparisson to Toy Story 3. (It would probably be better commended if it hadn't come out between two monster animated hits--HTTYD, and TS3)

    Now, what I'M looking forward to coming up is the new Disney movie Tangled.
    [ame]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ip_0CFKTO9E[/ame] Given I have a huge bias towards stories doing contemporary takes on classic Fairy Tales, I think this movie looks AWESOME. When I saw it in Theatres before Toy Story 3, the entire trailer had me smiling. It feels like it has LIFE to it, that people ENJOYED working on it. Megamind, and all it's jokes, feels like a group of people sitting around a table trying to come up with lines that will cater to the largest audience and will be in keeping with public trends. It feels like it lacks SOUL.

    Okay, maybe I'm looking too much into ONE trailer, and it actually will be a lot of fun. But so far, it just seems like insanely overhyped tripe to me.

    Phew /end rant. Sorry, I'm a little passionate about animated films... can you tell I'm an animator?
  • crazyfingers
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    crazyfingers polycounter lvl 10
    Cloudy with a Chance of Meatballs was good, Toy Story 3, How to Raise a Dragon. But I'm getting a bit sick of 3D feature films of late. Too zany, too off the wall, too... i'm not even sure what the word is. Geeky? These films are largely the realization of spastic happy-go-lucky creatives all trying to outdo each other with campier plots, cuter characters, sh*t music and gut wrenching romances. They're not the "film for the whole family" that they used to be.

    P.S. Living hair is inherently creepy:

  • PixelMasher
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    PixelMasher veteran polycounter
    Cloudy with a chance of meatballs was really surprisingly good, same with kung fu panda to some extent.

    but this looks like....Will Farrel as every other character hes done, random yelling that isnt funny. and you can bet jonah hill will have some scene where he wispers something awkward really closeley into someones ear......just like every other movie he is. I was expecting Michael cera to apper and make some stuttery awkward line.

    the animation itself looks nice, visually it doesn't look as mind blowing as something like ratatouille but whatever, the characters just seem like the same characters those actors always play.
  • Autocon
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    Autocon polycounter lvl 15
    That movie looks bad. The only time I laughed or even smiled was at the custom baby seal boots.

    looking forward to Tangled though. And hopefully more 2D animated movies.
  • glynnsmith
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    glynnsmith polycounter lvl 17
    It's kind of like: Dreamworks makes films for kids, but Pixar make films that appeal and resonate to all ages.

    I can't stand Shrek and, I think, Shrek 2 was the last Dreamworks film I've seen. I won't be watching this. It looks like the same old, tired shit. All with dodgy cut-aways to gaudy pop music sequences and montages.

    Nice idea, but wasted - It's a shame Dreamworks have done a "badguy wins" film, as any of the other big 3D CG studios would probably have made it more appealing.
  • Fuse
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    Fuse polycounter lvl 18
    What most studios do is silly slapstick toilet humour filled with cliches and dumbed down material for children. Couple that with anything-but-subtle animation and in-your-face special effects and you've got a recipe for a film that kids will just eat up.

    Problem is that most kids cant even tell a difference between a quality animated feature like Toy Story 3 and a stupid nonsense like Tangled. To them it's all the same.

    I am beginning to think that Pixar is coming to a point where most of their work is becoming more and more mature. There's still enough there for the kids to giggle at, but their recent work with Ratatouille, Wall-e and especially Up just feels so special.

    Every time I watch a Pixar film and I cant help but vomit at the rubbish that's coming from Disney in the preview trailers.

    Dreamworks and others sure have their moments once in a while, but I usually judge an animated film by how well it can age. 90% of films made by Pixar competitors do not age well at all. Silly pop culture slapstick cant hold up and the star studded voice cast wont carry the film with no substance.

    I can still watch Toy Story and enjoy it. What they do is pure magic.
  • Entity
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    Entity polycounter lvl 18
    I'm cool with most of the stuff Dreamworks and Pixar come up with, what I can't stand is another Ice Age..
  • Steve Schulze
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    Steve Schulze polycounter lvl 18
    Mezz wrote: »
    Now, what I'M looking forward to coming up is the new Disney movie Tangled.
    Ooh. After Bolt (best 3d film outside of Pixar's portfolio by a wide margin) I'll also be looking forward to seeing what Disney's crew come up with next. I wonder how much crossover in staff there are given that they're both under the same company and indeed both run by Lasseter.

    If you're looking for all alternative to the existing studios, Rango looks like it might have some potential
    It's certainly pretty.
  • Skamberin
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    Skamberin polycounter lvl 14
    Let's not forget Blur studios foray in to the world of animated feature movies:

    Which certainly looks like it will be pretty awesome.
  • HonkyPunch
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    HonkyPunch polycounter lvl 18
    Rango and The Goon actually both look good.
    I like the whole Western thing rango seems to have going.
  • Kraftwerk
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    Kraftwerk polycounter lvl 19
    Totally looking forward Megamind in our cinemas, also i really like Dreamworks stuff in general, what i dont get how Pixar has such a godlike status i mean they make great movies like Wall-E or The Incredibles but not every movie, for example i really hated Ratatouille, Finding Nemo also disapointed me and i didnt even bother to see Cars...
  • crazyfingers
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