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Kickstarting Yourself

Seeing as this is my very first post on these here forums, I thought I'd start off with asking advice on what seems to be my biggest problem: Getting myself started.

What did you do to start yourself off in the early throes of working in 3D? Was it a challenge, smaller tasks, or something in the middle? Did you hop on a project, or start something by yourself?

Essentially, this is where I'm at: I have a degree, I know how to make things pretty well when I'm tasked to do so, however I don't have any drive to do it alone. As odd as it might sound, I'm in the stage between newbie and know-what-the-hell-I'm-doing stage, where I have skills, but if I don't start using them soon, they'll be lost, and I really, really do not want that. At the same time, I don't want to jump on a team and be dragged through the mud because of the fear that my work is sub-par. I can go into the details of why, if one would like to hear the story, but otherwise I'll save that for a different time.

Despite my personal phobias/demons/monkey on my back, quite glad to be here, and I hope to get some inspiration from you fine folks.


  • Jon Rush
    What's your goal? Is it to land a job in the games industry?

    If so, you should seriously re-think that. The competition to get in is so fierce, that if you're not a self starter with an insane amount of talent, you have a pretty slim chance at best. I'm not trying to be overly negative- just letting you know what I've seen in my decade in the business.

    My advice is to do what interests you. What sort of characters do you like? What styles of art interest you the most? You need to find some inspiration that lights the spark...

    'What did you do to start yourself off in the early throes of working in 3D? Was it a challenge, smaller tasks, or something in the middle? Did you hop on a project, or start something by yourself?'

    I taught myself the software while studying trompe l'oeil painting in college, as a studio arts major at Cal Poly. I saw the corelation between how game art was made, and with what I was focusing on in school.

    After making my first orange (sphere) with a horrible bump map, I jumped straight into making characters, and never looked back.

    1 year later, I got my first job offer. I did an insane amount of personal work in that time span, never being without an idea.

    You just need to find some subject matter that you find appealing.
  • Mezz
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    Mezz polycounter lvl 8
    Welcome to Polycount!!

    " I know how to make things pretty well when I'm tasked to do so, however I don't have any drive to do it alone" --this was me for oh, about a year and a half once I graduated from College. Eventually I realized that this attitude doesn't fly. I too like to be part of a team, with projects to complete for someone else's deadline. That being said, being out of school and without a job, but WANTING a job, I finally learned that I'll have to make my own motivation and get stuff done, if I want out of my dead-end retail job.

    This might not be exactly what you meant, but certainly you'll have to find motivation on your own. It might take some time to figure out what motivates you to complete your own projects, so I wish you luck in getting there as soon as possible.

    This forum is a great place to start--post some of your work for us to see! Get some project going, even a really small one, and post it for critiques! Having other people look at and comment on your work is a great way to get motivated. So let's see some art!
  • GON
    I really do appreciate the replies. Thanks for the welcome!
    What's your goal? Is it to land a job in the games industry?

    If so, you should seriously re-think that. The competition to get in is so fierce, that if you're not a self starter with an insane amount of talent, you have a pretty slim chance at best. I'm not trying to be overly negative- just letting you know what I've seen in my decade in the business.

    So I've heard. I'd eventually like to get there, but honestly, I want to do anything animation related, because the entire field is fascinating and fun. I suppose I've just lost that idea in my head.

    Also, the mentality of insane qualifications seems to be across the job spectrum, at least in this area.
    I taught myself the software while studying trompe l'oeil painting in college, as a studio arts major at Cal Poly. I saw the corelation between how game art was made, and with what I was focusing on in school.

    That's pretty darn cool. I was more into the Baroque era, and the play with light and shadow to direct your eye.
    this was me for oh, about a year and a half once I graduated from College. Eventually I realized that this attitude doesn't fly. I too like to be part of a team, with projects to complete for someone else's deadline. That being said, being out of school and without a job, but WANTING a job, I finally learned that I'll have to make my own motivation and get stuff done, if I want out of my dead-end retail job.

    That's...pretty much a summary of where I'm at actually.
    This might not be exactly what you meant, but certainly you'll have to find motivation on your own. It might take some time to figure out what motivates you to complete your own projects, so I wish you luck in getting there as soon as possible.

    Yeah, I know I need motivation, it's just finding something I'd like to do. I have projects started, but not finished. I'll throw some of them up on here and get some pointers, and then I'll most certainly push forward. I'd like to be a part of/be active in a community, and that's why I decided to sign up here. Every time I've been involved in any sort of community, I produce something, whether it's creative or constructive, regardless of what the community is.

    I'll post some stuff by the end of the week, and I'd love to hear some improvements.

    Again, really, thanks. You don't know how much I appreciate up-front and honest discussion. Unfortunately most of my 3D learning was fighting through extreme amounts of bull.
  • Firebert
    Offline / Send Message
    Firebert polycounter lvl 16
    Drink lots and lots of coffee; especially in the morning.
    Take note that that is what I am doing right now.
    Mmmmmmm.... coffee.
  • teaandcigarettes
    Offline / Send Message
    teaandcigarettes polycounter lvl 15
    Firebert wrote: »
    Mmmmmmm.... coffee.

    and cigarettes!

    These two inventions of humankind are enough to keep you running for years to come.

    Until you get a heart attack, or cancer. Apart from that, it's damn worth it.
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