This is a game released on Steam just recently.
Found an hour or two to play around today. Team based, non-violent lunar space game. You are an astronaut who is out on a rover mission when the life support facility is struck by a meteorite. You, and your team, must repair/replace the damaged components before the time(air) runs out. It requires a bit of teamwork.
Free! Fun! Sciency! Nerdy!
Uses the Unreal engine so the graphics aren't awful. Made by the guys behind Americas Army.
Anyway, check it out! Its a bit limited (only 1 map w/ varying levels of equipment to repair) and 1 scenario, but...still neat. I wish there were more games like this.
We played with like 4 people.
I'm really hoping they will make a few more maps with different things to do, and I also can't wait till NASA finishes that space MMO.