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Grid vs Non Grid (Modular Building)

polycounter lvl 13
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Enlighter polycounter lvl 13
So I have read over many articles everyone here was kind enough to share, but I have to ask another question.

Why in an engine like Unity would a grid based system be needed? What is the disadvantage of free form map building with modular pieces?

That is all :: )


  • Ark
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    Ark polycounter lvl 11
    I think sticking to the grid is a must when building modular stuff.
    You really want to keep to the grid on for the larger parts that define the structure and then you can disable the grid for the smaller items like windows etc.

    Keeping to the grid will enable easy snapping of the modular parts and save time messing about with pivots.
  • jocose
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    jocose polycounter lvl 11
    If you are doing an FPS it is a must, but if your using a modular set up for parts of the environment that the player will never interact with you can sometimes get away with just winging it.

    Its the type of thing you get with experience you just have set aside time for trying out a few modular set ups or just account for experimentation time when you go into a project.
  • Enlighter
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    Enlighter polycounter lvl 13
    Well the player will interact with many of the objects, I guess I just don't quite see why a grid is a must vs free placing items...

    Even in an FPS, why would a map be disadvantaged if it was free form "winging it" vs a snap too grid? The snap too might make things easier to place, but why does that affect anything else?

    Apologies for my lack of understanding, tis why I am asking the questions.

    Also I don't know if Unity has a grid that can be turned on or off.
  • Enlighter
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    Enlighter polycounter lvl 13
    Let me add, this is an online game, with non linear game play. Everything I read about using a grid points towards being advantageous for single player games with liner "you have to follow this path" type scenarios.

    We are building a world similar to that of Skate (for those familiar)
  • jocose
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    jocose polycounter lvl 11
    Grid snapping allows you to think less and make more. Its just a really nice way to make sure no mistakes are made, and then all the pieces always fit together. If its free form its gets really easy to make mistakes.

    You do A LOT of edits to 3d geometry and it gets really hard (at least in most work flows) to make sure things stay lined up unless you integrate the grid in there as a safety net.
  • Snight
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    Snight polycounter lvl 16
    ALWAYS use the grid when building a level using modular pieces. Smaller props can get away with not being on the grid in my opinion. It's not only faster if you use the grid for modular pieces, but more proficient as well. You avoid many issues such as z-fighting and gaps that could lead to draw distance leaks. Modularity and using the grid goes hand in hand. It is a complete headache to open a level someone has built and they had nothing on the grid.

    Here is a great article on Modular level design that explains a lot of why it's important to use the grid and modularity:

  • Enlighter
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    Enlighter polycounter lvl 13
    Indeed, I have that article in front of me right now. I guess I am just thinking how to do a grid in Unity (1), and how to allow for the grid to let me "snap" pieces in any location so it can still be built free form and not have to conform to "this piece has to go here cus it's a grid".
  • Tumerboy
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    Tumerboy polycounter lvl 17
    I am a big fan of using a grid to layout your major components (walls, floors, "chunks" of various types) but then going off the grid for detail placement.
  • Enlighter
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    Enlighter polycounter lvl 13
    I guess that makes sense for larger pieces, and then getting more "free" with the other items...

    Will be interesting to see how things come out. I need to find out if Unity has a built in grid or if we will need to code something....
  • Autocon
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    Autocon polycounter lvl 15
    I have seen both. I know people who use the grid religously and those who almost never use it. Really comes down to whats fastest for your work flow.

    I have ever seen where people use the grid too religously and most everything is placed/designed based off the grid. Also have seen the oposite and opened a scene with amost nothing on the grid.
  • Tumerboy
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    Tumerboy polycounter lvl 17
    Working entirely off the grid (with walls/floors, etc.) leads to gaps and holes in my experience.

    But Self contained details are usually ok
  • MoP
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    MoP polycounter lvl 18
    Yeah, you really have to respect the grid, to avoid gaps / holes / mismatched elements.

    Building in regular increments (eg. 32, 64, 128, 256) allows you to easily make sure pieces line up when building larger areas - for example you know that two 128-long pieces of corridor will always be the same length as a 256-long piece of corridor.

    Not building on a grid for large-scale shapes and edge pieces that need to line up is just asking for trouble, and I can guarantee you will regret it as you get further into a project.
  • glynnsmith
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    glynnsmith polycounter lvl 17
    As said, line up your major elements to a grid, knowing that they all line up perfectly. As your map becomes more complex/complicated, you'll have a lot of headaches with just winging it.

    Once you've got the main elements snapped to your grid, you can then dress them with secondary props however you please.

    Working to a grid is also very good for texel ratios and and takes a bunch of headaches out of aligning/tiling textures. It also helps with map "scale", as in how big the map looks to the player - If you're winging it, you can easily have problems with corridor widths, room heights, etc.
  • renderhjs
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    renderhjs sublime tool
    Its the same as in layout (print, web,...) without a design grid it all falls apart and just bleeds with so many small flaws and sometimes even big ones (stuff doesn't play in harmony, things don't match up - it feels cluttered and random).

    And the same at least from my experience can be said about 3d and environment design. Having a grid makes sure numbers always match up and you are 2 steps ahead when it comes to coming up with dimensions or sizes as the grid helps you finding those easier.
    I suggest using a grid that can be divided by 8,16,32 or 64 and so on. The bigger the value the better for consistency but the less variety. With this in mind try at first to go with a rough number like 64 or 128 and once you notice you need some elements at a smaller scale go down by 1/2 of that former grid size.

    Here is something I use at work that I scripted recently:
    Its the counter part of some of my maxscripts that have verts snap in world space (not relative to their pivots) which makes creating prefabs very snappy. It doesn't matter that much how accurate you place your prefabs later because with the grid design in mind you can easily snap them, sort them and alike.
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