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polycounter lvl 10
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zxcman polycounter lvl 10
My name is Dmitriy (Ukraine)
Character artist wannabe)


  • Dis
    Offline / Send Message
    I'm assuming you want crits on the portfolio itself?

    -Get rid of the splash page, it should go directly to your gallery.

    -Instead of having your work categorized by year, put it all in one gallery.

    -Trim down the selection of pieces, choose the pieces you think best showcase your abilities.

    -Re-arrange the pictures. Show your strongest piece first (which I think is the mutant by the arch). Start with showing the final beauty render, then show the hp, breakdown and texture sheets; not the other way around like you have now.

    -I've never been a fan of flash for portfolios, so I'd say get rid of it, but to each his own.
  • zxcman
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    zxcman polycounter lvl 10
    Thx, man!
    Just re-arranged it. Btw I cant get rid of main page)
  • BradMyers82
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    BradMyers82 interpolator
    zxcman: I think what Dis is saying is that you should make your 2010 page, your index page. Then remove your "Home" page all together.

    The reason this is such good advice is because you really want as few clicks as possible on your website while still maintaining a level of organization.

    Therefore, I recommend you take it a step further and simply have your 2010, 2009, 2008, and Zsculpting work all on one single page. There is no need to have them seperate like this. You could then... on one single page... have say 4 rows of images to choose from labeled (2010, 2009, 2008, zsculpting respectively). This would be far easier imo.

    You have some really cool work there. I wonder if you are limiting yourself by having mostly monsters or oddly proportioned humans on your site. It might be a good idea to do a standard type of character to show you have those skills as well. After all, people looking to hire you will likely have you doing more standard type characters, and they will likely question if you can pull it off (I'm sure you can, but its best to have the proof on your portfolio site).

    One more thing, I think you should fix the ears on the last bust from your 2010 work. Its really hurting that piece a lot right now and would be worth the effort.

    Again, great work, and best of luck to you!
  • butt_sahib
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    butt_sahib polycounter lvl 11
    He is using a deviantart provided folio guys, so he cant really do those things.
    I suggest looking at wordpress or carbonmade for something better if you dont want to make a personal one. Id stay a mile away from the Oh-so-gameart-unfriendly layout of deviantart.
    You have some really cool work there. I wonder if you are limiting yourself by having mostly monsters or oddly proportioned humans on your site. It might be a good idea to do a standard type of character to show you have those skills as well. After all, people looking to hire you will likely have you doing more standard type characters, and they will likely question if you can pull it off (I'm sure you can, but its best to have the proof on your portfolio site).

    Again, great work, and best of luck to you!

    x2 on everything

    Great work and good luck! :-D
  • kris4an4o
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    Wow , That ogre and the dwarf looked really stunning.I like the chain on the ogre's hand and the boots of the dwarf.:thumbup:
  • zxcman
    Offline / Send Message
    zxcman polycounter lvl 10
    made a little update with new shit peices, so look through please :)
  • bbob
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    www.squarespace.com looks like it is really good for folios..

    Give the trial a whirl?
  • MattQ86
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    MattQ86 polycounter lvl 15
    If you can do a bit of coding yourself (which, for a portfolio site shouldn't be much) I'd suggest 1and1.com
  • tex_cookiedough
    hey, some pretty nice work man.. just one little thing i picked up on while looking through your stuff: http://dmitriyr.daportfolio.com/gallery/132563#1

    it says amient & normal

    i assume you meant ambient and normal :P but yeah, all in all good stuff.. and i agree with what the others are saying, good luck =]
  • jimmypopali
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    Hey, I'm assuming you're doing work on it now because I can access it, but it looks basic. White page and default links.

    Ill check back later.
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