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Study: The cause of originality and visual thinking

Due to boredom and a degree in Psychology, I've written a test specifically for designers and artists. Basically, it's a little study I'm working on for my College. As you probably know, there are two major groups of people living in this world - "Left and Right brainers".
Our brain is divided into two parts : Left and Right. Left part is responsible for logic, facts, reality and science. The Right part is more rebellious and is the main cause of emotions, creativity, religion, risk taking and philosophy.

Here's a great picture that can explain it all:


Left Brainers are people who use logic and reasoning as their main perception of life, they're good bankers, economists and mathematicians.

Right Brainers are artists, they see world in pictures and emotions, singers, designers, actors and writers.

The purpose of this test is to distinguish how the minds of graphical and modeling designers comprehend and deal with reality. :)

The test consists of 10 questions, you can answer them by typing the number of the question and the letter of the answer.


1. What was your favorite class in High School?
A. Math
B. English
C. Social Studies
D. None/Other

2. What was your least favorite class in High School?
A. Math
B. English
C. Social Studies
D. None/Other

3. Do you have a higher education?
A. Yes! College
B. Yes! University
C. No, but I want to!
D. No, I don't want to!

4. How do you think?
A. I think in words
B. I think in pictures
C. Mixed
D. I don't know

5. Do you remember your dreams?
A. Yes, I do!
B. No, I don't!

6. How do you dream?
A. My dreams are colorful, in 1st person
B. My dreams are Black and White, in 1st person
C. My dreams are colorful, in 3rd person
D. My dreams are Black and White, in 3rd person

7. Please choose one animal from the list:
A. Elephant
B. Cat
C. Pigeon
D. Other, please write your own!

8. Do you like your name?
A. Yes!
B. No!

9. What music do you listen to?
A. Rock
B. Techo/Dance
C. Rap
D. Classic
E. Other

10. How well on a scale of 1 to 10 would you rate your current life?

EDIT: If you're willing, please post your favorite work of art with your answers!

Thank You!


  • ZacD
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    ZacD ngon master
    1. D. Science and Art and computer classes

    2. Math and English

    3. Was in college, dunno if I'm going back in the fall

    4. Mixed

    5. Barely

    6. Both 1st and 3st, normally very surreal or focused colors (the sky is orange or something)

    7. Dog

    8. Yeah

    9. Punk

    10. 7
  • danshewan
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    danshewan polycounter lvl 8
    Okay, I'll play.

    1. English
    2. Math.
    3. Yes, college and some university.
    4. Mixed.
    5. Yes, I do.
    6. Color, first-person.
    7. Kitteh.
    8. Yes.
    9. Other - 80s new wave.
    10. Seven.
  • IEatApples
    1. D. Graphic Communication

    2. B. English

    3. B. Yes! University

    4. C. Mixed

    5. A. Yes, I do!

    6. A. My dreams are colorful, in 1st person

    7. D. An elephant-cat-pigeon - Its a very fat flying predator.

    8. A. Yes!

    9. E. Other - Drum and Bass, dub step.

    10. I do love my life, would 10 be bad? lol
  • brandoom
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    brandoom polycounter lvl 15
    1. d - cooking class ftw
    2. b - English = mad boring
    3. a - college
    4. c - mixed, but i think, i think alot, too much almost.
    5. a - yes, and last night/this mornings was very strange.
    6. a
    7. b - cat
    8. a
    9. a - rock/metal?
    10. Current life, at this very moment in time, 10.

    edit: let us know your findings.
  • Asherr
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    Asherr polycounter lvl 18
    1. Art
    2. Math
    3. college
    4. C
    5. yes
    6. A
    7. cat
    8. yes
    9. metal
    10. 2
  • Yozora
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    Yozora polycounter lvl 11
    1. D
    2. C
    3. B
    4. C
    5. sometimes
    6. first person, duno about colour
    7. chinchilla
    8. B
    9. E, Anything
    10. 6
  • glynnsmith
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    glynnsmith polycounter lvl 17
    1. What was your favorite class in High School?
    D. None/Other (Art and Design).

    2. What was your least favorite class in High School?
    D. None/Other (Woodwork - Fuck birdhouses).

    3. Do you have a higher education?
    B. Yes! University.

    4. How do you think?
    C. Mixed

    5. Do you remember your dreams?
    A. Yes, I do!

    6. How do you dream?
    A. My dreams are colorful, in 1st person.

    7. Please choose one animal from the list:
    D. Other. (Dog).

    8. Do you like your name?
    A. Yes!

    9. What music do you listen to?
    A, C, D & E. Other (Anything that isn't cheesy metal, pop or dance).

    10. How well on a scale of 1 to 10 would you rate your current life?
  • System
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    System admin
    Surely the quality of your teachers is what made a subject in Highschool interesting or not? If they were enthusiastic and interesting they tended to get respected, if they were some monotonous muppet then no one gave a monkeys... at least that was the case at my highschool.
  • Elyaradine
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    Elyaradine polycounter lvl 11
    1. A. Math

    2. D. Biology

    3. B. Yes! University

    4. C. Mixed

    5. A. Yes, I do!

    6. A. My dreams are colourful, in 1st person

    7. D. Jerboa

    8. A. Yes!

    9. D. Classical

    10. 3*pi (Always room for improvement!)
  • Fragus
    Jackwhat wrote: »
    Surely the quality of your teachers is what made a subject in Highschool interesting or not? If they were enthusiastic and interesting they tended to get respected, if they were some monotonous muppet then no one gave a monkeys... at least that was the case at my highschool.
    Yes! I remember having a young, smart, enthusiastic math teacher back in 7th grade. She was so fun and interesting to listen to that I, an awful mathematician had A's that year. Then, she was kicked out because she had a relationship with our principal :) . After her, there was an old hag, which killed every single math atom in me
    EDIT: But because of that, I had bad grades on algebra and geometry till' the end of High School and to make up for it, I was great at literature, arts and design.
  • cw
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    cw polycounter lvl 17
    oh go on then I'll give it a go. when do we find out who wins? ;)

  • d1ver
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    d1ver polycounter lvl 14
    1. What was your favorite class in High School?
    A. Math. Probably 'cause our teacher unintentianally let his life philosophy come through and he is stilll the person I respect the most.

    2. What was your least favorite class in High School?
    D. None/All

    3. Do you have a higher education?
    D. No, had some college but found it of little use

    4. How do you think?
    B. I think in images. Not exactly pictures or words. Just a feeling I have about something being something.
    And studying foreign languages helps you stop thinking in words by the way. They slow you down.

    5. Do you remember your dreams?
    A. Yes, I do!

    6. How do you dream?
    A. My dreams are colorful, in 1st person
    C. My dreams are colorful, in 3rd person

    7. Please choose one animal from the list:
    D. Other, please write your own! Every one is a miracle but if I had to decide it would probably be a pig. Due to some family traditions I'd say. I don't like insects though. If that is of any use.

    8. Do you like your name?
    A. Yes!

    9. What music do you listen to?
    E. Other. All.

    10. How well on a scale of 1 to 10 would you rate your current life?
    I live in belarus(family moved away to better places) eat once a day and work 9-16 hours. I'm pretty happy though. But it doesn't mean there's no room for objective improvement.

    Do I get a lolly pop now?)
  • Moosey_G
    1. What was your favorite class in High School?
    B. English

    2. What was your least favorite class in High School?
    A. Math

    3. Do you have a higher education?
    C. No, but I want to!

    4. How do you think?
    C. Mixed

    5. Do you remember your dreams?
    B. No, I don't!

    6. Please choose one animal from the list:
    D. Other, Sloth

    7. Do you like your name?
    A. Yes!

    8. What music do you listen to?
    A. Rock
    B. Rap

    9. How well on a scale of 1 to 10 would you rate your current life?
    4 or 5

    I'm glad other people had low rating too :)
  • -diesel-
    1. Social Studies.
    2. English.
    3. University.
    4. Mixed.
    5. Not very much.
    6. Colorful 1st person.
    7. Cat.
    8. Yes I do.
    9. Other: Metal, Jazz, Electronic
    10. Rank of life: 4.
  • rolfness
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    rolfness polycounter lvl 18
    1 maths
    2 history
    3 yes university
    4 c
    5 yes
    6 a
    7 elephant (squish cats good)
    8 yes
    9 a
    10 8
  • Skamberin
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    Skamberin polycounter lvl 14
    1. What was your favorite class in High School?
    B. English

    2. What was your least favorite class in High School?
    A. Math

    3. Do you have a higher education?
    D. No, I don't want to!

    4. How do you think?
    C. Mixed

    5. Do you remember your dreams?
    B. No, I don't!

    6. How do you dream?
    A. My dreams are colorful, in 1st person

    7. Please choose one animal from the list:
    D. Fennec Fox

    8. Do you like your name?
    B. No!

    9. What music do you listen to?
    E. Everything from all genres.

    10. How well on a scale of 1 to 10 would you rate your current life?
  • Avanthera
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    Avanthera polycounter lvl 10
    1. What was your favorite class in High School?
    D. Drafting/Engineering prep

    2. What was your least favorite class in High School?
    C. Social Studies

    3. Do you have a higher education?
    A. Yes! College

    4. How do you think?
    C. Mixed

    5. Do you remember your dreams?
    A. Yes, I do!

    6. How do you dream?
    A. My dreams are colorful, in 1st person

    7. Please choose one animal from the list:
    D. Shrew :D

    8. Do you like your name?
    A. Yes!

    9. What music do you listen to?
    E. Almost all

    10. How well on a scale of 1 to 10 would you rate your current life?
    4-8, depending on the day
  • Mezz
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    Mezz polycounter lvl 8
    Heheh, sure, why not :P

    1. What was your favorite class in High School?
    B. English
    D. None/Other (I loved my art classes, like drama and visual art)

    2. What was your least favorite class in High School?
    A. Math

    3. Do you have a higher education?
    A. Yes! College

    4. How do you think?
    B. I think in pictures

    5. Do you remember your dreams?
    A. Yes, I do! (Sometimes)

    6. How do you dream?
    A. My dreams are colorful, in 1st person

    7. Please choose one animal from the list:
    B. Cat!!!!!

    8. Do you like your name?
    A. Yes!

    9. What music do you listen to?
    A. Rock
    E. Other

    10. How well on a scale of 1 to 10 would you rate your current life?
  • Vrav
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    Vrav polycounter lvl 11
    1. What was your favorite class in High School?
    B. English

    2. What was your least favorite class in High School?
    C. Social Studies

    3. Do you have a higher education?
    D. No, I don't want to

    4. How do you think?
    C. Mixed

    5. Do you remember your dreams?
    A. Yes, I do

    6. How do you dream?
    A. My dreams are colorful, in 1st person

    7. Please choose one animal from the list:
    B. Cat

    8. Do you like your name?
    B. No

    9. What music do you listen to?
    A. Rock
    D. Classic
    E. Other

    10. How well on a scale of 1 to 10 would you rate your current life?
    6, which is pretty good, all things considered. Long way to go, but that's an optimistic thing.
  • Mime
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    Mime polycounter lvl 15
    was too lazy to copy paste ..

  • Pedro Amorim
    ok.. so what does this test tells us?
    To me it doesn't tell me nothing :(
  • Ruz
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    Ruz insane polycounter
    why analyze creativity. you either are creative or you are not. you can't just apply a formula to it.
    you can't really think too much if you are inside a box:)
  • Yozora
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    Yozora polycounter lvl 11
    Ruz wrote: »
    why analyze creativity. you either are creative or you are not. you can't just apply a formula to it.
    you can't really think too much if you are inside a box:)

    Thats what creative people think. Logical people think there's a logic to everything :p
  • Fragus
    Ruz wrote: »
    why analyze creativity. you either are creative or you are not. you can't just apply a formula to it.
    you can't really think too much if you are inside a box:)
    I don't want to find out how people can become creative, I want to find out why they are creative. As you can see, most of the answers are similar, and I can assure you that 70% of left brainers have black and white dreams and choose pigeons as their animal.
  • Moosey_G
    I'm completely logical, my life and thought process are dictated by logic, but I can use it in creative ways, I don't think creativity is just a thing you are, but something you can create.
  • Calabi
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    Calabi polycounter lvl 12
    That left brain right brain thinking is a fallacy its not known to be true or meant to be taken literally.

    I question the likelyhood of you getting valid data from this or any of your conclusions being close to right.
  • RexM
    Calabi wrote: »
    That left brain right brain thinking is a fallacy its not known to be true or meant to be taken literally.


    Calabi wrote: »
    I question the likelyhood of you getting valid data from this or any of your conclusions being close to right.

    What is your definition of valid data? Additionally, what is right or wrong? He's here to work on a THEORY, he isn't trying to prove anything. Stop being so pessimistic.
  • Autocon
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    Autocon polycounter lvl 15
    1. What was your favorite class in High School?
    D. None/Other (Graphic Arts/Woodshop). Classes my friends were in greatly effected what classes I liked, even if I hated the class itself.

    2. What was your least favorite class in High School?
    D. English and Math.

    3. Do you have a higher education?
    B. Yes! College.

    4. How do you think?
    C. Mixed

    5. Do you remember your dreams?
    A. Yes, I do! But I only remember my dreams like 2 times a month but they are so vivid and real it makes me want to go back to sleep forever :)

    6. How do you dream?
    A. My dreams are colorful, 3rd person.

    7. Please choose one animal from the list:
    D. Other. (Eagle).

    8. Do you like your name?
    A. Yes!

    9. What music do you listen to?
    A, B, C & E. Other (Metal, Industrial, Electronic, Ambient).

    10. How well on a scale of 1 to 10 would you rate your current life?
  • Ruz
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    Ruz insane polycounter
    The thing is I have know some people who are completely logical who have really bizarre imaginations. I say again that you can't really tie this sort of thing down with a few loaded questions, though its interesting to think about.
  • Calabi
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    Calabi polycounter lvl 12
    RexM wrote: »

    What is your definitino of valid data? Additionally, what is right or wrong? He's here to work on a THEORY, he isn't trying to prove anything. Stop being so pessimistic.

    I know that it is proven that we use parts of our left and right brains for differing things.

    I dont think I've heard any evidence, research to suggest that you can characterise someone as primarily using their left or right brain for whatever tasks, or that those things can be characterised primarily as right brain, or left brained.

    I think our minds may be a little more complicated than that, when we use language based in our left brain, also parts in our right brain are engaged.

    Those phrases used by Fragus sound a bit like the methods they use for astrology signs. Describe people with vague terms in a flattering manner that can apply to anyone.

    Its all about putting people in boxes describing them, when the label doesnt really describe them at all, but it makes them happy so they try and make themselves fit the label and squeeze into the box.

    Fragus is basing a theory off of, falacious wives tale like evidence.

    The dreaming in black and white question is, there's no proof, people may just not remember the colours.

    I've dreamed in Blue and white, had first person, third person.

    Very few people will say they think purely in images(only likely autistic people). Scientists have yet to definitely decide whether thinking in images can be compared to thinking with words.

    You couldnt base any conclusive valid study of off those questions. I doubt anything worthwhile at all could be gained from those questions.
  • danshewan
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    danshewan polycounter lvl 8
    Calabi wrote: »
    Fragus is basing a theory off of, falacious wives tale like evidence.

    Problem is you're refuting those theories with hearsay, since you're not providing and definitive evidence to the contrary.

    I agree that the brain is more complicated than simple right-or-left brained definitions, but without a scientific background or solid evidence to support your point, it's difficult to dismiss the validity of his work so easily.
  • Calabi
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    Calabi polycounter lvl 12
    danshewan wrote: »
    Problem is you're refuting those theories with hearsay, since you're not providing and definitive evidence to the contrary.

    I agree that the brain is more complicated than simple right-or-left brained definitions, but without a scientific background or solid evidence to support your point, it's difficult to dismiss the validity of his work so easily.

    Your right, but I dont think I need to be a qualified scientist to refute something.

    Some evidence.



    Of course its wikipedia and yahoo, its up to you wether you trust them or not, but at least they are something.

    Anyway I think when someone comes up with a theory they have to come up with evidence to support their theory, its not up to someone else to come up with their own theory that is contrary(otherwise god would be a solid proposition).
  • danshewan
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    danshewan polycounter lvl 8
    Calabi wrote: »
    Anyway I think when someone comes up with a theory they have to come up with evidence to support their theory...

    Isn't that the point of the OP asking these questions?
    ...its not up to someone else to come up with their own theory that is contrary(otherwise god would be a solid proposition).

    I agree - but when dismissing the validity of someone's work, surely it'd help to have some hard, accepted facts to back it up?
  • Calabi
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    Calabi polycounter lvl 12
    danshewan wrote: »
    Isn't that the point of the OP asking these questions?

    But then I already questioned the likelyhood of getting worthwhile information from those questions.

    Already backed up in part by the original posters assertion that whether someone likes a lesson at a school may have nothing to do with that individuals character.

    And then theres the question of wether whom that person is at school has any bearing on whom they are now.

    For instance I hated maths at school but now I like it.
    I agree - but when dismissing the validity of someone's work, surely it'd help to have some hard, accepted facts to back it up?
    There is the already established facts(theory's). I dont find any refutations of current facts in the original poster. They state "As you probably know...", when I didnt know.

    I dont know though, its like astrology, how do you refute it when someone says stuff like that?
  • danshewan
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    danshewan polycounter lvl 8
    Calabi wrote: »
    I dont know though, its like astrology, how do you refute it when someone says stuff like that?

    True - to be honest, I was wondering what kind of conclusions he'd be able to draw based on the questions he asked, but hopefully he'll either get enough data to work with, or at least be able to refine the process if not.
  • rooster
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    rooster mod
    surely to do something like this scientifically, you need to also ask a group of programmers and a sample group of random members of public, without telling them the whole premise of the study. If you tell people your expectations from the study before beginning it, you're swaying their answers whether you/they know it or not.

    I have my own opinions on the questions which I won't go into, but if you're taking the study seriously, you need to follow scientific study guidelines
  • Da vinci
    01-B. English
    02-D. None/Other
    03-B. Yes! University
    04-B. I think in pictures
    05-A. Yes, I do!
    06-A. My dreams are colorful, in 1st person
    07-B. Cat
    08-A. Yes!
    09-B. Techo/Dance
    10- 9.8+/10 for my whole life !! : yes , believe me , i think i'm the happiest human being in the whole world !! , as an ENFP i like my value system that make me a great person !!
    i respect my self in a way that no one can imagine , that also don't prevent me from having fun 24/24 ..
    having fun is the best thing that can refresh someone's heart , it is so priceless !! , specialy when you make people smile with you ..

    i made some online tests and scored right-hemisphered , people say i'm so creative !! , yes , this makes me more happy ...
    ENFPs for the win .
  • Moosey_G
    Da vinci wrote: »
    i respect my self in a way that no one can imagine , that also don't prevent me from having fun 24/24 ..

    24 hours 24 days a week. Nice.
  • CounterSeal
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    CounterSeal polycounter lvl 10
    1. What was your favorite class in High School?
    C. Social Studies (Includes History and Government classes, assuming)

    2. What was your least favorite class in High School?
    A. Math

    3. Do you have a higher education?
    B. Yes! University

    4. How do you think?
    C. Mixed

    5. Do you remember your dreams?
    A. Yes, I do!

    6. How do you dream?
    A. My dreams are colorful, in 1st person

    7. Please choose one animal from the list:
    D. Other (Rabbit)

    8. Do you like your name?
    A. Yes!

    9. What music do you listen to?
    E. A bit of everything

    10. How well on a scale of 1 to 10 would you rate your current life?
  • bbob
    To chip into the discussion about the burden of proof. If its supposed to be empirical, its the claim that requires proof, not the doubt. In fact all scientific proposals are always open to criticism, and skepticism is encouraged. In fact, all hypotheses should be attempted to be dis-proven, before they are presented to the scientific community for more critical scrutiny, and when it is found to be irrefutable for the time being, it is raised to the level of "theory". It is never, though, erected beyond critique, nothing is ever formally decided as fact.

    Here goes the test, but there was several categories where more answers applied, such as the dreams, where I've experienced a great variation of things. Its not always I can remember my dreams either.

    1. What was your favorite class in High School?
    B. English

    2. What was your least favorite class in High School?
    A. Math

    3. Do you have a higher education?
    A. Yes! College

    4. How do you think?
    D. I don't know

    5. Do you remember your dreams?
    A. Yes, I do

    6. How do you dream?
    A. My dreams are colorful, in 1st person

    7. Please choose one animal from the list:
    A. Elephant

    8. Do you like your name?
    A. Yes

    9. What music do you listen to?
    E. A bit of it all

    10. How well on a scale of 1 to 10 would you rate your current life?
  • Justin Meisse
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    Justin Meisse polycounter lvl 19
    1. What was your favorite class in High School?
    D. None/Other: Science

    2. What was your least favorite class in High School?
    A. Math

    3. Do you have a higher education?
    A. Yes! College > one thing: "Be aware that there is a very distinct difference in terminology between the USA and the rest of the world. In the US, there is very little difference academically between a "college" and a "university"."

    4. How do you think?
    C. Mixed

    5. Do you remember your dreams?
    A. Yes, I do!

    6. How do you dream?
    A. My dreams are colorful, in 1st person
    C. My dreams are colorful, in 3rd person

    7. Please choose one animal from the list:
    A. Elephant

    8. Do you like your name?
    A. Yes!

    9. What music do you listen to?
    A. Rock

    10. How well on a scale of 1 to 10 would you rate your current life? 7 or 8, I'd be happier living somewhere with nicer weather.
  • Firebert
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    Firebert polycounter lvl 16
    1. What was your favorite class in High School?
    D. None/Other - art and music theory

    2. What was your least favorite class in High School?
    A. Math

    3. Do you have a higher education?
    A. Yes! College

    4. How do you think?
    B. I think in pictures

    5. Do you remember your dreams?
    A. Yes, I do!

    6. How do you dream?
    A. My dreams are colorful, in 1st person

    7. Please choose one animal from the list:
    D. Other, Dog

    8. Do you like your name?
    A. Yes!

    9. What music do you listen to?
    A. Rock

    10. How well on a scale of 1 to 10 would you rate your current life?

  • gaganjain
    1 None/Other
    2 Math
    3 Yes! College
    4 I think in pictures
    5 Yes, I do!
    6 My dreams are colorful, in 1st person
    7 Cat
    8 Yes!
    9 Rock
    10 I would rate 5
  • Joopson
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    Joopson hero character
    B. English

    A. Math

    A. Yes! College (Ok, starting next month

    C. Mixed

    A. Yes, I do!

    6. (It varies)
    A. My dreams are colorful, in 1st person
    C. My dreams are colorful, in 3rd person

    A. Elephant

    A. Yes!

    E. Other

    10. How well on a scale of 1 to 10 would you rate your current life?
    8 or so.
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