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Canada Post Mailbox

Wanted to do another prop for the portfolio and decided a mailbox was a good practice. But had seen way too many American mailboxes so decided to throw some Canadian flavor to the mix.

I wanted to keep the mailbox texture realistic, and not with too much grunge or graffiti that most people put on their 3D models. Everything in teh texture was created by me except for the actual Canada Post Logo.

Basically looking for all of your comments/critiques/recommendations to make this a strong portfolio piece.




  • 00Zero
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    overall its pretty good. just a few things that stand out. the red is like.. pure red. same with the blue. way too saturated. how come you decided to model those vertical metal pieces at the bottom? why not normal map them?

    get it reflecting an environment with a cubemap and use the spec and normals to really bring out the materials.

    all in all, the texturing is pretty solid, nice attention to detail. maybe some scuff marks on the bottom plastic parts.
  • djm6007
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    Aha that is nice. One thing wouldn't it be better if the gray metal part on the bottom also has some scratches etc? The red part looks awesome with the scratches on it because it makes it seem a lot more realistic.

    Great job!
  • tyl3r
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    00Zero wrote: »
    just a few things that stand out. the red is like.. pure red. same with the blue. way too saturated. how come you decided to model those vertical metal pieces at the bottom? why not normal map them?

    get it reflecting an environment with a cubemap and use the spec and normals to really bring out the materials.

    all in all, the texturing is pretty solid, nice attention to detail. maybe some scuff marks on the bottom plastic parts.
    Yeah, after seeing it now I agree that the saturation is a bit high. I had the bottom parts normal mapped at first but they didn't pop like I wanted them too. I think it was because they were 90 degree corners and the normal map wasn't picking up the depth...

    How would one go about reflecting an environment with a cubemap in Maya?

    Thanks for the quick reply!
  • Tom Ellis
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    I'd start by crediting the author of the tutorial you followed to make it
  • Tom Ellis
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    tyl3r wrote: »
    But had seen way too many American mailboxes so decided to throw some Canadian flavor to the mix.

    Someone beat you to it :D
  • Godemper0r
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    Everyone deserves the benefit of the doubt, but I find it offensive that you tried to pass this off as your own. Even throwing in the "I decided to make it Canadian" to make it seem as if it was your design. I'm pretty sure you have lost any credibility you may have looked to receive from the followers of this site. If you are following a tutorial pixel for pixel, you need to make sure you let everyone know, otherwise you are a blatent plagiarist.
  • ZacD
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    ZacD ngon master
    Even if you claimed it as your own work when it was based off a tutorial, there's a few things that need work.

    The key area could be more beat up, it barely looks like it has been used. and the some of the edges are pretty beat up even though they aren't exposed edges.
  • Tom Ellis
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    Heh I edited my post to make it less 'direct and intrusive' yet it made both comments appear. Making me look completely direct and intrusive.

    Sorry about that!
  • linkov
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    linkov polycounter lvl 10
    I'd start by crediting the author of the tutorial you followed to make it
    Godemper0r wrote: »
    Everyone deserves the benefit of the doubt, but I find it offensive that you tried to pass this off as your own.

    I don't want to play a devils advocate here, but seriously guys... Chris Tate now holds an exclusive rights to produce images of canadian post boxes? Did he invented them?

    I mean unless that guy has stolen project files somehow and tried to pass them as his work, I don't see what is all that noise about.

    Can you honestly say that every time you post your new piece of art, at the bottom you include list of all your teachers and sources of inspiration?
  • Tom Ellis
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    linkov wrote: »

    Can you honestly say that every time you post your new piece of art, at the bottom you include list of all your teachers and sources of inspiration?

    No, and you make a fair point. I think what riled the minds of the people who posted though was that the OP almost went out of his way to suggest the work was entirely his own.

    Not crediting or mentioning the artist behind original works is one thing, trying to pass it off as your own is another entirely. And unnecessary too really, I mean, the work looks nice enough, and the OP has obviously gone through the process of creating the asset well, but he could've got just as much good feedback and comments by mentioning that it wasn't all his own idea/work.
  • Will Faucher
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    Will Faucher polycounter lvl 12
    I agree entirely with linkov. I have no idea what this conundrum is about. That tutorial is not quite the same as the OP's model. Perhaps the OP was inspired by the tutorial, and added tweaks of his own, making this his own work. Canada Post Mailboxes don't differ from one another. Also, GodEmperor, you can't really make variants of a mailbox, but in this case, he altered the texture quite a bit. Had he followed the tutorial, there would be less decals, more grime, more scratches and also, there would be a normal map applied. None of which is the case here.

    I don't believe he's lost any credibility to any of us here. He made the art regardless of if he followed a tutorial or not. He wants to get better. Is that so hard to ask? Also, you are saying that every person who has made something similar as another artist loses credibility? This is a mailbox. The geometry is simple. Does it even matter if he followed the tutorial or not? Also, I don't believe he went "out of his way" to pass this on as his own work. He just stated he wanted some Canadian flavor to the mix.
  • ZacD
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    ZacD ngon master
    When you post "here's my awesome work" and you leave out the (that I followed a tutorial step by step that helped me make it), it kinda makes a big difference. Stolen models and art work seems to be to popular these days, so its good practice to mention where you get stuff from.
  • linkov
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    linkov polycounter lvl 10
    ZacD wrote: »
    When you post "here's my awesome work" and you leave out the (that I followed a tutorial step by step that helped me make it), it kinda makes a big difference. Stolen models and art work seems to be to popular these days, so its good practice to mention where you get stuff from.

    I haven't seen this tutorial, and even if you did, I'm pretty sure you haven't seen how tyl3r was making his mailbox, so you can't really tell if he followed it step by step. Because I honestly cannot even begin to imagine why someone would be watching tutorial to make a .. box! Literally.

    Also, that site cgtuts+ offer ONLY ref images, source for textures and some uv-checker. You may stop screaming STOLEN! STOLEN! now. Please.
  • dansher
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    dansher polycounter lvl 8
    linkov wrote: »
    I haven't seen this tutorial, and even if you did, I'm pretty sure you haven't seen how tyl3r was making his mailbox, so you can't really tell if he followed it step by step. Because I honestly cannot even begin to imagine why someone would be watching tutorial to make a .. box! Literally.

    Also, that site cgtuts+ offer ONLY ref images, source for textures and some uv-checker. You may stop screaming STOLEN! STOLEN! now. Please.

    iv seen that tutorial and i will admit there are some things different but also Chris Tate supplies textures and reference pics and everything needed to make in on his personal site

    but model wise it is pretty much identical its only the texture thats really any different, that said if hes making a Canadian mailbox then its bound to look the same right?
  • Will Faucher
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    Will Faucher polycounter lvl 12
    Exactly, it is normal for a mailbox to look similar to another. Even if the website provides de decals and such, fact remains tyler made the textures himself, as well as the mailbox.
  • ZacD
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    ZacD ngon master
    linkov wrote: »
    Also, that site cgtuts+ offer ONLY ref images, source for textures and some uv-checker. You may stop screaming STOLEN! STOLEN! now. Please.

    I wasn't saying he "stole it" just saying if you used someone else's textures or tutorials, or concept, it might be a good idea to mention it.
  • tyl3r
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    Wow... wake up in the morning and find this... I honestly never even seen that tutorial once until creationtwentytwo pointed it out in this thread. This sucks big time, make a model texture it and get blamed of plagiarism or directly ripping someone else off?

    Thank you Prophecies and linkov for backing me up here. I made this from scratch with photo reference that I collected from the net. For example, here is the model I followed almost to a T to model the thing:

    And for texturing I used a whole bunch of different Ref pics. I'm sorry that I have 'lost' credibility to some users here for posting some art.

    I don't think it's fair to call someone a blatant plagiarizer just because they have modeled a mailbox to which someone just happened to post a tutorial of on the net. If two people are given ref's of an object with texture and are told to model it as realistically as possible, you can bet damn well that they will come out looking close to identical. Does that mean that they plagiarized each other's work? Hell no. They both looked at reference pics and created what they saw. The only reason I was passing this off as my own was because that is all I knew, no one else on this site that I had seen had made a Canada Post mailbox, I had seen some American ones so I thought I would switch it up for my portfolio being Canadian and all.

    I don't think there is much more to say, but I would still like crits on the texture and what I can do to improve, including the cubemap idea which I have no idea how to do in Maya.
  • Godemper0r
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    I wasn't trying to be hostile, and as the first sentence said, I am not saying that he did it. However, I find it suspect that the third poster was able to easily find a tutorial for it. I apologize if I sounded too abrasive; but it's like if I was doing an AK47 on this site (one of the most recognizable weapons in the world) and claiming ignorance of Racer445's ak47 texturing tutorial. Obviously it's a real world weapon and it will look a certain way no matter what, but to people who have seen ALOT of art, it makes people cautious when they see something so similar to another artist. Having watched the videos, and just looking at the two low polys; I don't think he used that tutorial, tyl3r's model is lower poly, lacking all the obvious bevels of the chris tate tut. I also misread your statement about "making it Canadian" thinking it was in reference to the textures alone, and that's why I got perturbed by it, because there aren't mail boxes like that in US (that I've seen). My first post was merely a comment on the way people as of late have been totally apathetic to using people's art without permission. Case in point, http://www.zbrushcentral.com/showthread.php?t=69054&page=7&pp=15 this mask was used in the recent live action Mortal Combat trailer without the artist's permission. I'm very sorry to tyl3r for turning his post into a rally point about plagiarism, and for pointing blame based on someone else's post and reasoning.

    I came off as an asshole, please feel free to treat me as such.
  • ZacD
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    ZacD ngon master
    It kinda sucks that if you make something generic, that people are going to think that you used a tutorial, if its out there. The nice thing about guns though (like the ak 47) there is some variety in parts and look of the gun.

    Kinda cool though, that you can watch someone else process and see if there's any way you could improve your work flow.
  • dansher
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    dansher polycounter lvl 8
    as for the model maybe add some more grime to the lower parts to make it look like its been on the side of the road or something just so it doesnt look to new and shiny
  • Tom Ellis
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    tyl3r wrote: »
    Wow... wake up in the morning and find this... I honestly never even seen that tutorial once until creationtwentytwo pointed it out in this thread. .

    Hehe, big apologies then man.

    I was actually wondering, 'hmmm maybe he hasn't seen that tutorial' the thing that mainly made me think that was your unwrap is different.

    I won't give crit because to me, you've nailed it. Looks absolutely spot on, but of course people with more experience could give you better crits.

    If anything, and it's only the tiniest of minor things, the bottom could be made more 'plasticy'... right now it kinda looks like it's made of metal, but looking at that photo it is plastic I think.

    EDIT: Maybe the bottom is metal? Heh I'm not sure, I've only been to Canada once and I don't even remember seeing a postbox.
  • dansher
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    dansher polycounter lvl 8
    another thing i just noticed and im not sure what its like on the real thing but i think one of the wing things on the side might be facing the wrong way.

    and the damage along the edge should be rusted if u look at the ref pic where its damaged its all rust not really shiny metal underneath
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