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The Package

polycounter lvl 17
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sama.van polycounter lvl 17
Hi guys!

Last year I committed some screens of The Package game in the pimp&preview section and the game is now available on the apple store.

It was a work done for a clients and today I got a message from him saying the game is currently APP of the week in the US Apple store! O_o!!

Then I would like to share with you the url of the game, and maybe you will be interested to try it!

- http://rockpocketgames.com/ThePackage.php

Price is now 0.99$ and seems to be a special offer.


And because Polycount is a 3D artist community, I share with you all detail of the 3D from the game here : http://portfolio.samavan.com/3D/ThePackage/index.php

Please have a good time playing to the game!
And I hope you will like the 3D too :)



  • Em.
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    Em. polycounter lvl 17
    Grats Sama and nice job on the art! I like the one you posted above the best, I'd check it out but I'm lacking in the iPhone department.
  • sama.van
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    sama.van polycounter lvl 17
    Thank you Em!
    I will hope the game will sell good and the client accept to create more levels! ^_^
  • LoTekK
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    LoTekK polycounter lvl 17
    I was gonna buy this last night, but then I saw the little note saying it runs best on 3GS devices and up. Just how poorly does it run on a 3G? Be a crying shame if a good chunk of the market is cut out just like that.
  • sama.van
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    sama.van polycounter lvl 17
    Pior tried it on an ipod 2 days ago and said it works perfectly!

    Working with a friend having both 3G and 3GS when testing our application, there is a very big distance between the 2 platform... And I am really sorry for that...
    Sometime we have 60+FPS on 3GS and can give 24FPS on 3G.

    3G could be slow with ThePackage because the gameplay is using the physic, but I didn't tried it my self on 3G :(

    If you cannot play the game, you can give look at the following channel on Youtube, they are releasing the walktrough for the first 10 levels O_< :


    Reading the critics on the US store, users seems to be happy of the game but seems to be a little difficult sometime to find the solution.
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