Hi guys!
Last year I committed some screens of The Package game in the pimp&preview section and the game is now available on the apple store.
It was a work done for a clients and today I got a message from him saying the game is currently APP of the week in the US Apple store! O_o!!
Then I would like to share with you the url of the game, and maybe you will be interested to try it!
Price is now 0.99$ and seems to be a special offer.

And because Polycount is a 3D artist community, I share with you all detail of the 3D from the game here :
Please have a good time playing to the game!
And I hope you will like the 3D too

I will hope the game will sell good and the client accept to create more levels! ^_^
Working with a friend having both 3G and 3GS when testing our application, there is a very big distance between the 2 platform... And I am really sorry for that...
Sometime we have 60+FPS on 3GS and can give 24FPS on 3G.
3G could be slow with ThePackage because the gameplay is using the physic, but I didn't tried it my self on 3G
If you cannot play the game, you can give look at the following channel on Youtube, they are releasing the walktrough for the first 10 levels O_< :
Reading the critics on the US store, users seems to be happy of the game but seems to be a little difficult sometime to find the solution.