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Weird Max Viewport glitches and Mentalray error??

polycounter lvl 19
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TorQue[MoD] polycounter lvl 19
Hey all!

So I started max this morning just like any other day, and the first thing that happened is I got a pop-up window with some weird errors for Mentalray...

I thought maybe max just missed something when it booted up so I decided to close the window and Max and then restart. This seemed to solve the mental ray problem as it didn't pop up again on the second boot, but now I'm having major viewport issues.

Firstly, occasionally when I go into the perspective view, all my other viewports blank out.


Then if I click on the viewports, they come back, but the perspective goes all wonky. The selected faces don't show, and then this "wobbly" render of everything appeared.

I tried updating my videocard drivers (Nvidia GTX260) but that didn't help and I even tried switching to OpenGL but this just has different glitches associated with it.

Anyone have any idea what's happening and how to fix it?? Max was working fine yesterday!



  • TorQue[MoD]
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    TorQue[MoD] polycounter lvl 19
    Ok, even weirder is it seems that this glitch is constrained only to the specific file. I just loaded several other files and there's no issue. Really really weird...
  • Snader
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    Snader polycounter lvl 15
    If it's the file thats being an asshole, you could try making a new file, and then merging/importing/xreffing/etc the original file's contents.

    No idea what's wrong though. Did you check to see if the files were indeed missing? It might be possible to copy them over from the installdisk or someone else.
  • Mark Dygert
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    Check for updated graphic card drivers?
  • TorQue[MoD]
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    TorQue[MoD] polycounter lvl 19
    Yeah, all the files are where they're supposed to be and I did just update my videocard drivers after the problem started happening.

    It was only that one file. I wasn't much further along than my last incremental save, so I simply reverted back to that and then re-saved as cliff_ruins06 instead of 05 which was causing the problem. My only worry is that its going to happen again at some point.

    Maybe its finally time for me to upgrade to Windows 7? But XP is so stable and nice and cuddles with me at night!

    P.S. Love that you added the bite mark out of your Avatar Snader :)
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