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You're all a bunch of non-epathetical robots


noscript;sz=728x90;pos=leaderboardA;tile=1;ord=000000000? Today's College Students More Likely to Lack Empathy
"College kids today are about 40 percent lower in empathy than their counterparts of 20 or 30 years ago, as measured by standard tests of this personality trait."
I have a loose theory, considering empathy to be a key trait in great animators. To some extent great artists, often seem to be pretty empathetic.

So are we looking at a dry spell of talent? Or are schools trying to focus a bit less on the technical and a bit more on getting students heads in the right place? I see this happening in Animation Mentor which is great, but not really in a lot of other places?

Is empathy really all that important? Or can people succeed as animators and artists without it?

To a larger extent I think our global society could benefit from a bit more empathy but I'm not holding my breath...


  • ZacD
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    ZacD ngon master
    Everyone is becoming assholes, its true.
  • Karkasmolenklok
    Being an asshole is cool and a quick ticket to internet popularity.
  • Squiggers
    I enjoy being an arsehole.

    Isn't that what all the cool kids are doing?
  • DrunkShaman
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    DrunkShaman polycounter lvl 15
    lol, I get to realize that empathy is important to the artists and animators after I read this article.

    Seriously vig, some people dont even realize it that they have it, yet they are able to make uber art, and construct an awsome animation.

    It would've been better if I didnt know. Its better not to worry about stuff like

    - Oh I dont know if it feels right.
    - I dont think the director would like it.
    - etc

    small shitty stuff. Until the end of your project. Or until you are on the stage where you can actually do something about the feel or improvization.

    heh!! Empathy.
  • Kevin Albers
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    Kevin Albers polycounter lvl 20
    Empathy is very important, but it's certainly not presented as such in our society, so I'm not surprised that some studies indicate that many people are lacking in empathy. However, the study mentioned in that article may be overstating things. I'm sure plenty of young people have plenty of empathy. Like artists! They have empathy. Well, some do. :)
  • Rens
    People these days, lack a lot of things.
    It probably has more to do with opening up, and being more observent/aware.
  • Shogun3d
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    Shogun3d polycounter lvl 12
    I could care less if you all die in a fire. Social Researchers say so.
  • Moosey_G
    Yeah. I'm pretty much Doctor House minus the amazing medical conclusions.
  • glynnsmith
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    glynnsmith polycounter lvl 17
    kaburan wrote: »
    I could care less if you all die in a fire. Social Researchers say so.
    Aw. You would have sounded like a tough guy if it wasn't for the grammar fail ;)

    If you could care less, then you're ok.

    If you couldn't care less, you'd be an asshole.
  • DrunkShaman
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    DrunkShaman polycounter lvl 15
    glynnsmith wrote: »
    Aw. You would have sounded like a tough guy if it wasn't for the grammar fail ;)

    If you could care less, then you're ok. [X]

    If you couldn't care less, you'd be an asshole.

    Either way, whoever didnt understand this fine line and nit picks the grammar is...... Wait, I shouldnt call you ass hole. I am still new here. :(

    Sorry, its just that, I just hate it when people go on saying "I has the grammar Pahee H D and I are goin to attack ju if ju phail grammar on di net."

    Espacially on the net, and on the forums in general. If someone wants to speak like a professional than it is a plus for him/her here. If he/she wish to relax a little and sit back and speak in general regardless of grammar (but not getting carried away with it) is ok also.

    I intend to care less if you were being an asshole.

    anyways, back to the topic :)
  • glynnsmith
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    glynnsmith polycounter lvl 17
    Nitewalkr wrote: »
    Either way, whoever doesnt understand this fine line and nit picks the grammar is...... Wait, I shouldnt call you ass hole. I am still new here. :(

    Sorry, its just that, I just hate it when people go on saying "I has the grammar Pahee H D and I are goin to attack ju if ju phail grammar."

    Espacially on the net, and on the forums in general. If someone wants to speak like a professional than it is a plus for him/her here. If he/she wish to relax a little and sit back and speak in general regardless of grammar (but not getting carried away with it) is ok also.

    anyways, back to the topic :)
    Well. Over-reaction aside...

    Hopefully the guy I specifically replied to understands the intended ironic humour in my vaguely tongue-in-cheek comment.

    You spelled "especially" wrong, btw.

  • rolfness
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    rolfness polycounter lvl 18
    I care.. a little too much...
  • crazyfingers
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    crazyfingers polycounter lvl 10
    The article seems pretty slanted in the steriotypical "kids these days" that haunts every generation and lots of random thoughts on fiscal responsibility which really don't make any sense for an article such as this.

    There are many factors that weren't brought up in the article, for one a greater % of the populace goes to school these days, the idea that the best of the best go on to further their education is no longer. Secondly, times have changed... for the better. Simply put kids are "spoiled" in comparison to their parents' childhoods, and getting more stuff simply makes you less emphatic. It's hard to feel for other's when you haven't had much adversity in your life, not to mention there's less to feel bad about.

    P.S. When i channel surf past the Disney channel I fear for the future of mankind.
  • DrunkShaman
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    DrunkShaman polycounter lvl 15
    glynnsmith wrote: »
    Well. Over-reaction aside...

    Hopefully the guy I specifically replied to understands the intended ironic humour in my vaguely tongue-in-cheek comment.

    You spelled "especially" wrong, btw.


    Like I care a damn...bee-sides I codlunt fnid teh rite splleing oof et so yuo'll has tah leaves wid it! ^^

    *Where the hell are meh stress ball!! >.<*
  • JFletcher
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    JFletcher polycounter lvl 13
    I know how to settle this.

    A Cock-Tank contest.

    Then again i do not recall the first ever coming to a conclusion.
  • acc
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    acc polycounter lvl 18
    "Don't bother to express yourself properly. Say what you want even if you're saying things completely wrong! Don't waste two seconds of your precious life proof-reading for someone else's sake!"

    Gee Nitewalkr, you sure are a shining beacon of empathy. :poly122:

    Oh well, everyone knows nice guys are fags, anyways.
  • oXYnary
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    oXYnary polycounter lvl 18
  • DrunkShaman
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    DrunkShaman polycounter lvl 15
    acc wrote: »
    "Don't bother to express yourself properly. Say what you want even if you're saying things completely wrong! Don't waste two seconds of your precious life proof-reading for someone else's sake!"

    Gee Nitewalkr, you sure are a shining beacon of empathy. :poly122:

    Oh well, everyone knows nice guys are fags, anyways.

    I proof read alot of times before posting and edit my post after posting until I am satisfied with it, but Glynnsmith love to nit pick the grammar so I gave him the whole sentence ^^

    I am not a fag, I am just a guy having a nice time while having a nice cup of tea.. :)
  • Autocon
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    Autocon polycounter lvl 15
    JFletcher wrote: »
    I know how to settle this.

    A Cock-Tank contest.

    Then again i do not recall the first ever coming to a conclusion.

    Yeah I dont remember it cuming to a conclusion either. what a shame.

    and being a dick is a great way to pick up chicks with low self esteem.
    Offline / Send Message
    ENODMI polycounter lvl 14
    I feel this thread has evoked emotion I don't understand, or care to.

    Also, whats a Cock-Tank contest?
  • retleks
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    retleks polycounter lvl 18
    We call it voight kampff for short.
  • Mark Dygert
    ENODMI wrote: »
    Also, whats a Cock-Tank contest?
    The only good thing that ever came out of Dominance War... Or what happens when the sleeping giants of mount polycount are awoken by the nooby squabbling of lesser mortals.

    In other words, when Vig gets carried away, rips a idiot a new one and challenges him to put up or shut up, hilarity ensues... and the penis tanks roll. =P
  • Ghostscape
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    Ghostscape polycounter lvl 13
    How the fuck do you quantify empathy, or any other emotion, for that matter?

    I seriously do not understand how you can put a number on "amount of empathy" like it was some scientifically testable variable like air pressure or hardness.
    Offline / Send Message
    ENODMI polycounter lvl 14
    Vig wrote: »
    The only good thing that ever came out of Dominance War... Or what happens when the sleeping giants of mount polycount are awoken by the nooby squabbling of lesser mortals.

    In other words, when Vig gets carried away, rips a idiot a new one and challenges him to put up or shut up, hilarity ensues... and the penis tanks roll. =P

    I need pictures or links:)
  • Mark Dygert
    Ghostscape wrote: »
    How the fuck do you quantify empathy, or any other emotion, for that matter?

    I seriously do not understand how you can put a number on "amount of empathy" like it was some scientifically testable variable like air pressure or hardness.
    I think it involves puppies, hammers and or bamboo shoots...

    It's actually pretty easy to spot in people if you know what you're looking for. I think you can replace a certain amount of empathy with vigilant observation. I think this only gets you a detailed record of what something has done in the past, its harder to foresee how something would behave if it ventures into something you haven't observed.

    With the right amount of empathy you can get inside the head of whatever it is and figure out how it would handle the new stuff instead of relaying on what it did the last time as your guide. If there's a guide, empathy allows you to leave it behind. You're not learning complex rules you're thinking how it would think.

    But being a dick a hell of a lot more fun =P
  • Moosey_G
    ENODMI wrote: »
    I need pictures or links:)

    Please vig, please!
  • Mark Dygert
  • claydough
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    claydough polycounter lvl 10
    College kids today are about 40 percent lower in empathy than their counterparts of 20 or 30 years ago

    Art school 25 years ago u were expected to have wrestled with apathy, sympathy, empathy,
    ( pathos ) as well as logos, ethos and lots of aesthetics. Not sure if it's relative
    but I remember having a complete semester on aesthetics alone.
    That was all great unless it had a hippie bent to it and included metaphysics and the esoteric...
    which I could git just as easily with a weekend
    of LSD and a Moebius comic.
    I imagine LSD was a lot bigger 20 years ago as well.

    Today I think it depends ( speaking of the U.S. here ) on what part of the country yer in.
    In Austin, I found the students to be very enthusiastic, well mannered, studious and creative.
    ( be it St Edwards, UT or ACC )
    It's really refreshing to be around that much positive energy and have a young audience that
    is not only eager, polite and attentive to learn but serious and creative at once.
    ( burning the midnight oil studying, rehearsing music, painting etc.. instead of playing Superbad... mostly :) )

    Back here on the east coast..
    although the gun violence seems to have dropped.
    There is no shortage of sarcasm, ennui, pettiness and just plain ignorant jadedness.
    What gets me is how abrasive the youth here are to their "own" circle of friends.
    Seems like "back in the day" we were all locked arm to shoulder holding each other up to take on the world.
    ( friendships which have thankfully survived thirty years .. some of which, living would have been unbearable in their absence )
    Today they ( the current class ) act like a pack of wild Dogs.
    With jaws against each others throats greedily establishing dominance. ( superiority by way of intellectual cruelty/domination )
    Ha Ha Ha good times.

    ( two good time buddies deciding which one will be the bitch )

    It wouldn't be so bad, but some of these kids are family.
    And I am starting to get desperate.
    What is so cool about being jaded? living dead in yer 20's?
    Take a chance and take something serious. Stand for or /and believe in something.
    ( They have the fear of failing... The "whatever" mantra protects them from failure. vacant death and laziness is a comfortable "peace" )

    A Gibson SG electric guitar.
    We should give every kid a Gibson SG on their twentieth birthday.
    Of course u then have follow up with one on one time. giving the lessons.
    shelling out the cash for upgrades as the kid gains in nerdy jedi powers.
    But it sure beats the Psych bill when junior starts in with razor blades again.

    ( Nerds are the only real human beings. The rest of you are just deadmeat hopefully capable of at least playing and paying fer video games )

    On another note:
    Fag? really?
    I think I'll give it a try tommorow and accuse some folk of being fags.
    Fag! Ha Ha ha!
    wow, I feel better already.

    end babel
  • Mark Dygert
    The article seems pretty slanted in the steriotypical "kids these days" that haunts every generation and lots of random thoughts on fiscal responsibility which really don't make any sense for an article such as this.

    There are many factors that weren't brought up in the article, for one a greater % of the populace goes to school these days, the idea that the best of the best go on to further their education is no longer. Secondly, times have changed... for the better. Simply put kids are "spoiled" in comparison to their parents' childhoods, and getting more stuff simply makes you less emphatic. It's hard to feel for other's when you haven't had much adversity in your life, not to mention there's less to feel bad about.

    P.S. When i channel surf past the Disney channel I fear for the future of mankind.
    Yep and blaming modern media and games in general was a typical pot shot too. I don't think its just "kids today" I think everyone's empathy meter is running a little low. I watch the news sometimes and I see plenty of 40+ morons frothing at the mouth being douche bags that could stand to froth a little less and empathize a whole lot more.

    I find it kind of funny that the person writing the article claims the "kids today" are part of a me generation, but that person only knows that term because that's what their generation was called "back in the day".

    That's every generation...
    "The children now love luxury; they have bad manners, contempt for
    authority; they show disrespect for elders and love chatter in place
    of exercise. Children are now tyrants, not the servants of their
    households. They no longer rise when elders enter the room. They
    contradict their parents, chatter before company, gobble up dainties
    at the table, cross their legs, and tyrannize their teachers."
    - Socrates
  • oXYnary
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    oXYnary polycounter lvl 18
    Dont know if thats the best example Vig. They did make him drink hemlock after all...
  • Blaizer
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    Blaizer polycounter
    taking "empathy as the cognitive ability to perceive how others may feel",

    If you feel hatred, envy, then.. you have emphaty. The empathy can be measured with tests, like the IQ. For certain jobs, psicological tests are a need here, you can't contract anyone for positions that requires a good level of empathy.

    With kids is quite normal to see less empathy, what the heck, if they are kids... they have not matured and they don't understand things at all. Here we say: "there isn't anything worse than a child, they lack awareness".

    All the "boom" of actual technologies, like videogames, the internet, iphones, etc. has a part of blame, no doubt (I can see kids with 8 years old sending sms messages as fools). With the actual life style, with both parents working, and the kid alone at home playing videogames and chatting, is quite normal to see less empathy. They don't receive affection from parents, they get cold, and as result they end caring a shit about others (parents included).

    In Japan, there are the hikikomoris, and nowadays, in the rest of the world aswell.

    As artists, being a robot is not bad XD. Furthermore, almost all the good artists are not very sociable, you know, "to be good in something, you must dedicate too much time". But at the end, we all have empathy, right?

    The press seems to be bored.

    There are too much hipocresy also, can be that measured?
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