Have you guys noticed how the prop placing aligns to the track rather than a world grid? that's pretty cool. Hopefully you can turn the track snap off to hand place things if you want to.
Just picked this up today and woooooow it's fun, altough I think I'm the only one in the world playing this at the moment since everyone else is hooked on RDR.
Anyone else played it? Got it?
I must admit I've never been a hardcore karting game fan, I mean, I like them, and Mario Kart is always fun when playing with friends, but this game is awesome.
There's so much to do! The customisation of the characters, karts and tracks is deep and pleasantly straightforward. The visuals look fantastic across the whole game too.
One thing that is really annoying me though is the hair style clipping any headwear you use. I think the intention is to allow every possible combination of headwear/hairstyles but there seems to be no attempt to adjust hairstyles to fit the headgear accordingly.
For example, lets say you give your Mod (the little characters) some long hair with a fringe, you'd expect when you put a helmet/cap/headphones etc on that the hair would be hidden in the appropriate places. Unfortunately this isn't the case and the whole hair mesh just penetrates the headwear, sometimes this looks amusing; huge afro bursting out of a full face helmet... whereas most of the time it just looks bad.
I actually emailed UFG about it which was probably a little extreme but I tried to stress how visually great the game is and I feel this lets it down a bit.
Having never worked in a situation where you take into account customisation options, I have no idea how things like this are handled but I would imagine it would be pretty time consuming to go through and rescale/reposition every possible combination of customisation parts to ensure they don't look broken.
Anyway, really fun game, weapons and powerups have like a level up thing where you can either use them instantly or save them up and collect more so they become a more powerful version. Also the boost gauge is shared for both shield and boost so you have to choose carefully how you use it.
Definitely worth picking up or even a rent if you are unsure!
Loved the demo. I'm not seeing a good enough deal to pick it up though. For me, it has to be a pretty exceptional game for me to shell out $60, and I don't feel this game is one of those Usually SOMEONE offers a 'buy this and get $$$ giftcard' deal.
lol, same here Jeffro. The 4 player split screen is nice to see for a PS3 game. Most games seem to ignore that option these days. I don't have a wii, and my kids love Mario kart. This is a great substitute... and then some.
Im really happy to see the great reception this game has been getting. Although I didnt have the pleasure of working on it when I joined UFG, I was taking a gander everytime I was upstairs and am really impressed with what those dudes did.
I think next month there is a siggraph presentation on the making of Mod Nation here in vancouver, should be pretty cool.
I'll be getting a copy soon!!
Looks like a really remarkable game, Little Big Planet if it was a kart racing game!! Insane amount of customization. Lots of fun. Can't wait to really get into it!
Dude!! I played this for like 3-4 hours last night after I got it...
TONS OF FUN! I can not wait to play more!!
Have you tried career mode Quokimbo?
I started out telling myself I would try and get all unlockables on each course via the 3 challenges...
An hour or so later I was carefully calculating the combined value of my TV and PS3 Controller because both came close to suffering severe damage.
Am I the only one who finds some of the challenges VERY hard?
It's the way you're required to do an already tricky challenge AND come first... the '4000 Max Speed Points' on the Boardwalk course is a particularly difficult one I think, you need to combine ninja driving skill with mindless high speeds all while balancing your boost guage between nitro and shields.
Needless to say I'm no longer so keen on doing all the challenges.
Still an incredibly fun game, and the desire to go back and customize your Mod / Kart / Track after unlocking more stuff seems to remain which is refreshing.
I have played more career mode then anything. I totally agree with the challenge you are talking about!! I tried a good double handful of times last night before I went to bed....
My mod right now is an orange cyclopes bear, with an over-sized handle bar mustache wearing a construction site vest...I also threw a trucker hat on him with a big expletive across it. Ohh yeah, and a grass goatee! I get comments it on it left and right!
I played it this morning with my kids. My Son lost his stuff over the fact that Iron Man was one of the top mods. So he raced as Iron Man in a yellow train. Pretty fun game so far. We laid down a really a fast track for the kids to try out. Took about 5 mins. Worse thing about the game is the loads. But whatever helps the kids with the ole ADD.
Yeah the loading times are a little long but apparently they're working on that.
It's still the hair mesh clipping that annoys me the most, I've got so many awesome hats/helmets/hairstyles to put on my Mod but just can't use them unless I want random bulges of hair mesh poking through the hat. I'm hoping they'll fix this too because it really lets the visuals down I think.
4 days later and I'm still absolutely loving this game, it is so much fun. Still can't get over how difficult it is though, I'm on like the 10th race in career mode, just coming first takes me like 50 attempts lol.
I played last night online for a bit. If you want to play multiplayer, use the "XP Series" mode. More people seem to play those, and you get like 500 XP at the end of the races!
everytime this thread comes up it makes me wish i had a ps3
Heh, it's a whole nother discussion in itself but the PS3 is definitely worth owning I think.
I literally just sold my 360 today after owning both consoles for a couple years. I'll admit that back around the launch of both systems, any games that were on both or ported over from 360 to PS3 tended to be superior on 360, however, while there are a few exceptions, the difference between console versions of games now is usually negligible, often with both versions having minor unique faults of some kind.
Sonys exclusives are first rate though, MGS, Gran Turismo, LBP and now this, whereas 360 only really has Halo (of course there are others such as Mass Effect, Fable etc but these are available on PC so not strictly 360 exclusive)
I found I just wasn't playing the 360 and couldn't justify holding on to both consoles, so it came down to the exclusive games, and since I'm not really a Halo fan, PS3 won hands down, of course with the additional bonus of BluRay, built in WiFi and free online services (which may or may not be changing shortly).
I paid for a new subscription for my XBL gold account in December, and have only used it for maybe 6 hours. I have been playing my PS3 like crazy lately!!
The experience just levels you up, from what I can tell you can not lose a level, so I do not think it is a ranking system...Which IMO would have been sweeter!
Heh, it's a whole nother discussion in itself but the PS3 is definitely worth owning I think.
I literally just sold my 360 today after owning both consoles for a couple years. I'll admit that back around the launch of both systems, any games that were on both or ported over from 360 to PS3 tended to be superior on 360, however, while there are a few exceptions, the difference between console versions of games now is usually negligible, often with both versions having minor unique faults of some kind.
Sonys exclusives are first rate though, MGS, Gran Turismo, LBP and now this, whereas 360 only really has Halo (of course there are others such as Mass Effect, Fable etc but these are available on PC so not strictly 360 exclusive)
I found I just wasn't playing the 360 and couldn't justify holding on to both consoles, so it came down to the exclusive games, and since I'm not really a Halo fan, PS3 won hands down, of course with the additional bonus of BluRay, built in WiFi and free online services (which may or may not be changing shortly).
I remember getting my xbox 360 elite when the 360 first came out because all my buddies had it and it seemed like the stronger console at the time, even thou i'm not a big Halo player, i'm more of a Gears of War<3 player . But shortly after i got the red rings of death:( I had 3 months of xbl gold left when i sent it back... of course when i got a brand new one sent back to me they gave me only 1 free month........ after that i stopped paying for xbox live, i do still play it from time to time, my parents also have a wii that i play quite a bit:) But looking at MGS<3 and this game among a few, it definately makes me want to grab one... when of course i have the cash to throw around
ADDED: That is not just a screen shot for those who do not have this game. That is my cart, and mod that are crazy customizable! Like Little Big Planet!
What I have created pales so far in comparison to everything else out there that it would shame me to post.... lol
I'm still just getting into everything. And as for track creation... screw that. I don't have the time or effort to make anything, I leave that to those more dedicated (Or nerdy)
However, the game is super amounts of fun!!! I really suggest anyone with a PS3 to pick this one up, for sure (Or PSP)
I got a free copy from work and played it a bit the last few nights. really fun, love seeing all the creations people have made so far, looks like some spent hours on their mods/tracks.
it was kinda crazy seeing this game in development every time i went upstairs and now its out, really makes you feel how time flies. besides the demo at the wrap party this is really the 1st time ive played it, gotta say I love how they did the drifting feels really good.
also: this months siggraph presentation here in vancouver is a making of mod nation, so any locals check it out!
Yes and looks like tons of fun!!
Anyone else played it? Got it?
I must admit I've never been a hardcore karting game fan, I mean, I like them, and Mario Kart is always fun when playing with friends, but this game is awesome.
There's so much to do! The customisation of the characters, karts and tracks is deep and pleasantly straightforward. The visuals look fantastic across the whole game too.
One thing that is really annoying me though is the hair style clipping any headwear you use. I think the intention is to allow every possible combination of headwear/hairstyles but there seems to be no attempt to adjust hairstyles to fit the headgear accordingly.
For example, lets say you give your Mod (the little characters) some long hair with a fringe, you'd expect when you put a helmet/cap/headphones etc on that the hair would be hidden in the appropriate places. Unfortunately this isn't the case and the whole hair mesh just penetrates the headwear, sometimes this looks amusing; huge afro bursting out of a full face helmet... whereas most of the time it just looks bad.
I actually emailed UFG about it which was probably a little extreme but I tried to stress how visually great the game is and I feel this lets it down a bit.
Having never worked in a situation where you take into account customisation options, I have no idea how things like this are handled but I would imagine it would be pretty time consuming to go through and rescale/reposition every possible combination of customisation parts to ensure they don't look broken.
Anyway, really fun game, weapons and powerups have like a level up thing where you can either use them instantly or save them up and collect more so they become a more powerful version. Also the boost gauge is shared for both shield and boost so you have to choose carefully how you use it.
Definitely worth picking up or even a rent if you are unsure!
PSN ID - Quokimbo
I think next month there is a siggraph presentation on the making of Mod Nation here in vancouver, should be pretty cool.
Looks like a really remarkable game, Little Big Planet if it was a kart racing game!! Insane amount of customization. Lots of fun. Can't wait to really get into it!
TONS OF FUN! I can not wait to play more!!
I wish there was matchmaking! Not sitting there in a lobby, waiting for seven other people to join your race...
Have you tried career mode Quokimbo?
I started out telling myself I would try and get all unlockables on each course via the 3 challenges...
An hour or so later I was carefully calculating the combined value of my TV and PS3 Controller because both came close to suffering severe damage.
Am I the only one who finds some of the challenges VERY hard?
It's the way you're required to do an already tricky challenge AND come first... the '4000 Max Speed Points' on the Boardwalk course is a particularly difficult one I think, you need to combine ninja driving skill with mindless high speeds all while balancing your boost guage between nitro and shields.
Needless to say I'm no longer so keen on doing all the challenges.
Still an incredibly fun game, and the desire to go back and customize your Mod / Kart / Track after unlocking more stuff seems to remain which is refreshing.
My mod right now is an orange cyclopes bear, with an over-sized handle bar mustache wearing a construction site vest...I also threw a trucker hat on him with a big expletive across it. Ohh yeah, and a grass goatee! I get comments it on it left and right!
It's still the hair mesh clipping that annoys me the most, I've got so many awesome hats/helmets/hairstyles to put on my Mod but just can't use them unless I want random bulges of hair mesh poking through the hat. I'm hoping they'll fix this too because it really lets the visuals down I think.
4 days later and I'm still absolutely loving this game, it is so much fun. Still can't get over how difficult it is though, I'm on like the 10th race in career mode, just coming first takes me like 50 attempts lol.
I played last night online for a bit. If you want to play multiplayer, use the "XP Series" mode. More people seem to play those, and you get like 500 XP at the end of the races!
I made a Battle Wagon last night!
and she seems to be enjoying it too- that and little big planet are the only games we've been playing on it for the last several months heh
Do you have character levels then?
Heh, it's a whole nother discussion in itself but the PS3 is definitely worth owning I think.
I literally just sold my 360 today after owning both consoles for a couple years. I'll admit that back around the launch of both systems, any games that were on both or ported over from 360 to PS3 tended to be superior on 360, however, while there are a few exceptions, the difference between console versions of games now is usually negligible, often with both versions having minor unique faults of some kind.
Sonys exclusives are first rate though, MGS, Gran Turismo, LBP and now this, whereas 360 only really has Halo (of course there are others such as Mass Effect, Fable etc but these are available on PC so not strictly 360 exclusive)
I found I just wasn't playing the 360 and couldn't justify holding on to both consoles, so it came down to the exclusive games, and since I'm not really a Halo fan, PS3 won hands down, of course with the additional bonus of BluRay, built in WiFi and free online services (which may or may not be changing shortly).
The experience just levels you up, from what I can tell you can not lose a level, so I do not think it is a ranking system...Which IMO would have been sweeter!
I remember getting my xbox 360 elite when the 360 first came out because all my buddies had it and it seemed like the stronger console at the time, even thou i'm not a big Halo player, i'm more of a Gears of War<3 player
Ah yeah, Gears of War is another 360 exclusive obviously! How did I forget that!
Yeah, it is tons of fun!
ADDED: That is not just a screen shot for those who do not have this game. That is my cart, and mod that are crazy customizable! Like Little Big Planet!
Speaking of building, I have not even got in to the track editor. That will be a whole other ball of worms!
I'm still just getting into everything. And as for track creation... screw that. I don't have the time or effort to make anything, I leave that to those more dedicated
However, the game is super amounts of fun!!! I really suggest anyone with a PS3 to pick this one up, for sure
it was kinda crazy seeing this game in development every time i went upstairs and now its out, really makes you feel how time flies. besides the demo at the wrap party this is really the 1st time ive played it, gotta say I love how they did the drifting feels really good.
also: this months siggraph presentation here in vancouver is a making of mod nation, so any locals check it out!