Yeaaah... basically I've been addicted to this all day. I keep finding reasons to look something up on google... and then be all, ohhh, well!! While I'm here... just one more game
30 years later... and it is still a very fun, addictive game. Happy Anniversary, old boy!!
I was tickled to see that this morning. I have google set to my homepage at work and everytime I hopped on the internet I got sucked into playing for a few seconds...incredibly distracting lol.
(and fyi, it's javascript, not flash
edit: ok, on closer inspection the game itself is javascript and they're using flash for the sound. ha!
wasd and arrows.
Very clever...
Coolest Google logo ever.
*could be entirely, completely wrong, though.
30 years later... and it is still a very fun, addictive game.