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Police Bike

polycounter lvl 9
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Drav polycounter lvl 9
Hey, heres a BMW RT1200 I'm working on. Its not fully finished but any crits are much appreciated, particularly on the texture. Before anyone asks its not a horrible Textools accident, its supposed to be a UK police scheme :)

Theres a couple of bits I want to add still like a flashy light and a siren, but as it stands the model is 6500 tris and the textures are 2048.



Fire away!!


  • marq4porsche
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    marq4porsche polycounter lvl 9
    Beautiful work so far. I love it and only have a few crits right now. Firstly, all of the lights look pasted on a little bit. Push those highlights more overall on your texture map. It's looking a little bland right now. You also should cleanup the "Police" Sign on the back of the bike, the P and O still have some white inside of the loops.
  • Xoliul
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    Xoliul polycounter lvl 14
    Saso has a point; sometimes real life isn't the best in terms of design, and it can be a good idea to improve it yourself.

    My advice would be to push material definitons a bit more. Clearly discern the different metals and finishes fron each other by using some more painted highlights in your diffuse and by putting some attention in your specmap. Also watch out for the white paint; it looks very noisy and dirty now, almost like stone. You better clean that up a bit.
  • Drav
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    Drav polycounter lvl 9
    Good stuff guys thanks. Saso ye I see what you mean and think I'll do that, a few forces have something not far off that anyway.

    As for material definition I guess I'll just keep plugging away. I am trying to get something that looks used, hence the dirty white, but ye, dont want it looking like stone, so will rework that. I agree the black plastic needs more work, think i was a bit lazy with that. Will have a fiddle.....
  • Cap Hotkill
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    Cap Hotkill polycounter lvl 13
    The back plate is from California?
    Looks good, but for a odd reson It looks like it would fit like a glove in Killing Floor game, Even the texturing is similar. you havent used Normal maps for this, dont you?
  • Dis
    I disagree with Saso. If you want to make a police bike that you want people to instantly recognize as British, stick to the pattern you have right now.

    I'd say the rear panels look good but the pattern on your panels at the front and sides differ a lot from the reference, I think it would look better if you adjusted them. I also think the headlights would look better with some depth, maybe through normal mapping.
    Also, that "thing" (don't know what it's called) by the front wheel seems to have caught some unintentional yellow in the texture.
  • JohnnySix
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    JohnnySix polycounter lvl 16
    Looks pretty good to me, seeing these BMW bikes in London all the time.


    Just tidy up the lettering, and the lights as mentioned. :)
  • Snader
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    Snader polycounter lvl 15
    This should fix your tyre silhouette. And to make it look even better, align the texture so that that the point of the >>>> on the tyres matches up with a ring, and that the hard edge in the molding also lines up with a ring. If I looked at your tyre correctly, my polycount should be the same, if not, the same theory still applies.

    Green = add/improve geo
    Red = reduce geo
    Blue = you forgot to model this

    Some parts are a bit blocky, or have too sharp edges, adding in a cut here and a bevel there should fix those issues fast enough.

    The saddlebags are too rounded at the moment, a bit bland in shape. The same goes (but less extreme) for the part between the saddlebags, the saddle, and the overall shape of the cockpit.
    Of all the bikes I've googled today, none had an exhaust like yours.

    Your lamps are feeling flat, which is party because of the textures, and partly because of oversimplified models. Make the lamps actually have an inside and a transparent covers, at least the headlight. I've had a bit of fun with max, and you can use my file if you want to. Not sure if it's really accurate though, couldn't find what kind of lights/bulbs it uses.

    The checkering is off, most notably you're missing the front fender's decal, and the alignment is wrong near the signaling lights, On the other parts you've got a bit wrong scaling. If you want to change the looks to something simpler like Saso's paintover, this bike has a nice alternative scheme.
    Your materials don't look shiny enough, causing it to look like papercraft. No matter how old or bust up a bike is, it stays somewhat shiny. And the reflectors are well.. reflective.
    If you want to show age, use the engine block, exhaust pipe and other metal parts, those parts most prone to rust and discoloration. If you want to make it dirty, sure, but most of the bike should be fairly clean and only some dirt spats round the bottom, not matte everywhere. Even dirtbikes usually stay somewhat shiny. The mirrors definitely need something as well.
    The saddle looks ok for leather, but not for what's usually on a saddle. You've got overly much noise on there, and it looks a bit dull (not horribly dull, though I'd pump the spec a bit)
    The tyres need to be a bit darker and have a bit more spec. A brown gradient as dirt wouldnt hurt either. Rims need a lot of spec. The glass looks nice, but a bit too clean.

    You're missing the BMW logo plaque, and it looks like you're missing some stickering. The cockpit lacks some detail in the form of screws, a couple of grilles missing, some buttons. You're also missing cables, and BRAKES.
    There's a bit of a baking error in the place where you stick your knees.
  • Drav
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    Drav polycounter lvl 9
    Forgot to mention, I'm nicking some of the bits of the 2010 model as well as the police ones, this is the 2010 bike:


    Nice feedback, thanks. I've got a limit of 6000 ish tris, which is why some of it is a bit simplified and I havent done the front tubing, tho if I can save some on the exhaust I might get enough to do them. Cheers for the tyre tip, not seen that before and ye it did look blocky but I didnt think I could spend any more polys. Same reason why I cant do the lights in geometry. Might do the lights over the front tubing as lots of ppl have commented on them. Not going to alter the back box tho as they really are that rounded and well, I like it as is :D

    This is cool, I was running out of ideas, now I've got a fcking great list! I'll fix the geometry up today sometime, and try and sort the textures in the next few days.

    Cheers dudes!
  • felipefrango
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    felipefrango polycounter lvl 9
    I'd say the biggest issue is lack of material definition, as it's been said everything looks kinda matte and paper-ish. The paint has too much dirt and noise overall, I think you should remove the wear and tear altogether then place it strategically where it should exist.
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