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Opinion(s) on buying New laptops

polycounter lvl 15
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DrunkShaman polycounter lvl 15
Hello members of the polycount;

As the title states that your opinion is required in this thread regarding buying a new laptop (for 3d modelers)

So far I've used the build engine of Dell and came up with Following:


Processor: Intel Core i7-920XM Extreme Edition 2.00GHz 8MB
OS: Win 7 UnLtd 64 bit.
Dell Precision M6500 Mobile Workstation for Quad Core Processor
Memory: 8.0 DDR3-1333MHz SDRAM, 2 DIMMS
Graphic Card: 1.0 GB ATI FirePro M7740 Graphics.

That came up around $5k before SH and tax.

I found This on newegg.ca to compare:


Processor: Intel Core 2 Quad Q9000 2.0GHZ
Memory: 6GB
Windows 7 Home Premium 64-Bit
Graphics Card: NVIDIA GeForce GTX 260M
Video memory: 1GB DDR3 WLAN

Now it is my first time changing brand (if needed) but I really want to know what laptop do you guys use (aside from Alienware) To do your work.

That includes. 3ds max, Zbrush, Gimp/Photoshop (with no lag while using wacom tablet)
Along with Visual Studio.NET 2008 Pro installed on it (which contains entire suite inluding MS SQL.NET)

Thanks! :)

EDIT: I know this topic has been posted several times here but I wanted to get the first hand opinion on it.

EDIT2: The ASUS Quad, heats up really fast according to their reviews. I dont know about Dell.

EDIT3: Windows 7 Professional-64bit prefered.


  • oXYnary
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    oXYnary polycounter lvl 18
    You know I was just looking this morn. Cant help you much, but I was thinking. If this is for content development. You dont need the super high end graphics card since you will have 1 or two items on screen at time unless in editor right? I mean you dont need 60fps.

    Zbrush loves cores. While Max and PS will love the memory in 64bit. So my thinking is that look for the cpu speed, then the memory, then the graphics (dedicated) in that order.

    You especially don't need the FirePro, unless you can give a really damn good reasons why a commercial one isn't enough. Are you making for Hollywood or for games? Thats the only reason I could see at FirePro.

    Edit: Get an I7 over a plain Core quad.'

    Edit: If I had the money, something more like this is what I mean. Possibly see about customizing at Asus site to get the 8 gigs.

  • Tom Ellis
    Three Words... or two and a number....

    Macbook Pro 13"

    I bought one earlier last year and it is hands down the greatest laptop I have ever owned, (about 3 Mac laptops and a few Windows laptops over the years). Build quality is incredible, OS X is obviously rock solid as an OS, and of course you can dual boot Windows (or Linux) so you can run all your 2D/3D apps that are Windows only.

    I know this sounds crazy since the spec is somewhat lower than what you have posted but why do you want a laptop with that kind of spec?

    My desktop is a Core i7 rig with a GTX285, and I happily transition to and from my MacBook (2.4Ghz Core2Duo, 4GB RAM). I'd love to say my desktop blows it out the window for performance, but honestly for much of my 3D work, they both run fine. Obviously gaming is a different story, and when you want to work with ZBrush exports with polycounts into the millions when bringing them into Max etc, then yeah you will want the higher spec, but then it's unlikely I'd be working on that kind of thing on my laptop.

    While Macs are expensive (overpriced), a 13" MBP is obviously well inside your budget.

    I just had a look at some of the Dell laptops and I couldn't believe how plasticy and cheap they felt compared to the MacBooks, the only one that comes close is the Adamo and they're stupidly overpriced, and more or less obsolete.

    Seriously man, go check one out, you won't be disappointed!

    EDIT: I should mention I bought mine stock with a small HDD and 2GB RAM and just put 4GB in and a 500GB HDD for like $100, a little less than you pay if ordering that spec custom :D
  • James Edwards
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    James Edwards polycounter lvl 18
    Modbook tablet. Basically a macbook 13" converted to a tablet pc. I only use it for zbrush, 3dcoat and photoshop/sketchbook pro though. It's basically my portable sketch/sculpt tool.
  • Xaltar
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    Xaltar polycounter lvl 17
    DO NOT GO MAC FOR A LAPTOP! (love the modded tablet though, just not for regular 3d)

    Geez, nothing against mac, they have their uses and yeah, quality is good but its not what you want for 3d work. And holy hell, I can't imagine trying to work on a fucking 13". I'm with oXYnary, get a good fast CPU, loads of RAM and a 1gb dedicated vid card. Also try and get the biggest display you can, the system oxy posted is good and should do what you need it to but I would try for more RAM and a larger display.


    with more RAM....
  • Tom Ellis
    Xaltar, I've worked quite happily on my MacBook in 3D for a year or so and it's absolutely fine. Even working on high poly Arch Viz scenes in Max and offline rendering is handled well. That's with an integrated GPU.

    On paper, i agree it's like 'WTF, 3D work with those specs... Lolz yah right' but seriously, I can say with real world experience, it's fine.

    And as I said, I'm running an i7, GTX 285 with 12GB RAM in my desktop and the difference in viewport fps, scene load times, multiple app handling etc never has me thinking that my laptop is at all undercapable.

    Yeah the 13" display isn't ideal for long periods of working, but not much less so than a 15", but just plug in an external display and you're fine.
  • DrunkShaman
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    DrunkShaman polycounter lvl 15
    Creationtwentytwo: Please do not tempt me, I've been keeping an eye on one for sometime now. Not exactly a Macbook pro but Mac pro in general CPU they came out with. Now Macbook pro would cost the same price as Dell laptop i posted in OP. Whoever the hell would spend 5k and plus to buy laptop for college use and his own work use?

    I am looking for a reasonable laptop which would last for a while...like 3-4 years, and I should be able to run the stated software smoothly on it....

    *I also wonder why everyone got stuck on Intel Core i7 720QM(1.6GHz) with 4GB ram,. along with ATI Mobility Radeon HD 5730, O.O*

    Seriously I cant differenciate between Nvidia and ATI Mobility Radeon...
  • Tom Ellis
    I'm not sure I understand you fully. Apologies for that.

    The 13" MBP is like $1100 USD? Unfortunately here in the UK it works out a lot more, mine cost me about £850 last year, but worth every penny for sure.

    You definitely pay an 'Apple premium' and I agree totally that they are overpriced, but it's just the quality of them, it really is awesome.

    I'm gonna sound like a full on fanboy here, but I dunno, I just appreciate build quality and product design and especially something like a laptop which is gonna take some knocks over the years. Do you want a plastic box that weighs an ounce or two and almost bends if you hold it in one hand, or do you pay that bit extra for a solid piece of aluminium which looks and feels a quality product.

    Ok, John Ive has left the building.

    By the way, Apple offer some quite attractive discounts for students so you may be able to save a fair bit.
  • DrunkShaman
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    DrunkShaman polycounter lvl 15
    oh sorry my bad I havent been to the official mac site for a while lol. I think I remember why. Even though Macpro is good for CG it is not recommended for programming...but I'll check it out. It also provides a bootcamp for windows which provides you only 32bit to windows (doesnt matter how many bits your mac have)

    For now I need opinion from 2 products only....if I find anything interesting I'll send you a tell :) Thanks for the input again creationtwentytwo.

    EDIT: For the f9lth time!!!! STOP TEMPTING ME!! Mac is not recommended for programmers :(..stop it!! stop it!! stop it!! *cries*

    A USE CASE for you here:

    Say you create a model on the 3ds max in Mac pro and want to export as an Xfile and import it to the VS.NET-C++08. Now thats where windows (in your words 64 bits) comes in..How user-friendly is the interface in terms convertion and transfereing data from macpro interface to windows? I only ask you because you are a Macpro.....

    I mean Mac Pro..*God!!*...Mac user.
  • pior
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    pior grand marshal polycounter
    James! A few questions.

    Where did you get that little stand thingie? I need one for my cheapo tabletPC, and yours seems perfect!
    Also I see you have some sort of volume control on the left. Can this thing hold keyboard shortcuts and modifier keys? I have a Nulook for this purpose but it's way to heavy to carry around, and not that great in terms of ergonomics.

  • hyrumark
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    hyrumark polycounter lvl 12
    I just bought a "cheapie" Asus that was $899. It has the Nvidia GTX260M and an Intel Core 2 Duo. The graphics pushing power on this thing is INCREDIBLE. Sure the processor could be a bit faster, but for doing 3D stuff I don't have to compromise anything when compared to working on my desktop PC. Best laptop I've owned. For fun I ran a 3D Mark benchmark test on it and got a score of over 8000. Incredible for a laptop.
  • James Edwards
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    James Edwards polycounter lvl 18
    Hey Pior, here's the links for those items. The cricket stand is awesome, and folds up to fit nicely in a laptop bag too!

    The puck thing is fully configurable, yes. I got it as a keyboard replacement for alt, shift, ctrl, spacebar, etc., but is quite nice to use even when I'm at home. It's basically a video editing tool, but even the jog/dial thing is configurable so you can use it for whatever.

    Cricket Laptop Stand

    Contour Shuttle Express
  • Tom Ellis
    Ok no probs Nitewalkr.

    Also, 64bit runs fine on Boot Camp, I'm running 7 Pro 64 and it's making use of all the RAM as it should do.

    Good luck with your laptop search!
  • KhAoZ
    Nitewalkr wrote: »
    Hello members of the polycount;

    As the title states that your opinion is required in this thread regarding buying a new laptop (for 3d modelers)

    So far I've used the build engine of Dell and came up with Following:


    Processor: Intel Core i7-920XM Extreme Edition 2.00GHz 8MB
    OS: Win 7 UnLtd 64 bit.
    Dell Precision M6500 Mobile Workstation for Quad Core Processor
    Memory: 8.0 DDR3-1333MHz SDRAM, 2 DIMMS
    Graphic Card: 1.0 GB ATI FirePro M7740 Graphics.

    That came up around $5k before SH and tax.

    I found This on newegg.ca to compare:


    Processor: Intel Core 2 Quad Q9000 2.0GHZ
    Memory: 6GB
    Windows 7 Home Premium 64-Bit
    Graphics Card: NVIDIA GeForce GTX 260M
    Video memory: 1GB DDR3 WLAN

    Now it is my first time changing brand (if needed) but I really want to know what laptop do you guys use (aside from Alienware) To do your work.

    That includes. 3ds max, Zbrush, Gimp/Photoshop (with no lag while using wacom tablet)
    Along with Visual Studio.NET 2008 Pro installed on it (which contains entire suite inluding MS SQL.NET)

    Thanks! :)

    EDIT: I know this topic has been posted several times here but I wanted to get the first hand opinion on it.

    EDIT2: The ASUS Quad, heats up really fast according to their reviews. I dont know about Dell.

    EDIT3: Windows 7 Professional-64bit prefered.

    Haha, I'm pretty sure I bought this laptop from Dell for $1600 back in September.... I did have 25% off though. The only difference is I have 4 GB of RAM instead of 8. My processor is actually 2.03 GHz not 2.00 :P
  • Keg
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    Keg polycounter lvl 18
    This is what I am running for a laptop: http://www.newegg.ca/Product/Product.aspx?Item=N82E16834220566

    looked at macbooks, but for less money I was able to get a laptop better specs than an equally priced macbook other than screen res and battery life. This was back in September. I havn't really looked around too much since then.

    You can probably find a good asus laptop on newegg for a better price with better specs than a macbook.
  • oXYnary
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    oXYnary polycounter lvl 18
    This looks like a smoking deal.

    The only bad part is the resolution. Though it does have a hdmi, so you can always hook up to a large display when you need.
  • DrunkShaman
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    DrunkShaman polycounter lvl 15
    I still dont understand what you have against this. I mean the reviews were amazing and all. There was only one negative review that I saw related to ASUS.

    Processor: Intel Core 2 Quad Q9000 2.0GHZ
    Memory: 6GB
    Windows 7 Home Premium 64-Bit
    Graphics Card: NVIDIA GeForce GTX 260M
    Video memory: 1GB DDR3 WLAN

    Ya it will heatup fast but as the spec and reviews conclude that the price is worth it.

    "Aside from NVIDIA GeForce GTX 260M 1GB DDR3 WLAN. Which I have yet to read about"
  • oXYnary
  • ZacD
  • oXYnary
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    oXYnary polycounter lvl 18
    Must be an echo in here.
  • ZacD
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    ZacD ngon master
    Or a time warp.
  • Cyrael
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    Cyrael polycounter lvl 10
    I completely totally and utterly disagree. I've had my macbook pro 15 inch for 2 years and it has been amazing. its got a 2.2 gig processor with 4 gigs of ram, granted the graphics card is shitty, but most mac graphics cards are(the one gripe i will ALWAYS have with mac is the lack of customizability) but I can work well into the 25 million range of pollies in zbrush (per subtool) and have never had any problems with anything but a little bit longer than usual rendertimes. My vote is def. for macbook.. they are a great piece of machinery. With that being said, I know you want it for programming and not so much 3d work - so as you have stated go with a pc, I just didn't want anyone shitting on macbooks because they work like a dream in mine and several others experiences.

    EDIT* +1 for the modbook pro.
  • ZacD
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    ZacD ngon master
    Decent video cards are really important to video games, and Mac's are way overpriced. And the performance in zbrush is just based off the ram.

    That i7 is a really great deal and will blow any mac out of the water, the only thing that I like about mac's is they use decent screens, but I hate that they are glossy. Matte is the way to go with laptops.
  • Kwramm
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    Kwramm interpolator
    wait for the new macbook pros or look at the T series thinkpads.
    I'm about to replace my T60p thinkpad and those are basically the only options I'm seriously considering.

    The only other alternative would be to buy a cheap no-name throw-away computer that I replace every 1 1/2 years, but is always sortof current hardware wise. But that's too much hassle imho.

    If you don't mind crappy keyboards and cheaper parts then look at dell...then again dell is also cheaper price wise :)
  • PhattyEwok
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    PhattyEwok polycounter lvl 9
    Dell studio

    gotta chuckle cause it's costco but for that price at those spec's can't go wrong


    and if you are going for more ram

    Dell Studio 17 with 8gb ram
  • DrunkShaman
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    DrunkShaman polycounter lvl 15
    Thanks guys, really appreciated. :)
  • DrunkShaman
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    DrunkShaman polycounter lvl 15

    Here, finally found a good deal of it.

    The only problem is I am still searching the reviews for the following.

    Intel® Core™ i7-620M Dual Core 2.66GHz 4MB

    there is another one i5-540M Dual Core 2.54 4MB something but I am still trying to find the big difference between both of them.


    1.0GB NVIDIA® Quadro® FX 2800M Graphics

    There is FX 3800M Gfx also and I am trying to find the review(s) to see if I should get 3800 or stick to 2800.

    This is going to be one big bitter swallow but meh, I think its going to save me 10 years worth of hassle. (since I read few reviews regarding buying cheap laptops and discarding them 3 years later)

    Even though you guys have offered me the cheapest ones, I cant see myself without dell. :(

    Any further suggestions, comments and helping find the reviews of this 6400M would be really appreciated.

    I didnt want to open another thead, it was either resurrect the dead thread that I started few months ago, or PM someone who is tech sevy.

  • ZacD
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    ZacD ngon master
    You don't need a lot of ram or a fancy processor, just go for an i3 with a dedicated video card.

    3K is a lot, you could get a nice laptop and PC for that price.
  • DrunkShaman
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    DrunkShaman polycounter lvl 15
    After I started the thread and doing the after-math of it. 3gs ($3500 to be precise) is alot less compairing to the otherone they sell with ATI: Firepro. My range is 6k and in that I have to buy pretty much everything. Including the zbrush or mudbox and PS CS4. Along with the year subscription of DT. The lower spec than this is i5 which would cost around $2799.00 with the Unlimited edition of Win 7 - 64 bits.

    I am stuck on this brand and this model is because this deal looks extremely promising.

    The ones people suggested me in previous page and this one do look promising but have minor issues. For example ASUS i7 have BSOD issue. Sony i5 didnt sell the product with its resource CDs and so on.

    Past experience:

    Compac Athlon 3500+ with ATI raiden (forgot which one was it) lasted me one year or less.

    Dell XPS 710 lasted me 5+ years and still running.

    Reason why I wouldnt go under 2k or 3k is because I want to buy something which would save me a huge approx 10 years worth of hassle.

    Edit: The least I can go for is Intel® Core™ i5-540M Dual Core 2.53GHz 3MB default spec. =\

    1MB difference.
  • hawken
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    hawken polycounter lvl 19
    get one with the lowest fan noise
  • DrunkShaman
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    DrunkShaman polycounter lvl 15
  • hawken
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    hawken polycounter lvl 19
    powerful laptops can get outrageously noisy and will drive you to utter distraction.

    I used to have a HP so powerfull it destroyed it's self - which is another story - but the dual fans were so badly laid out the thing was louder than an industrial hoover.

    To be honest with you, a lot of consumer entry level laptops now have high specs, I doubt you'd see all that much difference between them. But the higher spec you go, the actual design of the casing becomes more and more important.

    I work in an office filled with pro desktop machines & laptops (all mac btw), the only time we hear a fan is when a guy brings his laptop in - and it's really infuriatingly noisy.
  • DrunkShaman
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    DrunkShaman polycounter lvl 15
    so you think that Dell Precision M6500 with dual core i7 would make too much noise (considering it is 17")?
  • thomasp
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    thomasp hero character
    oh, no worries - the mac laptop in front of me can get damn noisy as well...

    and Nitewalkr: you'd have to test-listen to that thing under load yourself if noise is a factor to you. noise even varies between almost identical configurations within the same model-range. but yeah, these things can get very hot and loud and then they will be far more distracting than a computer-tower somewhere under your desk.
  • DrunkShaman
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    DrunkShaman polycounter lvl 15
    Well depends how well you keep the laptop fans. For example. If you put that on the corner where there is no air flow, eventually the fans would start making the terrible noises due to dust. If you place it on a laptop cooler and put it on the open desk, there is a rare chance the fans will ever get dusty.

    So far I havent read any review related the fan issues. However I did read one person whining about the scroll that doesnt work until he resets the laptop and he cant figure out what does "Precision ON" means.

    Fan noise is not the factor here. Space, Quality, Performance and speed is the factor. If you know what I mean.
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