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[Portfolio] - Angel Trudeau - 3d Artist

Hey guys,
Been working on building a new portfolio site and I would like to ask for your opinions on my site and my work as a whole.

You can check it out here



  • Farfarer
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    No text on the site? You shouldn't really have all of the text as images.
    - It makes it hard to read (the font you use is a bit of a mess).
    - It takes far longer to load than raw text.
    - It's inaccessable (people with vision difficulties can't just scale the text up).
    - You can't copy/paste any of it.
    - Search engines can't index any of it and so your site won't turn up in search results.

    The "Holy Lunatic" site is clearly amateurish and being affiliated with it taints your site with amateurism. Probably not a good look if you're actually trying to get freelance work.

    I'd try and show more fully realised work, too. More finished, textured game models with full breakdowns.
  • AnimeAngel
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    Thanks Talon. Ya I had debated the text for a while, and my wife had also said she had a hard time reading it. Really hate standard text but the images do create their own issues. So I changed most of the text on the site to actual text rather then images.

    And had been debating what else I could add for images, but think I could show some more break-downs for the weapons at least. I'll work on that this weekend then. thanks
  • Celes
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    hello, maybe shrink the texts a bit but have more spacing between each lines.
  • BradMyers82
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    BradMyers82 interpolator
    I think the site is pretty good.
    My biggest concern would be your art direction. Your sort of all over the place, and I don't feel that you are quite where you need to be to land a gig.
    My main suggestion would be to focus on one thing for a while and get really good at it. Like if your into weapons, watch racers tutorial, watch the eat 3d next gen texturing tutorial. Then start making some really kickass guns!

    If your into environments. Start studying a lot of other peoples work and catch up on the pipline there. And so on. Point being. Your gonna have to step up your A game to land a job, so work really hard man and you'll get there. But be carefull to not spread yourself too thin, and attempt everything. Hope this helps. Good luck dude!
  • bhong
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    The services tab could use a bit of formatting, I was having trouble reading it.

    Also, when I clicked on your blog I was a little surprised it didn't open in a new window and completely took me away from your main site. Could change that maybe.

    My 2 cents, hope it helps.
  • AnimeAngel
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    Great, thanks all! Updated the weapons page and added some maps and such. Got to add a few more I think.

    Ya Brad, I see what you are saying, and I would love to specialize in one thing but since I am freelance and plan on staying that way for a while, I have found that the only way to survive is to do what ever jobs you can find. That makes it hard to specialize.
    I really have been pushing to try and stay as a hard surface modeler, as that is the stuff I enjoy doing the most. Hoping as I progress I can gravitate more into just that area but as things are now I just take what ever job I can find. If I can do it and it pays...

    Bhong, ya, I am still kind of tweaking and playing with the format on that page. Need to get a better layout with the standard font, maybe as celes say, more space between the lines with smaller fonts.
  • Mazvix
    Offline / Send Message
    Hi Angel,

    your modeling is solid. The thing that got my attention the most are your textures/material set up. They are very monotone. Mix it up a bit so it is not so boring...My advice is go back and polish up those guns with their materials.
  • 3D-209
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    Along with what other people have said, I'm a little put off by the watermarks on your texture maps. It assumes that a.) someone could make them useful without your models, and b.) they're good enough to be stolen. People put really good work up all over this site, their portfolio sites, and many others. I don't think you're being arrogant, you're probably just trying to protect your work, but I think it's unnecessary anyway.

    I also don't think the images of your work are thorough enough. You show your normal mapped guns from one angle with textures, but no lowres with normals or highres and the images are too small to get enough info from in general.

    I agree with Brad in that you should pick something you enjoy doing and get great at it, even if you're doing freelance and feel like you need to keep your portfolio balanced. Your overall skill will probably level up as you get more comfortable with just about any sub-skill, and it helps to have a few standout pieces to get attention.

    For now I would remove the images of the zbrushed kid at the bottom of "The Secret Passage" page. I'd also probably get rid of the tree, or at least move it from the top, until you have some time to work on your sculpting so it reads better. Right now it's pretty confusing to look at and the pipes are misshapen and look more like... other things ;). The mechanical bits are neat though.

    I hope some of that helps and isn't discouraging. It's all about practice, I know I need tons.
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