At least he had time to get his affairs in order and say good bye. I like the sentiment that cancer can take your life but it can't kill the music and through that you score a win.
Gotta admire anyone willing to go through chemo. "We're going to try and kill you and hope the cancer goes first, good luck". I hope someday we look back at chemo like we look at leaches or blood letting.
The hard rock/metal world has had some catastrophic losses lately. This hits harder than most. Being only 30 now, I was a fan that got into Dio and the Dio era Sabbath a ways into my heavy metal education. I would imagine most people my age in high school, when they first learn of Black Sabbath, they discover the Ozzy stuff. It wasn't until much later when I heard the Heaven and Hell cd and Dio's solo stuff that I was blown away and thought "Why am I just now discovering this man?!" The Dio fronted Sabbath was a perfect metal band. Hearing that Heaven and Hell live cd a few years back just made me think, "THIS is how a metal band should sound."
I only saw Dio live once, opening for Maiden along with Motorhead. We had lawn seats, and Dio went on while it was only just getting dark, but it was a fantastic performance. My girlfriend at the time, who herself was just now getting into metal at the time wasn't a fan of that style, was blown away and at one point said to me, "Damn he can sing."
It's a shame that most people will regard him as the singer that followed Ozzy fronting Sabbath. I almost wish that when Dio joined them they had changed their name, maybe then that lineup would get the respect and accolades as being one of the greatest, if not the greatest hard rock/metal band ever.
It's a shame that most people will regard him as the singer that followed Ozzy fronting Sabbath. I almost wish that when Dio joined them they had changed their name, maybe then that lineup would get the respect and accolades as being one of the greatest, if not the greatest hard rock/metal band ever.
They did in 2007. They called themselves Heaven And Hell, and put out a new live album, and new CD.
They did in 2007. They called themselves Heaven And Hell, and put out a new live album, and new CD.
As someone that has been a fan of all types of metal, has written for metal mags in the past and on websites, and followed Dio and Sabbath for years and years...I kinda knew that. In fact I would hope that to most metalheads here on this board that was common knowledge. Shame if it isn't. The Devil You Know is an amazing album and a fine final album for Dio to be a part of.
But that will never be seen as anything other than a footnote in both Sabbath and Dio's legacy. If they had called themselves that in '79 instead of continuing on with the Sabbath name that line up would have gotten the proper accolades. As it is, whenever people of Sabbath they think of Ozzy, where-as I've and countless others always thought of Dio as the superior performer and vocalist.
At least he had time to get his affairs in order and say good bye. I like the sentiment that cancer can take your life but it can't kill the music and through that you score a win.
Gotta admire anyone willing to go through chemo. "We're going to try and kill you and hope the cancer goes first, good luck". I hope someday we look back at chemo like we look at leaches or blood letting.
I only saw Dio live once, opening for Maiden along with Motorhead. We had lawn seats, and Dio went on while it was only just getting dark, but it was a fantastic performance. My girlfriend at the time, who herself was just now getting into metal at the time wasn't a fan of that style, was blown away and at one point said to me, "Damn he can sing."
It's a shame that most people will regard him as the singer that followed Ozzy fronting Sabbath. I almost wish that when Dio joined them they had changed their name, maybe then that lineup would get the respect and accolades as being one of the greatest, if not the greatest hard rock/metal band ever.
As someone that has been a fan of all types of metal, has written for metal mags in the past and on websites, and followed Dio and Sabbath for years and years...I kinda knew that.
But that will never be seen as anything other than a footnote in both Sabbath and Dio's legacy. If they had called themselves that in '79 instead of continuing on with the Sabbath name that line up would have gotten the proper accolades. As it is, whenever people of Sabbath they think of Ozzy, where-as I've and countless others always thought of Dio as the superior performer and vocalist.
"This sucks" doesn't quite cover it.