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50s Gas Pump - Seeking crits!

polycounter lvl 7
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robl polycounter lvl 7
Hey, all! I'm working on a 1950s gas pump for class and am looking for any crits or suggestions anyone may have before getting too far into it.



That last one is the most recent, and is the same as the first but with the dents added. As for ref, I'm working from a few different images depending on the quality and angles, etc. but these are the main two.


Thanks, guys!


  • marq4porsche
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    marq4porsche polycounter lvl 9
    You've really captured that fifties feel with it so far and I think it's starting off really well, only a few crits. The proportions seem a bit off, like it should be a bit taller overall but not by much. I'm not liking that damage you've got there, the modeling is great so far but that feels a bit off.
  • Oniram
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    Oniram polycounter lvl 17
    same here. not a big fan of the dent work.
  • robl
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    robl polycounter lvl 7
    Thanks, guys. I'm definitely going to tweak the height and, yeah, I'm still on the fence about that dent. I'll keep playin with it.
  • robl
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    robl polycounter lvl 7
    Quick update, guys. I've just started texturing my low poly and I wanted to toss this up and see if anyone had any crits before getting too far into it. Basically, everything aside from the logos and the very front panel are still just base textures. Any suggestions would be appreciated!

  • P442
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    P442 polycounter lvl 8
    too early to tell, but it looks like you're going in the right direction
  • .Murder
  • raul
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    raul polycounter lvl 11
    i problably sound like a broken record for saying this in every thread....your work is not matching the reference. The Dent work looks cool by itself, but it just doesnt make your piece justice. Also, you are adding your own flare here and there. Not showing wires, or tri counts.

    Why is the hose in the floor??

    Its looking cool tho, keep it up!
  • AshleyTayles
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    AshleyTayles polycounter lvl 9
    I actually quite like it. I like the hose on the floor but make a variation with it in the hook if you're planning on using it in a gas station environment as 4 pumps with the hose on the floor in the same place will look crap.

    I'm not sure how you're doing this prop. Is it a 50's gas pump in the 50's or a 50's gas pump as it would look now after 50 or so years? If it's the first I think that there's too much wear and tear, if not then it looks great!
  • robl
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    robl polycounter lvl 7
    Awesome. Thanks for the comments, guys!

    Raul, yeah I've been deviating from the ref quite a bit. I'm kind of at the point of no going back with my wires, etc. as I only have a week of the semester left and 5 classes other than modeling. I really should have thrown that up much sooner. :(

    AshleyTayles, yeah this isn't going to be used in any type of environment, so I decided that maybe the hose on the floor gave it a little more character? I'm not so sure now haha. But yeah, it's definitely not a new pump. As it is currently, I'd say it's somewhere between the 50s and now, which I suppose is sort of a vague place to be. I have another week to work the textures more and push the idea so here's hoping!

    My most recent shot from unreal


    Off to class -- thanks again, everyone!
  • ajr2764
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    ajr2764 polycounter lvl 10
    Hmm I had the same project for my texturing class a while back...I wonder whos your professor. Nice progress so far, what size texture sheet are you using?
  • bejkon
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    bejkon polygon
    I don't mind that the hose is on the ground :P

    Looks solid, good job.
  • robl
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    robl polycounter lvl 7
    ajr2764, our class is 3d modeling for game and we pick our own props for the most part. The texture is 1024.
  • robl
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    robl polycounter lvl 7
    Still slowly picking away at textures!

    Most recent screencaps from Unreal and my diffuse/specs.


    Aside from the usual scratches and grime I've added a sticker to the bare side to break up all that gray space and tried to vary the color of the pump handle a bit.


  • MRico
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    MRico polycounter lvl 10
    Looks real good man, I like it!
  • Turbosmooth Operator
    Remove the photos and prices from the spec. The glass/plastic on the sign at the top is what would give the specular highlights, not the image underneath. The poster would have more specular on the thick black ink lines if anything.
  • robl
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    robl polycounter lvl 7
    Oh shit, good call Turbosmooth. That didn't even cross my mind. Thanks!
  • PredatorGSR
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    PredatorGSR polycounter lvl 14
    The spec looks a bit bland. I would recommend experimenting with creating a layer of noise and running some filters on it to get subtle fractal patterns and variation, and overlaying that on your spec map so that you'll get some variation on the spec hits.
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