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maya mentalray final gather artifacts.

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malcolm polycount sponsor
I'm having some little black splotches show up in my final gather render. I'll post an image later tonight, just checking to make sure I'm not missing anything. I've tried upping all the samples and just makes the black splotches smaller but they're still there. I've got a basic scene setup, ibl set to texture with a colour plugged into the texture slot and the default final gather settings. Any ideas?


  • nightshade
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    could you post some screen shots of the render settings, both the "quality" tab and the Indirect lighting tab and an image of the splotches?
  • malcolm
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    malcolm polycount sponsor
    Here's an image, where are these black splotchies coming from. Default settings don't work for shit I have to turn on the legacy fg mode where you put a min and max range in to get rid of these. I have this on my home computer and my work computer.

  • funshark
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    funshark polycounter lvl 16
    hard to tell without the scene
  • nightshade
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    try cranking up the point interpolation for one. also, what type of material is on the object?
  • malcolm
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    malcolm polycount sponsor
    Yeah already tried cranking up all the settings to insane values, just makes the problem less noticeable but it's still there. That shader is a lambert, seriously I've removed all the variables this is a scene with one object it in it fucking up with default settings.

    Here is the file, nothing fancy going on here.

  • funshark
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    funshark polycounter lvl 16
    well it seems you can't avoid this without using the min/max range.
    Since FG is not as accurate than global illum, this is understandable for me.

    The auto computation of mental ray to determine how big or small each point have to be doesn't seem to be very smart in some cases ;)

    My advice is : just use the min/max when you have to ( why do you call it "legacy"? )

    edit : ah, and when you save a maya scene, save it in .ma. Much easier to open if the version isn't the same ;)
  • malcolm
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    malcolm polycount sponsor
    funshark, I call it legacy because the mental ray help file refers to the min max setting as legacy and not needed with their fancy new autocalculate that doesn't work? I can get it working just fine with the min max but then what's the point of them saying this other system works when it clearly doesn't. For the maya file version thing you should just be able to tick on ignore version under the open options box.
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