Pretty excited here. Just accepted the offer!

I've been working in 3D for 12 years but I haven't had a game job in almost 10. It kinda felt like trying to "break in" all over again with the career change.
I'll be starting at Escalation Studios as a general 3D Artist and later move on to being a Character Artist it sounds like. I'll have my work cut out for me.
Anywho... Thanks polycount for being so informative. I didn't post much but this place helped me out much more than going back to school ever could. I almost feel like adding "Polycount University" to the resume. :poly124:
I guess now I'm curious if anyone is looking for a roommate down there in the Dallas area by chance? I promise not to smell too bad.
Thanks again everyone for your help.

lol yep...mine was a bit morbid though...
Has some flaws, they seemed more interested in my characters as they were going to hire eventually for it anyway it sounds like. And they felt they could kill two birds with one stone I guess.
I signed a nazi-NDA but I'm really excited to contribute to what they are working on. Their website isn't really reflective of what they do anymore.
Dallas is a great place to be, lots of talented folks their, so I'm sure you'll have a blast
Warning though, Dallas has the worst drivers in the country, true story.
I love "i got a job" threads
'bout time man! congratsiola!
All thats left is polyhertz bradmyers and jason to get jerb threads up!
^ Seriously pull those guys if they need people! There awesome!
Show them young un's how its done!
Wow, a lot of you are in Texas already. Cool deal.