So there are going to be quite a few releases from my work place in the next few weeks so i guess i should post them all in one place instead of spamming general discussion with threads about small games.
First one is an iphone port of the psp minis game, "BLASTOFF".
Its a very good game imo, and is only a $1 check it out!
I only did half a weeks work on this game, but that shouldn't matter as you should buy it because its a good game and not because i worked on it !
Its a very good game imo, check it out!
It has a hell of a lot of content for a $5 game
cool stuff man, imma check some of those out... hope you got your name on a few of them
(that trailer for fruit ninja was dope btw... gameplay looks fun too ^^)
i only worked on the first one in here, blastoff. but the other two were done by a team im pretty much aprt of. Currently we have a setup in our team where we develop 2 games at once with the same designer and have a lot of cross input between the members, hence why im helping pimp their game(not to mention that if these sell it helps keep me employed). Its been working pretty well, and the iphone game ive been doing work for will be announced in a few weeks time. (dont want to eat into your own sales and all that).