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Nerf Maverick


Long time reader, first time poster.

For one of the classes that I'm in we were assigned to build a weapon of our choice. My girlfriend has a pretty kick-ass modded Nerf Maverick, so that's what I chose to do.

Needed to a High-poly bake and have it textured and rigged for UDK. So first of all, here's my high-poly. (There's a few things not included in my model, mostly detail on the round-bit. I'll be adding this later, hopefully.)

Aaaaaand here's my low-poly; it's far from being.. good. And it's definitely not optimized, but the assignment was due and I had to plow through it. I also have a texture for it, but I don't even want to show it yet, as it's just not good enough.

And here's the bake.

So, while I'm really happy with the high-poly, everything else needs a ton of work to make this thing look any good. I'm also getting some really weird issues happening when I bring it into UDK. Several chunks of the gun are mirrored in an attempt to save some UV space but this creates weird and horrible lighting seams that I can't seem to fix. I've taken all of the mirrored chunks and moved them by exactly one in the UV Space (you can see my UVs here), which I thought would fix it, but it doesn't. I've also generated unique UVs in UDK but that didn't do anything either.

Here's the not-so-screwy seams (it depends where the light is);

And here's the error;

I would really love crits on the project as a whole as well as some advice on how to make the bake a little better. Also, texturing guns is really hard. :\ I've been trolling through some of EarthQuake's old gun posts to look for some pointers on how to get that great looking material, but I'd love some tips on that too~


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