i was playing just cause 2 the other day....and i was just frothing at the mouth thinking what this game would be like as an FPS. this was probably due to the fact that far cry2 is one of my favorite games this generation. but it got me thinking.....why don't more people offer the option to play in first person OR third person ala FALLOUT 3/OBLIVION? i understand it takes may take a little bit of extra time to fine tune both perspectives. but...seems like catering to both fans would pay off for developers in the long run.
ps, I'm not saying it can't be done, just that its twice the work. If you ask most people if they'd like to do this much work, or twice that much work..
and i know that bethesda has always been critiqued pretty hard for their anims pertaining to the third person. i was just using bethesda as an example. because they have been the only people that have done this. but just a little extra time seems like it could generate a LOT of cash in sales.
There are a lot of games that could be played from a 1st person perspective without hurting gameplay much (like gears), but I don't think Just Cause 2 is one of them.
I thought Mirrors Edge was terrible in first person, it seemed like it was FPS just so it had a USP apart from the amazing visual direction. An option to play in 3rd person would have suited me but I'm not sure it would have been workable in the real world.