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Collaborations and group fun

polycounter lvl 11
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Progg polycounter lvl 11
I'm not sure how other people feel on the topic.. but working with other people on a project definitely helps to keep me motivated and stay on track as well as opening new ideas and doors to things I had never thought of. Unfortunately I was not very involved on the forums during the beginning of the Unearthly challenges, but I noticed a lot of groups doing some very cool environments. When is the next Unearthly Challenge? I would love to team up with maybe another environment artist or a texture artist and explore doing a large scale scene on the side. It doesn't even have to be for a contest. Just something to keep busy and make pretty pictures.


  • ZacD
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    ZacD ngon master
    I need some more portfolio pieces, I'd be happy to do a group project.
  • Eltrex06
    i still have a lot to learn, but the only way to learn is to do.. so count me in!
  • oXYnary
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    oXYnary polycounter lvl 18
    Progg, you could get involved with a mod as well. Just be careful that you choose one thats serious and they wont loose interest half way through.

    I agree though, working with others to build your skills is much more fulfilling then just creating pieces that only sit in your portfolio.
  • crasong
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    crasong polycounter lvl 14
    Any chance for a newcomer to learn from a group? I'm really lost as to where to begin with personal projects or modelling environments altogether. I'm only semi-confident in modelling so far :S
  • ZacD
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    ZacD ngon master
    Progg are you looking to lead a group, work with a few people as partners, or what?
  • Progg
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    Progg polycounter lvl 11
    I'm not really sure yet. I have a few projects I want to finish up. I was just gauging an overall feel for people that were interested in working. It's not just about me either... I'd love to see other people doing more group things as well.
  • brandoom
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    brandoom polycounter lvl 15
    I'd be interested in a group project of some sort. Would be a great way to stay motivated once I go back to working at the golf course =\
  • tyl3r
    I'd definitely be interested in collaborating with someone on creating a small environment for a portfolio piece. I'm ready to start now, and have a lot of free time to work. Anyone interested? Post here or shoot me a PM!
  • Zipfinator
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    Zipfinator polycounter lvl 9
    I don't have much experience but I'd definitely be interested in joining a team. It'd be a great learning experience. I'd probably want to use the Source engine though which I know no one on here would want to do. You can get great results on Source if you know what you're doing (Look at the Dear Esther art redo). I'd be willing to learn UDK though if I joined a team that really wanted to use it over Source.
  • crazyfingers
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    crazyfingers polycounter lvl 10
    God i sound like a broken record, but guys, plan a friggin' mod. You've got 2 months till the release of possibly the most casual friendly/ powerful (relatively speaking for us non programmer guys) mod engine comes out (starcraft II's galaxy engine), so no programmer required, just someone with a decent gaming foundation who's ready to work hard.

    Get on a messenger program, figure out each other's strengths and weaknesses, get an idea going, allocate some work, pound out some art tests for it till the engine ships (supposedly 2 months, but this is blizzard we're talking about).

    Some of you are going to slack off, cut 'em. Some of you are going to excel, you may jump ship and find a better mod team that's looking for more on the mod community forums. The important thing is you guys are going to be getting in the mindset of doing something important with your work and getting it in engine to serve a purpose and figuring out how to get tangible results out of it by working and finding others of similar competency. My personal opinion is working on a tangible end product that's meant for others to enjoy is much more rewarding than working on art that's going to sit in a portfolio somewhere with the sole purpose of maybe getting you a job someday.

    So yeah, get on it guys, make something awesome :), it's fun! Keep it simple, maybe some kind of First Person game to put an emphasis on the art since you guys are likely to have many artists. Take as many factors into account as you can now to ensure everyone is happy and productive. 2 months planning may sound like a long time, but you may find once you start getting into engine that you wish you'd had more time.

    This video has been posted multiple times on this site, but maybe you guys haven't seen it:

    True, this engine isn't the best engine for showcasing amazing art (which unfortunately is probably many of your guys' focus), but i can guarantee you mediocre Galaxy editor mods will have 1000's of times more plays than any source or unreal mod you guys may make. When you get bit by the modding bug, you really want people to actually play your stuff and get feedback within a thriving community so you can get better, and the best bet for that in my opinion is the galaxy editor. Stuff to think about, how much do you guys want to make a mod that's played and viewed by many and how much do you want to make a mod that you can post really amazing screen shots of solely for the purpose of expanding portfolios.
  • ZacD
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    ZacD ngon master
    I'm up for a SC2 mod team, just gotta figure out something cool to do with the engine, of course we should try to use as many custom assets as possible.
  • crazyfingers
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    crazyfingers polycounter lvl 10
    Maybe you guys can check out some warcraft III mod forums or battlenet forums, probably a lot of energy there from modders looking for a small team of artists. You guys are good enough (maybe not big names here on PC, but you guys would be rock stars on the standard mod forum) that you can probably be a little picky in the SCII mod scene. Unless one of you guys wants to step up to the plate and manage this thing.

    Anyway, take some initiative guys, seems like everyone in this thread is waiting for someone to do something to rally everyone together. As stated maybe you guys can find a developing mod to rally behind that already has a bit of momentum that's being composed by some scripting dudes looking for artists on another forum you guys don't know about. You guys should team up.
  • Eltrex06
    wow SC2 that never even crossed my mind.... great idea crazyfingers!

    I'm totally game for a SC2 mod. I've never worked on a mod before but it sounds like alot of fun. Count me in.
  • Arkadius
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    Arkadius polycounter lvl 13
    Could always do a short, Like a cinematic, something in game. It would be a way to avoid any programming and it would pretty artist orientated. On the other hand blizzard's engines tend to be user friendly. Footmen Frenzy for Starcraft :P?

    Either way I wouldn't mind joining if you could use me.
  • ZacD
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    ZacD ngon master
    The in game cinematics look good



    Maybe we could do a mini side story and some missions and a few video clips.
  • crasong
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    crasong polycounter lvl 14
    I'm comfortable with polygonal modelling mostly, but im able to do unwrapping, and have a decent number of hours clocked into engines like torque and panda3d, so exporting and whatnot is something im familiar with as well. I can take work up as long as someone can correct me, and I've always wanted to work on mods.


    So add me already! haha, I'll promise to do my best.

    ranking skills in terms of confidence of quality

    5.texturing(really bad at this im afraid =\)
  • ZacD
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    ZacD ngon master
    Maybe people should be posting their portfolios instead of just saying I want in.
  • DrunkShaman
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    DrunkShaman polycounter lvl 14
    ZacD wrote: »
    I'm up for a SC2 mod team, just gotta figure out something cool to do with the engine, of course we should try to use as many custom assets as possible.

    Side story of Evil vs Evil with RTS approach sounds like a good plan suggusted. :)

    I really hate you guys for holding on starcraft 2 before its official release. >.<
  • crasong
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    crasong polycounter lvl 14
    oops totally forgot :poly136: guess my enthusiasm got the better of me.

    Here's what i got that i hope is worth showing.



    If my standard ain't good enough I totally understand.
  • Arkadius
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    Arkadius polycounter lvl 13
    I'm with Crasong, excitement clouds the mind anyway this is the closest thing that I have to a portfolio
  • brandoom
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    brandoom polycounter lvl 15
    Like I said earlier. I'd be down to work on something collaborative. My website is posted below.

    I don't many ideas to toss around, yet, as I do not know what other people like.. I'm a big fan of sci-fi however. I agree with Dado, something that isn't going to involve coding would be nice. I'd be happy with just making a nice, thought out and well constructed scene.
  • crasong
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    crasong polycounter lvl 14
    Gah, looking at all your works, i'm evidently way in over my head here ><

    As to the coding problem, i guess thats where doing a mod may come in handy? I'm fine with anything really, but sci-fi too is my favourite ^^
  • Elhrrah
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    Elhrrah polycounter lvl 8
    Why am I feeling this insane urge to throw together an eight-page recruitment speal? It must be the possibility of adding 'recruited 17% of polycount' to my resume.

    I'm slightly bogged down with two projects, three jobs, continuing education, and a motorcycle (or two) to fix, but I'd be glad to dig through some of my archives to patch together a plot of some sort. At last count, I've got five or so sci-fi plots prefabbed, thanks to a semi-photographic memory.
  • BlackulaDZ
  • Eltrex06
    website is below, this is my first mod and unfortunately i dont have any game assets on my port yet (currently working on an unreal scene for my portfolio classes in school) only high poly but my skills have certainly improved since those days lol
  • ZacD
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    ZacD ngon master
    So it sounds like we want to wait till the SC editor is released, still we gotta get a leader, or a few people in charge of managing.
  • s0id3
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    s0id3 polycounter lvl 8
    if you guys star an SC2 mod team Ill join
  • Zipfinator
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    Zipfinator polycounter lvl 9
    So this is morphing into a mod? Well I'm already working on two Source mods at the moment but one of them will be released in a few months and the other later this year. If the project is really interesting I'm sure I could spare some time for it if there was a spot for me on the team.
  • DrunkShaman
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    DrunkShaman polycounter lvl 14
    ZacD wrote: »
    So it sounds like we want to wait till the SC editor is released, still we gotta get a leader, or a few people in charge of managing.

    Looks like you are the only capable being of leadership. Why not take charge and have groupies start creating stuff, and when Sc2 comes out you can just import it in to its editor.

    I am down for this, but I am way too newbie and still practicing modeling. Havent even gotten up to texturing yet.

    But I can bake cookies and pies guys......... <.<
  • ZacD
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    ZacD ngon master
    Sorry for the bump but the editor for SC2 should be coming out within the next few weeks, and I'm looking for some people to do a creative level with some cinematic and fun gameplay, just pm me. I need some people to throw around ideas with.
  • crazyfingers
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    crazyfingers polycounter lvl 10
    Hey, if nothing pans out here, just play custom games and find one you like. Ask the modders if they need artists and show 'em your folios, or hunt around the mod forums which are sure to be rockin' once the editor is out.

    I kinda goofed and assembled a team too early, everyone was pumped to make art, but with no editor it's kind of a buzz kill. So i'm just trying to forget about it for now and going to try to re energize everyone once the actual editor is out. Once we get some gameplay working it'll be a lot more fun and streamlined to make art for it. Heck if some artists drop ship or we need more i'll definitely be on the lookout for more artists right here on PC :)

    I'm sure organizing is going to be a lot easier to pull off once the editor is out and the mod community is in full swing, can't wait!
  • ZacD
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    ZacD ngon master
    Okay, cool, remember me :P, what do you guys have planned if don't mind sharing? (you can PM me if you don't want to tell the world).
  • crazyfingers
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    crazyfingers polycounter lvl 10
    Will do Zac ;)

    Nah, I don't mind. Me and some buddies at school are planning a spaceship RPG of sorts centered around PVP and NPC combat that we're currently calling "Belt" in homage of Asteroids, or BLT for short, originally we were going to call it "Cosmic Engage", but it sounded kinda "nerdy". Almost every aspect of each match is going to be randomized in some kind of way, kind of in the same vein as the classic Worms Series or more recent Spelunky.

    Here are some of our influences:
    Defense of the Ancients
    Diablo II
    Elona Shooter
    Enigmata: Genu's Revenge
    Mech Warrior
    Mechanical Commander 2
    Star Trek
    Tower Defenses
    X Wing/ Tie fighter

    Some are flash games you've probably never heard of.

    We've got some really exciting ideas coming out, in fact the design doc is overflowing right now with crazyness, if we get 1/4 of our planned game mechanics working i'll be stoked. Fingers crossed we can get some of 'em to work! The art should be pretty good regardless ;)
  • ZacD
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    ZacD ngon master
    So is the plan to get the core gameplay built and expand from there?
    Sounds like it could be awesome, I'm curious how all the elements will work together.
  • crazyfingers
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    crazyfingers polycounter lvl 10
    In a way, yeah, we are shooting for milestones, getting a simple top down shooter that works in a survival type mode to start, but once that's working the gameplay can shift to multiplayer quite quickly. Any manner of gameplay stuffs can be finished and thrown into the scaled down version of the game, gotta play these mods by ear. 3 months into developement I really have no idea which systems are going to be in place so the game could really be any kind of mish mashed Frankenstein at that point of the many dynamics we have envisioned.

    It's mostly about getting systems you envision to work independently that can be thrown together to make the cohesive whole you originaly envisioned. But really you just gotta jump in and throw stuff togther, some of it will work others wont, play it and try to get 'em to work how you envisioned but keep an eye out for the accidental awesomeness that always ends up being better than what you had in mind.

    We're also going to look for trends in other people's mods. Every succesful mod to date has taken what works and expanded on it. Simply put we don't know right now what's going to work with our programing abilities in the editor or not so we're going to try to work with other modders to figure that out what's possible. It's a balancing act, doing what you want to do and doing what's possible.
  • ZacD
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    ZacD ngon master
    I actually have an idea now, some how make a whole bunch of boss fights, I don't know if it will be you have a limited amount of resources and this this much time to beat this monster, or if it will be hero based, or something different. But I kinda want it old school top down game bosses (think 2D zelda)
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