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another crazy lawsuit?!?

for all the "evil america" politaical threads that keep popping up only to closed hours later, THIS: is whats wrong with the world today.

and yes I realise it's in the US but it could happen in can or the uk just as easily


  • ebagg
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    ebagg polycounter lvl 17
    There's a interesting documentary on teens and the internet on netflix, (I'd post a link but it's not on my queue anymore and I forget the name), talking about teens and the internet.

    I think really all you can do as a parent is educate your kids about the internet and discipline as good as you can, but ruining your kid's facebook and/or making your home into a police state is one of the quickest ways to have them rebel against you.
  • glynnsmith
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    glynnsmith polycounter lvl 17
    for all the "evil america" politaical threads that keep popping up only to closed hours later, THIS: is whats wrong with the world today.

    and yes I realise it's in the US but it could happen in can or the uk just as easily
    I don't think Canada or the UK are as quick to the law courts as America is.

    This reminds me of something I read the other week. Apparently that Beiber kid's manager was arrested because he failed to tweet about an appearance at a mall being cancelled. Something about conspiracy to cause a riot, IIRC.

    I think people need just a touch of common sense. Seems to be in big defecit, with this kind of bullshit.
  • JacqueChoi
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    JacqueChoi polycounter
    I think the horrible parenting, is worse than the lawsuit.

    Some controlling parent getting a slap on the wrist, small fine, or community service, is a LOT better than having a raging fucked up kid doing stupid shit, because he never had an outlet..
  • bluekangaroo
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    bluekangaroo polycounter lvl 13
    that is just stupid. There is no reason that this farce should be heard in front of a court or a judge and waste their valuable time
  • [Deleted User]
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    [Deleted User] polycounter lvl 18
    His mom embarrassed him. Boo hoo. It hardly warrants legal action.

    On the other hand though, just for the sake of thinking about things: What if it wasn't his mom? What if it was just some other adult who took it upon themselves to mess with his account and post things about him/as him/whatever? I'm inclined to think most people would consider that person to be in the wrong, possibly enough for it to be taken seriously as a legal claim. So assuming for a moment that the action itself is illegal, does being his mother make it okay? Bear in mind that his mother isn't his legal guardian in this case. What if it was his teacher? Or a random stranger who found the account active on a public machine, like at a library or something? Does the nature of the personal relationship with the person legally influence whether their actions can be considered harassment/slander/vandalism/whatever?

    Nah, I dunno. I'm just sayin' words.
  • Ott
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    Ott polycounter lvl 13
    Bare in mind that our legal system (and lawyers) foolishly allow just about anything to be brought before a judge. It's on the judge to laugh it out of his courtroom, which any judge worth his salt is going to do.

    As previously mentioned, it's more of an issue of bad parenting than anything. Instead of logging into his Facebook and posting about him, why don't you just pull the plug on his internet entirely?
  • Sage
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    Sage polycounter lvl 19
    I think that kid needs to be bitched slapped, what a tool!
  • notman
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    notman polycounter lvl 18
    I give the mom credit for knowing how to cover all the details (changing his email password too). I'm also glad to see parents stepping in and actually being parents instead of friends to their kids.

    Fly soup: those other situations are completely different, and should be handled differently. I think the parent has every right as long as they are responsible for their child. And, for that matter, if I'M paying for the internet in my house, then my kids will follow my rules, no matter their age. If they don't like it, leave :P
    And that goes for teachers/schools too. If the student is using the schools resources to access facebook, then I'm cool with them blocking out access to social networking sites. And if you leave yourself logged in, while I don't like the solution, I would still be in favor of the teacher changing a student's password, just to restrict access during class. I do think it's a bit more borderline though, when it's not a parent/guardian.
  • ScudzAlmighty
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    fly_soup wrote: »
    His mom embarrassed him. Boo hoo. It hardly warrants legal action.

    On the other hand though, just for the sake of thinking about things: What if it wasn't his mom? What if it was just some other adult who took it upon themselves to mess with his account and post things about him/as him/whatever? I'm inclined to think most people would consider that person to be in the wrong, possibly enough for it to be taken seriously as a legal claim. So assuming for a moment that the action itself is illegal, does being his mother make it okay? Bear in mind that his mother isn't his legal guardian in this case. What if it was his teacher? Or a random stranger who found the account active on a public machine, like at a library or something? Does the nature of the personal relationship with the person legally influence whether their actions can be considered harassment/slander/vandalism/whatever?

    Nah, I dunno. I'm just sayin' words.

    Like notman says, if any of those were the case then sure, but they aren't and if they were that would bring up a totally different issue.

    From what I can tell this about a mother doing what she can to stop her son acting like a fucking idiot online and him using an already badly abused system to cry about it.

    You know what happened to me when I misbehaved as a kid? I got my ass kicked is what. And if I tried to bitch about it? I got it kicked again.

    And you know what else? I've never robbed a store, stolen a car or killed anybody.
  • Firebert
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    Firebert polycounter lvl 15
    break out the belt, go fetch a switch, wtf happened to the good old days?

    his grandmother that he's living with should beat the ever living piss out of him.
    she knows better.
  • Geezus
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    Geezus mod
    Denise first hacked my Facebook and changed my password. She also changed the password to my e-mail so I could not change it. She posted things that involve slander and personal facts about my life.

    It's a bit silly, yeah, but this woman does not have custody of this kid. Therefore, she has no legal claims....right? I agree that he should probably just get a firm beating and be on his way, but from a legal stand point...he's within his rights. I may be in the minority here, but I hope he wins. :)

    edit: Though, you have to be a complete shit to take your MOTHER to court.
  • Disco Stu
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    So no matter who wins the mom will pay the bills?
  • eld
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    eld polycounter lvl 18
    its completely retarded that a 16year old actually gets to drive a car in the great USA, but thats beyond the point.

    it's retarded that a courtcase can be made out of a teenagers emo-rage of the moment.

    Every 16year old will go through these rage emotions and say and do stupid things to their family, but that stuff passes.
  • Justin Meisse
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    Justin Meisse polycounter lvl 18
    I tend to believe that stupid shit has been happening since the dawn of time, the internet is just making it faster and easier for us to access it.
  • Mark Dygert
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    Younger than 18: Have fun in foster care.

    18 or older: You're free to join the circus or perhaps the army here are some brochures. Shall I help you pack or are you a big enough boy to do that on your own? You can take anything you paid for with money you earned.

    Shut down facebook for bragging about speeding. He'd be lucky to even see another car before he turns 40 if he was my son.

    EDIT: After reading the article, it sounds like a typical American broken home. I blame the kid a little less for growing up nearly parent-less and not having the tools needed to deal with life.

    But he's at the age now that if he thinks he can take care of himself and be autonomous then he should be. His dumb ass should know not to leave facebook logged in on another persons computer. If this had happened at a public terminal like a school or library, he would have shrugged and moved on.

    Sounds like his mom is a piece of work. It really depends on what she posted and why as to how much of a parent she was actually being. Where's dad? What's grandma doing? Why does he still have a license?
  • notman
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    notman polycounter lvl 18
    lol Vig, that's basically my thoughts overall. I've done worse to my daughter for going to sites without my permission (even though she was at a site I would have approved). This kid should be happy that his ass is still intact.
  • hijak
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    Yeah how stupid is this, like why should our courts give a fuck about your online persona or what someone else is doing with it, Did they charge anything to your account, no, i dont see the problem. The problem is not being able to remove your facebook account in the first place. But anyways, there must be other problems going on and this is just the tip of the iceberg. But who can blame the kid hes grown up thinking that if you have a problem you just sue someone, afterall thats teh example being set for him in our society, its just as frivolous that Apple can sue HTC over 20 patents all related to things you do with a touchscreen, i mean we are suing over gestures here, so in this kids mind its not much of a stretch to press charges on his mom, for forcefully invading his privacy.
  • low odor
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    low odor polycounter lvl 17
    I tend to believe that stupid shit has been happening since the dawn of time, the internet is just making it faster and easier for us to access it.

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