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Game QA. What do they use?

polycounter lvl 14
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crasong polycounter lvl 14
Hey guys, so I've been reading up about Quality Assurance, and have had testing experience (reporting bugs etc), but only from a users standpoint. I'm just wondering if there's any software used for testing a game, or for the QA process other than playing the game. (stress testing? runtime diagnostics?)

Just wanna know more than whats on http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Game_testing which i'm still in the midst of reading.

Also, first hand experiences are welcome to be shared!:)


  • BHJ
    Quite often there are in-house tools developed for bug-reporting; that and excel spreadsheets for differing sweeps/tests.
  • crasong
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    crasong polycounter lvl 14
    In-house eh? I guess that makes sense. How bout commercially though? Does an engine like Unreal3 have any testing software? I've gotten the role as a QA lead in a summer program, just wondering what are the must know tools and methods to it.
  • Muzzoid
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    Muzzoid greentooth
    testtrack is what we use at work for tracking bugs. Another option is bugzilla which i hear is good.

    Any diagnostics is done by programmers not qa. Qa pretty much plays the games and tells everyone else when its broken.
  • Rick Stirling
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    Rick Stirling polycounter lvl 18
    We've got smoke testing machines that run on every build, plus asset testers that check every asset for known issues.
  • crasong
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    crasong polycounter lvl 14
    Oh okay, coolio then. How does testtrack work? I'm looking to get more technically savvy with the terminologies and phrases like LOD, DOF etc... is there a dictionary for those around here? haha

    thanks for the answers so far guys!
  • DrunkShaman
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    DrunkShaman polycounter lvl 15
    LOD = Level of detail....I think =\.

    and yes there is a dictionary of that sort.

    msdn.microsoft.com or google search msdn.
  • East
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    East polycounter lvl 14
    We use Jira right now for our bug tracking and reporting.

    That, and verbal communication.

    QA: I've noticed there's s--
    Me, having worked 14 or so hours daily for the past 9 days straight: No.
    QA: Well, there's a--
    Me: I don't think so.
    QA: But--
    Me: I have 35 class A bugs assigned to me. Put yours in the database and assign it to my lead like we're supposed to do, and he'll prioritise and assign it to whomever is better suited for it. [Muttering under my breath:] And it better not be me....
    QA: Oh. Okay.
    Me: [Walks over 2 minutes later with a cupcake and apologises for being a moody bitch]

    Okay, so this isn't exactly how it goes down when crunch gets insane, but pretty close.. :P
  • crasong
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    crasong polycounter lvl 14
    Rick Stirling - Haha sorry but what does smoke testing refer to? And the Asset testers are automated check sequences i presume?

    Nitewalkr - Hey thx for the link! Looks like a lot to go through though, any idea where I could start?

    East - I'd forgive you ;) and thanks for the link!
  • Muzzoid
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    Muzzoid greentooth
    Why do you really want to know though?

    Unless you are starting your own company or something you would get taught all this on the job.
  • Yozora
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    Yozora polycounter lvl 11
    Muzz wrote: »
    Why do you really want to know though?

    Unless you are starting your own company or something you would get taught all this on the job.

    Because the way that is taught might not be the most efficient and can be improved upon by looking at how other people do it.
  • crasong
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    crasong polycounter lvl 14
    Haha I suppose it's true i could get taught on the job, but if it's anything that i've learnt about learning on the job is that it's not always all that it's cracked up to be, and being unprepared when i could have done my homework is probably the reason xP
  • Rick Stirling
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    Rick Stirling polycounter lvl 18
    Bug tracking software is vital for large projects. You should be able to assign bug classes and attach screenshots and videos.

    Crasong: Smoketests are a commonly used system in software development for ensuring that the basic functionality of software is there BEFORE you send the code to others for testing. Google: http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/ms182613(VS.80).aspx

    Asset testing is used to perform checks on the assets AFTER they come from your DCC via the exporter. The exporters should prevent any errors in the assets by refusing to let bad assets get out of the authoring package, but this won't always happen. Issues found with the asset testers SHOULD be fed back to the tools programmers to update the exporters, thus catching asset issues earlier in the project.

    Asset testers are also used to make sure that the assets are in sync with the code - sometimes an update in code may require additional information to be encoded into the source art/audio, and perhaps there are still some assets that exist without this information. These assets worked properly before the code update, so are not bad assets per se, but they are now out of sync with the code. The asset tester should be able to identify these assets.
  • crasong
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    crasong polycounter lvl 14
    Ace stuff Rick Stirling, very informative. Digesting this atm. Keep em coming! :)
  • rooster
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    rooster mod
    we used to use mantis bugtracker, but we're on somehing else now I've forgotten the name of
  • glib
    Devtrack and JIRA are the two most common bug trackers I've seen in use around here.
  • felipefrango
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    felipefrango polycounter lvl 9
    Yup, we use JIRA down here as well. :thumbup:
  • crasong
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    crasong polycounter lvl 14
    Your code is the key
    For development teams, resolving issues means fixing code. With Atlassian IDE Connectors, developers interact with JIRA directly from Eclipse and IntelliJ IDEA and soon Microsoft Visual Studio. Third-party integrations support many other IDEs, including FlexBuilder, JDeveloper, NetBeans and Zend Studio.
    Connect JIRA issues directly to source code with native CVS integration and plugins to Subversion, Perforce, ClearCase, Mercurial, Bazaar and many other version control systems. Atlassian FishEye also provides enhanced integration for Git, CVS, Subversion and Perforce.
    View related builds from continuous integration environments and comments from code reviews directly from each JIRA issue.

    Wait what? I don't even...

    Wow there's so much I don't understand! In the higher levels of QA, would i need to understand the intricacies of this part?

    I understand and like the Issue and Bug report creation in JIRA so far.
  • Emil Mujanovic
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    Emil Mujanovic polycounter lvl 18
    Wait a sec... You're a QA Lead?

    It's cool that you're trying to get as much info as possible on the subject, but really there isn't a great deal to it.
    It's understanding the routine of testing (this will vary from studio to studio), creating solid test plans, understanding the bug priority ratings (how severe the bug is) and keeping track of already listed bugs (nothing worse than receiveing the same bug five times and from the same person!).

    Learning the bug tracking software is the easy part. At my former studio we've used TestTrack, Mantis and Hansoft. All of which are simple to use and are easy to learn (wouldn't need more than a day to get the gist of everything).

    The biggest thing is making sure all your bugs are clearly written, screenshots/videos are provided (if neccessary), the bugs are being produced on the latest build of the game (not from a four or five builds ago) and are assigned to the right people.

    As lead, you'll most likely be doing more of the managerial stuff and the scheduling (but once again, this varies from studio to studio as well as staff numbers and project scope). So it's definitely vital you understand the software you're using and understanding how to get the most out of your QA team.

    Best of luck.
  • crasong
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    crasong polycounter lvl 14
    Wait a sec... You're a QA Lead?

    It's cool that you're trying to get as much info as possible on the subject, but really there isn't a great deal to it.
    It's understanding the routine of testing (this will vary from studio to studio), creating solid test plans, understanding the bug priority ratings (how severe the bug is) and keeping track of already listed bugs (nothing worse than receiveing the same bug five times and from the same person!).

    Learning the bug tracking software is the easy part. At my former studio we've used TestTrack, Mantis and Hansoft. All of which are simple to use and are easy to learn (wouldn't need more than a day to get the gist of everything).

    The biggest thing is making sure all your bugs are clearly written, screenshots/videos are provided (if neccessary), the bugs are being produced on the latest build of the game (not from a four or five builds ago) and are assigned to the right people.

    As lead, you'll most likely be doing more of the managerial stuff and the scheduling (but once again, this varies from studio to studio as well as staff numbers and project scope). So it's definitely vital you understand the software you're using and understanding how to get the most out of your QA team.

    Best of luck.


    They've got a summer program where they send people from Singapore to MIT in Boston to work on game projects. I chanced out with the tests and interviews, and got the role of QA lead on one of 6 teams. And QA is entirely new to me, but it's something I've always wanted to try. (some soul searching in my future career here)

    All in all I'm just in love with the game dev process, working on a team will always be my number 1 motivation. Thx for the insight!

    P.S I should be down in Boston from early June till early August.
  • acc
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    acc polycounter lvl 18
    crasong wrote: »
    Wait what? I don't even...

    Wow there's so much I don't understand! In the higher levels of QA, would i need to understand the intricacies of this part?

    I understand and like the Issue and Bug report creation in JIRA so far.
    It said "Connect your programming environment and version control system with your bug tracker" in very elaborate terms.
  • DrunkShaman
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    DrunkShaman polycounter lvl 15
    crasong wrote: »
    Rick Stirling - Haha sorry but what does smoke testing refer to? And the Asset testers are automated check sequences i presume?

    Nitewalkr - Hey thx for the link! Looks like a lot to go through though, any idea where I could start?

    East - I'd forgive you ;) and thanks for the link!

    I usually go bypass through the VisualStudio.net to find something that I dont understand. Mostly it is used to understand the libraries of C/C++ and C# in most cases.

    But their search engine is to help you resolve the understanding issue. like if you dont know whats BSOD you type it there and it will give you the links to go forth and see how many people figured out before you that it means "Blue Screen of Death"<.<

    And other terms that are used in the Software industry in general. and somewhat in game industry.

    If you state the problem in PM or here I'd be happy to help you out with it.
  • crasong
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    crasong polycounter lvl 14
    acc - I'd never have figured that out... Why must they confuse me!?

    Nitewalkr - Then I'll get to reading whatever comes to mind ^^ thx a bunch!
  • Kewop Decam
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    Kewop Decam polycounter lvl 9
    Devtrack is a popular bug tracker and one of the main ones used.
  • sprunghunt
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    sprunghunt polycounter
    fogbugz is one bug database that hasn't been mentioned.

    Of course if you're in QA you'll also need to know the version control software. Such as Perforce, alienbrain, sourcesafe, subversion.

    My advice is to not throw around buzzwords in your bug reports unless you really, really, know what you're doing. Because the person who gets your bug won't be impressed.
  • Kwramm
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    Kwramm interpolator
    if you're in QA, make sure the people who come before you in the pipeline, like content creators, work with you to build QA steps within the pipeline itself. That's why everyone should be familiar with the bug reporting tools. And just as sprunghunt said, try to use simple english or make sure everyone uses the same terminology.

    Nothing is more frustrating than getting bugs back all the way to modelers and then having the asset skinned, exported, etc. again, when all it would have taken was the modelers (or whoever caused the bug) being more careful and checking their assets properly - this is especially important if you're out to catch clipping bugs or other visual stuff that's hard to check in an exporter.

    Generally I'd wish modelers and animators would be given more time to properly review assets before passing them on to the next step in the pipeline. But in many shops that just won't happen due to time constraints and it all ends up with QA. Funny enough, this way it takes even more time and admin overhead to fix than doing it proper right away.
  • crasong
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    crasong polycounter lvl 14
    Simple terminology, gotcha. I know what you mean about unnecessarily complex words being a turn off, I had a group member whom we all had trouble understanding half the time.
  • felipefrango
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    felipefrango polycounter lvl 9
    Let me jump in the bandwagon here, what exactly is version control?
  • Rick Stirling
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    Rick Stirling polycounter lvl 18
    crasong wrote: »
    Simple terminology, gotcha. I know what you mean about unnecessarily complex words being a turn off, I had a group member whom we all had trouble understanding half the time.

    It's not just this, it's using specific terminology but using it incorrectly in a bug report that can cause issues. Using plain English is better.
  • crasong
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    crasong polycounter lvl 14
    Wups, oh okay. Thx for the clarification then.
  • Flava-Fly
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    Flava-Fly polycounter lvl 9
    Little concerned your going to be a QA lead and you have to ask here about how to do your job?! I expect leads to have in-depth knowledge of not only the game but the processes that built it so bugs can be as precise as possible.

    Anyhoo, your creating a guide to the issue probably without being able to verbally communicate (it would take forever if you had to talk through each bug) so as above, simplified details and concise information! Teach your team methodical observation and reviewing skills and never get stuck in a pattern, change up the areas and focus so complacency is never a problem.
  • crasong
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    crasong polycounter lvl 14
    Flava-Fly: >.< Thx for the advice man, but take it a little easier, I'm well aware of the individual processes that go into making a game, and I have prior experience making bug reports and such while play testing a game, as well as made a game in a team.

    I doubt I'll be incompetent, but I'm by no means an experienced pro either, I'm still a student in the learning process. Although I will be working with other students as well, and that this is a student oriented program I'm in, the projects we will be working on would be real.

    QA is a new avenue that I want to explore, and aside from playing and creating reports, I am not aware of what tools are used in the QA process and how they work, hence the question that I posted here in this thread. :p

    Your advice is invaluable to me all the same, and you have my thanks! :)

    (Just wanted to clarify that the people I will be working for and with are aware of my inexperience =x)
  • Gav
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    Gav quad damage
    I've used Testtrack, Jira, Fogbugz, Devtrack - in house stuff as well. I fucking HATE Jira.

    "My advice is to not throw around buzzwords in your bug reports unless you really, really, know what you're doing. Because the person who gets your bug won't be impressed."

    This is VERY true. I have actually gone to the length of writing a tutorial for the testing team on what terminology to actually use. It's REALLY annoying to get a bug that says textures are missing when it's actually neck clipping. I shouldn't have to spend time translating 'QA speak' to 'dev speak.'

    Honestly though, all of the software I've used, both as QA and as a dev, are super easy to learn. The most important thing is that you have common sense, really, and can apply this to what you're doing. A bug is a bug is a bug...doesn't matter what software they're entered in.

    ...unless it's Jira....
  • crasong
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    crasong polycounter lvl 14
    Gav wrote: »
    I fucking HATE Jira.

    Do share:) my friends says his place uses JIRA in house.
  • sprunghunt
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    sprunghunt polycounter
    Let me jump in the bandwagon here, what exactly is version control?


    You could think of it being like autobak for 3dsmax but it also links comments to your files. Or a way of saving "undo" versions across a project.
  • felipefrango
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    felipefrango polycounter lvl 9
    sprunghunt wrote: »

    You could think of it being like autobak for 3dsmax but it also links comments to your files. Or a way of saving "undo" versions across a project.

    Hmm, so I assume it's what we use Tortoise SVN for here at work?
  • sprunghunt
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    sprunghunt polycounter
    Hmm, so I assume it's what we use Tortoise SVN for here at work?

    yes, except from an art point of view you'd use it for binaries as well as source files (eg: for texture files)
  • acc
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    acc polycounter lvl 18
    crasong wrote: »
    acc - I'd never have figured that out... Why must they confuse me!?
    A practical person would have used a list to list compatible programs but clearly whoever wrote that quote works in marketing and prefers bloated paragraphs with lots of capital letters!

    Actually, right there is another tip for QA: lists are awesome.
    1. They're easy to write
    2. They're easy to read
    3. They break things down into steps
      1. And have immediately clear structure
    Most writing would be more effective in list format than paragraphs.
  • gsokol
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    gsokol polycounter lvl 14
    We use tourtise at work...ugh...its yucky.

    They *should* teach you everything you need to know there. When I was in QA, I had a week long training session to get the basics, and then had people watching my back for another week afterwards.
    My advice is to not throw around buzzwords in your bug reports unless you really, really, know what you're doing. Because the person who gets your bug won't be impressed.

  • crasong
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    crasong polycounter lvl 14
    :thumbup: Real excellent advice, thx man! Agreed about the lists, they not only break things down, but you can put a number to the number of issues, and categorize them too(major, minor, etc).

    I know this ain't game art related, but it's definitely informative! Everyone's part of the greater good right? :)
  • Flava-Fly
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    Flava-Fly polycounter lvl 9
    Sorry man, I didn't mean to sound harsh. Was just concerned that if you went into a project as a lead and leapfrogged dudes who had been working on the project for x amount of months it could be a little tough to get going. I wish you the best of luck, all this polycount advice will have you manager in no time!
  • crasong
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    crasong polycounter lvl 14
    Flava-Fly: Thanks man, and no worries. It's all good, I'll do my best to deserve the job title proper :)
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