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Western Saloon

Alright, so here is an environment I finished up awhile ago. I just recently finished up re-lighting the scene and fixing some lightmap issues. Figured I'd post on here to see what you guys thought. I can toy with the lighting but everything else is pretty final.

This is a saloon set in the old west back in the day. I wanted to have it look like a very dangerous but lively and fun place to have a few drinks. Thus the warm and inviting feel to the lighting. I had a more creepy lighting set up before. I think this set up is a lot more interesting.


Comments and critiques are more than welcome.


  • woogity
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    everything is lookin pretty good to me, my one big crit would be that every thing is too wooden, and brown. it needs a little color somewhere to mix it up anything to break down how brown it is. the modeling looks good to me as do the textures, just that little color issue. also totally love the wagon wheel chandeliers. gl with updates lookin good so far! lights are nice like the colors you chose for them!

  • PIraT
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    PIraT polycounter lvl 8
    Nice for me, but on floor you can take more dirt.

    Walls look like realy old, so why floor is new? :D
    Rest is cool :)
  • rumblesushi
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    Superb. I like it a lot. What's the polycount for this saloon?

    Although a saloon is pretty much wood, as woogity said, it might be an idea to introduce a couple of other textures/colours for a bit of balance/contrast.
  • cholden
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    cholden polycounter lvl 18
    The wood texture of your materials is overpowering the shapes they are applied to. The exclusion to this is the floor. While it has a pretty obvious tile, the shapes of the floorboards are not dominated by the grain of the wood.

    It's also really scratched up in a uniform fashion (and so high on the wall). You used decals for stains, you could take advantage of them here for more appropriate scuff marks.

    The tables could use more sides for roundness since you can get so close to them.
  • dfinlay
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    It looks pretty nice, but I would have to agree with the comments about the wood.

    If you were to slightly desaturate and darken the wood a tiny bit, you could then allow your lights to add the color to your wood. Right now all of the wood seems a little vibrant...

    Looking good though! :thumbup:
  • Laughing_Bun
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    Laughing_Bun polycounter lvl 17
    Am I the only one who thinks that the scale of everything is kinda awkward? the chair size to the table size doesn't seem right. Everything seems close in scale to how it would be but a little off to me. I have a hard time imagining a person walking around the environment. You should import a placeholder character just so you can see the relative proportions of things more clearly.
  • tbaugher
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    Woogity, Glad you like the lighting colors, thanks! I see what you're saying about too much brown. I'm thinking about changing the wall behind the bar to brick and bumping up the saturation on the bottles. That'll add some more blues and greens hopefully break it up.

    Pirat, I completely agree with you. I'm going to create a tiling scratches and tiling dirt texture. I'll tile them over the floor at a different rates, fixing the tiling and detailing issues for the floor in one go.

    rumblesushi, I dont have access to my pc right now so I can't give you the exact tri count for the scene. It's pretty high though. I gave myself a limit of 3000 per asset so that will give you some idea.

    cholden, I'll see if maybe i can't find the old textures and tone the grain down a bit. I'll be throwing a few grunge textures over the floor. Hopefully that'll fix the tile issues. The scene has a pretty high tri count. I'm alittle ashamed that the table is so low compared to everything else. I'll fix that right away

    Dfinlay, I see what you're saying about it being too vibrant. I'll run a desaturate through the wood materials. That should calm the scene down abit.

    Laughing bun, I think you're right about the scale. Like I said this is a old scene that I just recently re-lit. I haven't touched the meshes in ages, I will definitely go back and fix the scale issues.

    I'll start fixing this up and see if I can get an update up soon.
  • j4polaris
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    j4polaris polycounter lvl 18
    Echoing what others have said. You also are missing the all-important nude painting behind the bar.

  • tbaugher
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    Alright, sorry about the long wait. I've been having issues with my mac. I have it boot camped but lately my pc side hasn't been wanting to cooperate. Anyways I fixed up the "too brown" issue. Also adjusted the lighting a tad, worked on the mirror, added grunge to the floor and saturated up the bottles while bringing down the saturation on the wood. Oh and I fixed the scale issues too. I think I lost my old maya file so I wasn't able to add extra sides to the table. So here are some new updated shots. Tell me what you think.

  • Turbosmooth Operator
    Looks pretty good. The only main issue I have is with the wanted posters. They're much too bright, too noticeably copy and pasted, seem to be floating and just all around too many of them. I can't even see how they're kept in place on the brick walls. They'd likely just have a bulletin board location for all that info.
  • Karmageddon
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    Karmageddon polycounter lvl 7
    You have a dirty decal on the 3rd, 4th and 5th pics from the top that are on the wall as much as the wooden pillar and to me are really flattening the image. They match up so evenly that it almost looks like you threw it on as an overlay in Photoshop post render.
  • cholden
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    cholden polycounter lvl 18
    A brick wall in an old west saloon? If you wanted to add something out of place that was also higher contrast than the rest of the materials thus noising out all the silhouettes of all props composed in front of it, then success!
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