HOLLA! I managed to land myself a freelance position with Whiteout Studios!
I saw the listing on polycount, and BOOM! That's how I roll. Polycount trained me, AND got me a job? Win. Everyone who contributes, crits, and posts here makes this community amazing [even ZacD

]. Thanks guys.
Here is the art test that landed me the job; It's not nda, so I can show.
To all those that are more talented than I without jobs, sorry. I feel your pain, lol.
Hey, what's up those horizontal chamfers on the sides of the box though? (edit: nevermind, I see now, at the corners)
Congrats buddy, well deserved!
It was so I could have those corner pieces pop out a bit for a better silhouette. There was probably a better way to go about that.
Thanks for the kind words, guys.
....don't tell him....
and it is a remote postion. I really hope I will be working on something cool.
Do u have the texture sheet to post? Sure would appreciate the reference. :nerd:
Congratulations, yer Kung Fu is very good today.
wtg cody
I hope I get to post one of these threads someday.
Can you tell us the art test assignment?