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Material math recommendation!

Hey guys

I would like to start getting into the more advance side of materials and shading networks. I have little experience in programming and my maths knowledge is somewhat limited too. So I came to pray on the collective knowledge of polycount!

Can anyone recommend some good maths tutorials/books relating to materials, places I can go to teach myself or general tips on how I should get started?



  • Xoliul
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    Xoliul polycounter lvl 14

    Perfect fit for what you need. I'm still planning to expand the series so you can really go from nothing to understanding shader logic. Can't promise anything soon though, I got so much stuff going on atm.

    On top of that, get ShaderFX for Max. Hands down the best way to get into shaders for non-technical people. We teach it at school and everybody likes it and gets the hang of it.
  • Snipergen
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    I've taken these lessons (this is a teacher at my school) and I have to say that they are really good. ShaderFX is great, like Xoliul said.

    Start here: http://knol.google.com/k/shader-fx-introduction
  • ImSlightlyBored
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    ImSlightlyBored polycounter lvl 13
    nice read
    definitely yes on shaderFX
    I found the best way to get in to it was to just practice and practice, after a while I got a feel for what operations were needed.

    I can't do the crazy, math orientated tech artist stuff but I like to think I can hold my own with it.
  • Quillisia
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    Awesome guys, thanks for the info! This is exactly what I was after.

    Il be sure to go through these tutorials, and I would love to see your series expand too Xoliul.

    I am with everyone else I am sure when I say that bringing together all this info into one source would be a huge benefit to everyone. Be sure to let us know if you do any updates =D
  • leslievdb
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    leslievdb polycounter lvl 15
    ah yeah koens knol pages are gold if you are starting out ^^
  • vcool
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    Yay I always wanted something like this.
  • DrunkShaman
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    DrunkShaman polycounter lvl 14
    Quillisia wrote: »
    Hey guys

    I would like to start getting into the more advance side of materials and shading networks. I have little experience in programming and my maths knowledge is somewhat limited too. So I came to pray on the collective knowledge of polycount!

    Can anyone recommend some good maths tutorials/books relating to materials, places I can go to teach myself or general tips on how I should get started?




    Review your maths from:
    Geometry 1
    Geometry 2
    Geometry 3
    Algebra 1
    Algebra 2
    And than Get in to Trig.

    The notes on this site are very simple so it shouldnt be a problem understanding the concepts from it.

    There is also a book called 3d maths which should be useful for Linear Maths. (and console programming)

    If you started learning just now, you should pick one of the programming languages and learn it thoroughly before moving on to Object oriented programming. (I started learning C++, and with the basic knowledge of C# and other programming languages I had no problem so far)

    You can either search for C++ programming tutorials on the net or buy a book of C++ complete reference or C++ beginners guide. (they all pretty much teach you the samething)

    On with that. I'd suggust you should buy a book called "Introduction to 3d game programming with DirectX 9.0" It gives you review of math that is required for 3d games, and it have a simple window program explained thoroughly in the Appendix.

    There is also a "Introduction to 3d game programming with directX 9.0 shaders approach." by the same writer you should look in to.

    Read about these books online before you consider buying them.
    I hope this helps.
  • PolyHertz
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    PolyHertz polycount lvl 666
    I was recommended this book by someone on the PC irc channel:


    Was asking at the time more about a general 3d-math type book, but could still be helpful for what your after (cant vouch for it sense havn't bought a copy yet though)
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