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To WIP or not to WIP in ones portfolio.

polycounter lvl 17
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Wahlgren polycounter lvl 17
I'm very interested in hearing your thoughts about this subject. I more than often see people dissing others for having wips in their portfolios. I can understand that they do it if the portfolio in question only has WIPs on it but one or two images? Is it so bad?

The reason I'm wondering is because I've heard more than once (from interviewers and/or art directors alike) that they don't mind it. In some cases they find it interesting since it gives them a glimpse of how the guy works. It seems like it's mostly us regular grunts that has problems with it.

So what's your thoughts about this? My own is. If it's a valid wip, for example one of the later stages of high poly modeling or finished lowpoly. As long as it's not a gray blob or box that has major pieces missing I find it ok to show it. That said, You should probably not have 5 different unfinished models but 1 or 2 is ok.

I dunno. Crappy topic maybe. Or maybe it's been discussed before.


  • pior
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    pior grand marshal polycounter
    Just do as you please?
  • DarthNater
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    DarthNater polycounter lvl 10
    I don't have an issue with it either, so long as it's on a separate page. I would put all the finished work right in their face, but have the W.I.P. in another page. If they want to look at it, they will go there.

    I think the only time it hurts someone is if they have 1 or 2 finished pieces and they start showing WIP's to 'fill' their portfolio.
  • Snefer
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    Snefer polycounter lvl 17
    If it looks good = use it. Are your current WIPs better than your finished old pieces? Then you might aswell have it in there :P
  • Justin Meisse
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    Justin Meisse polycounter lvl 19
    ahhh, risky business. I had a seperate wip gallery that I used on my last job hunt and I believe it did factor into me getting turned down at one place.
    It seems like it's mostly us regular grunts that has problems with it.

    I've actually found that it's the other way around. If you have a wip gallery save it for the "grunts", it's a bit similar to passing your sketchbook around. I don't know about you but my sketchbook is beat up, covered in stickers and might have a stray dick monster inside it.
  • Elhrrah
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    Elhrrah polycounter lvl 8
    Personally, I think it is only valid to show the WIP if you have the finished product, displayed in a tiered fashion.

    For example, you would have Gallery Section -> Thumbnails -> Fullview -> WIPs, allowing people to look at the finished products and only look at the WIPs/Workflow of the piece if they want to, and otherwise keeping unfinished work out of the spotlight. It allows for quick browsing and an easy interface, with a strong emphasis on organization.

    Did I mention that I'm slightly OCD?
  • aesir
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    aesir polycounter lvl 18
    ahhh, risky business. I had a seperate wip gallery that I used on my last job hunt and I believe it did factor into me getting turned down at one place.

    I've actually found that it's the other way around. If you have a wip gallery save it for the "grunts", it's a bit similar to passing your sketchbook around. I don't know about you but my sketchbook is beat up, covered in stickers and might have a stray dick monster inside it.

    I've had interviews where I showed my sketchbook and passed it around. They enjoyed it. I think it gives a bit of an intimate look into an artist's thought process, and people appreciate being given that view. I think it's the same with WIPs.

    However, I'm sure this will work alright at some places, and be a detriment at others. At a very business-like studio run personally by bobby kotick, maybe you only want to show finished pieces. At other places, do what you want.
  • JohnnyRaptor
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    JohnnyRaptor polycounter lvl 15
    i always include WIPs in my folio, but yeah i clearly mark them and only if they are at an aestetically presentable stage.
  • Firebert
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    Firebert polycounter lvl 16
    DarthNater wrote: »
    I think the only time it hurts someone is if they have 1 or 2 finished pieces and they start showing WIP's to 'fill' their portfolio.

    I agree. So long as your portfolio isn't WIP. I mean I got a couple in mine, but everything else is finished, and the one's that I consider WIP could easily be passed off as "sculpts". Now, I still haven't landed a gig yet, so what do I know. *shrug*
  • Frump
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    Frump polycounter lvl 12
    I have a WIP in my portfolio as it's in a pretty polished high poly state, but has been on hiatus for a few months. It's still worth showing off in my opinion. For really WIP stuff or things that aren't that polished, I have a separate blog page for posting WIP stuff.
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