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Half-life 2: Episode 3??


  • teaandcigarettes
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    teaandcigarettes polycounter lvl 12
    If it will be in fact Half Life 3 (running on a brand new engine) then count me in. There's no way that 5-6 hours long Episode 3 would take more than 2 years to make.
  • vcool
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    Today is March 11 and supposedly Gabe was gonna make some announcement on that day. Maybe they will give an official word.

    Anyway I've been saying this for quite some time now, even though I originally meant it as a joke (after 0 information for so long I started believing it myself) - Ep3 is going to be cancelled.
  • ae.
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    ae. polycounter lvl 12
    vcool wrote: »
    Today is March 11 and supposedly Gabe was gonna make some announcement on that day. Maybe they will give an official word.

    Anyway I've been saying this for quite some time now, even though I originally meant it as a joke (after 0 information for so long I started believing it myself) - Ep3 is going to be can celled.

    I have a feeling episode 3 turned into Half-Life 3, which I don't mind hopefully they can get some new tech behind the franchise. Half-life doesn't hold up to well with the shooters that are currently on the market.

    Also some new art direction would be awesome, half-life 2 series art is really plain :(

    Loved episode 2 so much though :)

  • carlo_c
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    Yeah I'm hoping it became HL3 too, been way too long to develop an episode. I've been waiting since it was released on PC for episode 3!
  • wasker
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    wasker polycounter lvl 7
    ae. wrote: »

    Also some new art direction would be awesome, half-life 2 series art is really plain :(

    Really? I love the design philosophy in the halflife 2. The oppressed citizens and combine designs are awesome. It sells the mood and feelings I think the art team was aiming for, to me atleast :) I like that the design is reasonably realistic with a scifi touch instead of going Gears or Halo on it.

    Really looking forward to EP3. Which will hopefully be in the source 2.0 engine.
  • Mark Dygert
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    wasker wrote: »
    Really looking forward to EP3. Which will hopefully be in the source 2.0 engine.
    Come on BABY! Pappa needs a new level editor!
  • CrazyMatt
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    Vig wrote: »
    Come on BABY! Pappa needs a new level editor!

    More like a new Everything :P (Give me Real-Time, or give me Nothing!) ^^
  • Mark Dygert
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    Yea true... material editor, shader editor, a particle effects system that doesn't make me want to kill, a sound scape upgrade, automatic collision model generation, step away from a heavy dependence on BSP, a model browser that doesn't hang up... I'll stop there...
  • CrazyMatt
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    Shader and Material editor are the same thing. You will have to use you're -Tools command to use it.
    Unfortunately Valve broke the tool to where you cannot save what you edit. Though you can use it to see real-time updates on what you plug, and edit in values to you're objects material.
  • KhAoZ
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    A new engine would be exciting, I know theres been a lot of great mods for Half Life 2 so I can only imagine how awesome the mods would be for Half Life 3!
  • ZacD
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    ZacD ngon master
    Realtime lighting engine? Please? No baking... NOOOOOOO!!!
  • vcool
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    The new Portal 2 shots seem to indicate a better dynamic lighting system, also seems more model based.
  • Mark Dygert
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    CrazyMatt wrote: »
    Shader and Material editor are the same thing. You will have to use you're -Tools command to use it.
    Unfortunately Valve broke the tool to where you cannot save what you edit. Though you can use it to see real-time updates on what you plug, and edit in values to you're objects material.
    I was thinking how the have the texture browser in hammer which needs an update and an actual shader editor (that works). Merge the two together if you want that would be fine by me.
  • vcool
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    You can achieve some pretty cool stuff with the Proxy parameter in the VMT, but there's no way to preview it without restarting the game and constant VMT editing.

    Something like a node based proxy editor with real time updating would be great.

    A shader editor would be even better, but it's highly unlikely since it's currently a bitch to write and compile shaders for Source. I think this would require a complete rewrite of that part of the engine.

    I just remembered that I was at one point planing to write an easy-to-use GUI for proxy editing in Python but I enver came around doing it. I think it's exactly because it's such a hassle to preview them that I didn't bother doing it.
  • DrunkShaman
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    DrunkShaman polycounter lvl 14
    ae. wrote: »
    Also some new art direction would be awesome, half-life 2 series art is really plain :(

    Took me 2 hours to figure out if you were seriously joking or joking seriously....

    Half life 1 Design (the original, and maybe the source) were plain, that I can admit.

    Half life 2 was completely boosted up, and different. BUT NOT PLAIN!!! >.<

    And based on the ending of episode 2. I think I can say, I saw that part of "Not Half-Life2 Ep3 but entire Half-Life3" coming...and it better last 48 hours play time on the easy mode. <.< (took me 12 hours to beat the last episode on hard mode.....its stupidly hard)
  • Zwebbie
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    Zwebbie polycounter lvl 18
    I wouldn't count on a new engine. The Episodes are supposed to be Half-Life 3, so the series should end after Ep3. If Valve would use a new engine, they'd have to redo all their Half-Life assets (which don't or barely really use high polygon versions, so little re-using there) for just one game.
    After Ep3, though, what to do? The HL series would be finished, TF2 doesn't need an update, and Portal and Left4Dead both have a sequel already. New IP time? That might also be the perfect opportunity to couple it with a new engine, if they're developing one.

    While I'm very likely to buy Ep3 just to finish the ride, I can't honestly say that I'm terribly excited about yet more Gravity Gun puzzles or Combine shooting. Furthermore, every installment of HL2 so far has a section where you have to hold out against zombies for x-amount of time. The execution is always nigh-on perfect, but I think we've seen all the rides in this playground by now.
  • ElysiumGX
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    ElysiumGX polycounter lvl 18
    Yeah, so far Valve has proven that games that aren't the best looking can be the most fun. And Portal made simple blocky rooms and hallways awesome. I trust whatever they're doing is going to be amazing no matter the technology behind it. They know how to keep the player engaged.
  • rooster
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    rooster mod
    poor army blokie has been locked in stasis all this time :(
  • Szark
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    Szark polycounter lvl 12
    rooster wrote: »
    poor army blokie has been locked in stasis all this time :(

    Do want.
  • vcool
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    I'd like to see them work on Prospero at some point in time.
    Zwebbie wrote: »
    The execution is always nigh-on perfect, but I think we've seen all the rides in this playground by now.

    You gotta admit, when you're playing it's not boring at all. Only in retrospect do you realise how something mundane as that was made entertaining.
  • Entity
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    Entity polycounter lvl 18
    Eh as far as I know the HL2 Eps are not split up versions of HL3, if they were they'd be called HL3 : Episode 1 or something like that :)

    Last video I saw that indicated anything about episode 3 was something about making games more accessible to deaf people. According to Gabe, Alyx once had a crush on a deaf resistance fighter. I think we'll meet this character in ep 3, and Valve would probably use him as a reason for Gordon leaving Alyx, going back into Gman's stasis for whatever it is he'll be doing in HL3 :)
  • KhAoZ
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    By the way, its quite surprising that theres still no PolyCounters at Valve....
  • Rojo
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    I think EP3 is going to be a full length game... why else would it take so long? As mentioned, a new engine seems unlikely because they'll have to scrap their huge asset library.

    As always, I'm glad they're spending the extra time on it to ensure it isn't shit.

    I would like to see a new engine and toolset for HL3 or their suspected MMORPG. If they use Worldcraft again I'm going to shit my pants.
  • vcool
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    KhAoZ wrote: »
    By the way, its quite surprising that theres still no PolyCounters at Valve....

    Or no Valvers at polycount?

    I find it surprising as well. Maybe there's some policy or something.
  • DrunkShaman
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    DrunkShaman polycounter lvl 14
    After their "product theft" incident before HalfLife2 release, I doubt that they will ever consider joining any CG forum and present their work.......
  • vcool
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    Well it's not like people here that work for large companies post their work before the game ships.

    Maybe they are all just undercover.
  • vcool
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    So some mates and I were listening to Gabe's GDC talk Live on gamespot, and he goes (non verbatim):

    "so I'm gonna talk a bit more about our update to portal and it's significance now"
    and he switches the slide (he has a powerpoint) and BAM

    PC BSODs

    then he thanks everyone and leaves


    EDIT: just now gamespot simply CUT OFF the ending speech.

    Mr Spectre just thanked GameSpot for supporting Live covergae, and a minute later the video cuts.
  • ZacD
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    ZacD ngon master
    Zwebbie wrote: »
    After Ep3, though, what to do? The HL series would be finished, TF2 doesn't need an update, and Portal and Left4Dead both have a sequel already. New IP time? That might also be the perfect opportunity to couple it with a new engine, if they're developing one.

    Half life is a universe to valve now with portal (multiple games with the same back story). I doubt they'll ditch there most well know and popular title. They are working on HL3 and I'm sure there working on a major engine overhaul (it barely competes with the UDK or Cry3) the only question is when will the engine be released, more than likely HL3 will be the first game to use the engine. Like some user said, it looks like they are trying out new lighting with Portal 2.
  • vcool
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    Apparently this:
    From Kotaku liveblog:

    Crecente: GladoS blue screen
    Press any key to flood the facility with deadly toxins
    Crecente: The screen said
    Crecente: Posting pic
    Crecente: we didn't get it
    Crecente: Dont worry we will
    Crecente: It was a new code for the ARG

  • acc
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    acc polycounter lvl 18
    Eh as far as I know the HL2 Eps are not split up versions of HL3, if they were they'd be called HL3 : Episode 1 or something like that
    Well, Valve themselves said that the episodes got so big that they can basically be considered HL3 after all. Hence why Ep3 is taking so long, because they gave up on the episodic model. They might still call something HL3, though.

    Maybe they'll drop the episodic title and just call this one HL3? Who knows.

    I bet Gabe knows! Let's hack him!
  • Entity
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    Entity polycounter lvl 18
    Send him an email, gabe usually tries to reply every email he gets :)
  • Zwebbie
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    Zwebbie polycounter lvl 18
    Entity wrote: »
    Eh as far as I know the HL2 Eps are not split up versions of HL3, if they were they'd be called HL3 : Episode 1 or something like that :)

    Gabe Newell: "Probably a better name for it would have been Half Life 3: Episode One, but these three are what we're doing as our way of taking the next step forward, but Half-Life 2 was the name we used."
    "...Half-Life 3 [a.k.a. Episodes One to Three]..."

    I also wouldn't call HL a universe because Portal is linked to it. Portal was initially supposed to be in a stand-alone universe, but it got some references to Black Mesa and voila, link established. Not sure where Aperture Science was first thought of. Realise, though, that Half-Life's story was written before the whole notion of Portal existed and Portal was for a large part written without the link to HL. The tone is also radically different. It's more of an in-joke than a serious connection if you ask me.

    Anyhow, I've been reading up a bit and it does seem Valve might want to do more in the HL universe. It's a bit of a shame, because I think we've seen its most spectacular pieces already.
  • roosterMAP
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    roosterMAP polycounter lvl 14
    I like the link established between Portal and HL. I think it was a smart choice. I really hope that in HL2E3, we learn what the G-man really is. We've been waiting like 3 years for HL2E3... a porject that they said would only take 6 months to develop. This better be worth the wait... im sure it will be.
  • Entity
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    Entity polycounter lvl 18
    Zwebbie wrote: »
    Gabe Newell: "Probably a better name for it would have been Half Life 3: Episode One, but these three are what we're doing as our way of taking the next step forward, but Half-Life 2 was the name we used."
    "...Half-Life 3 [a.k.a. Episodes One to Three]..."

    Thanks for the link, I was trying to find Gabe's original quote on that matter. I knew it started out as a way to deliver what was to be HL3's storyline in a shorter time frame, but I swear I read an interview somewhere (not by Gabe, probably by Doug?) that mentioned there will be a separate HL3, only it won't follow this story arc. Truth be told it's pretty confusing, Valve have been really tight lipped about Episode 3 :( No one knows if it'll still be a mini episode or a full blown game.
  • teaandcigarettes
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    teaandcigarettes polycounter lvl 12
    VALVE tends to make up shit as they go, so I wouldn't trust any interviews too much; especially the older ones. Heck, I wouldn't trust VALVE at all since they are a bunch of jokers and nasty trolls. I would rant some more about how much tired I am with them constantly teasing the tip of my cock and making me wait for the real deal, but I guess everyone has the same problem.

    Meanwhile at VALVe:

  • ZacD
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    ZacD ngon master
    They be pirates?
  • jocose
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    jocose polycounter lvl 11
  • jocose
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    jocose polycounter lvl 11
  • Skamberin
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    Skamberin polycounter lvl 14
    Lol Gabe is fat, anyway; Some folk "decoded" the fake BSOD and got this:
    A fatal exception (S) has occurred at (U)(S) : (P)(E)(N)(D) in (U)(N )(T)((I)) *
    (L)(E)(E)(E). The current application will be terminated.
    * Press any key to flood the facility with deadly neurotoxins.
    * Press CTRL+ALT+DEL again to reinstate testing. You will lose any
    Non-vital personnel and their progress through the current test.
    Press any key to continue _

    Suspend until EEE. So I guess we'll know more once E3 hits.

    On the topic of a new Source engine though, at animex back in 09 I had the pleasure of talking with Doug Wood and me and my friend brough up how old and hammy the Source SDK was in comparison to the Unreal Editor.
    Doug said they were working on a big update for the Hammer editor and source SDK in general saying one of the new things being added would be proper realtime light support and such.

    This would also be done within the year, 2009 :I
    So going on Valvetime I guess we will be seeing that sometime in 2011.

    I still like Valve, but god damn, the teasing is mean.
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