Did a search but no results, so here's a thread for it.
I have tried it, and i must say it's very addictive, and it has nice graphics too. Here are some captures and a youtube video.
To play well you need some friends near your region. There are too many koreans and chinese people playing the game, and the experience is very laggy, but played with europeans is a total fun :P

A cool casual game for the lunch time.
I keep missing though :P.
Gonna give it a try tonight, I love the characters.
ditto, she's cute!
I'd tap that.
Anyways... awesome style. Will check it out!
31kbps is shite. :P
quakelive is so much more fun than this
(trying to get into those .bus files now)
Looks great!
she's cute! *blush*
Cheers Slum.
174mb (mega upload etc) 247mb(official site) O_o
Has anyone used those links successfully? I'm hesitant to download something from megaupload on my work PC that throws off warning flags.
If my computer crashes and burns and the IT guys don't buy my excuse (But she looked so perty, I had to download and try it!), then I'll point them your way.
They use OSX to show the browser and everything in the demo but there is no Mac client.
Baseball player seems to be my niche right now. ;-)
3kb/s doesnt cut it. thanks, slum!
just played a couple rounds. finding a server i don't lag terribly on is pretty hard.
oh, and boxer + secondary attack spam = i dont even know.
that's more the fireman's job if i'm not mistaken. the baseball player seems like a bit of a mix between meele and range from what i've gathered.
Baseball player is pretty much a mid ranged character. You can handle yourself a bit if people get close by dodging and then knocking them away with your bat, but mostly you want to stay at a distance firing projectiles. At least that's what I try to do.
You can also cover the buff booths (those little buildings with icons like a shield or lightning bolt on them and meters for each team - if you hit those and fill up your meter before the other team then your whole team gets a buff) pretty well since you can hit then from a distance, and your special attack (holding both mouse buttons) will fill up the booth meter by two instead of one (though that seems the to be the case with every character maybe - The fireman maybe not since he throws up a shield).
Oh, and don't forget to hit environmental objects, other players, etc. Because you get little points that will give you items like a bomb, thing to hold people in place, and a telephone (instant teleport). Those can be used by pressing "E". Those are those two circles on the left side.
Health recovers after a short amount of time. If you notice, when you take damage a counter will appear beside the "item circles" with a number and a meter that will slowly go down. Once that meter goes all the way down you'll start to recover health back - so if you're severely damaged, then try to run away and recover health (or alternatively find a buff booth with a health symbol and fill up the meter).
Use your environment too - phone booths will instantly teleport you to another booth but they are unavailable for a bit after someone uses them (I think). Fire hydrants will propel you upwards if you hit them and then run into the water spray (Other objects do this to on different levels - for example in one you run onto a manhole cover and it'll shoot you upwards without having to hit anything).