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Any good ps3 games to get back into your ps3?

Here are some great exclusives that you will have the best gaming experience of your life lol:

I will include the average reviews from the internet whilst I'm looking.

Heavy rain: Great graphics and good storyline average score 9/10 no online but an awesome game with a different way of playing, 22 possible endings are good for replay value.

Mag: 256 player online shooter. Graphics wise it is lacking but hey 256 PLAYERS! Average score 7/10

God of War III: Comes out later this month great graphics and storyline and A nice brutal gory beat em up possible score 10/10

Uncharted 2: The best game I have ever played, brilliant graphics and storyline it is probably the best game ever to date its like a mini indiana jones adventure so great. average score 10/10

Killzone2: The best graphics on any console ever. great online but sadly the gameplay and storyline fall short but the graphics are worth just buying the game. Average score 9/10

Resistance 2: Good gameplay and basically ps3's halo. 80 player online battles are fun average review score 9/10

Infamous: Great super hero game, where you can be good or bad, and your appearance changes accordingly looks brilliant and its basically assassins creed with super powers. Average Score 9/10

Little Big Planet: Brilliant online play where people create their own levels so it's a game that never stops and the customization is brilliant a great game. Avrage score 10/10

These are the best games you could buy, I personally would like Uncharted 2 because metacritic gave it a 96 overall score on metacritic, the highest any game has got apart from GTA IV.


  • littlephoenix
    Need for Speed Shift

    cant beat this game, best game ever...........hands down
  • ZacD
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    ZacD ngon master
    Gotta say the new need for speed looks like a come back for the series, but I'd like to see them go back to the street racing, there's enough racing sims out there already (from the arcade-y Grid, to the most realistic Gran Turismo, with Forza and PGR thrown in there somewhere in between)

    I need to get a PS3,
  • JacqueChoi
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    JacqueChoi polycounter
    Best game on the Ps3 is Demon's Souls by a considerable margin.
    Followed by Uncharted 2.
    A case could be made for Metal Gear Solid 4, but that's just not my type of game.

    I very much dislike Killzone, Little Big Planet, and Resistance.

    (yes I own all 3)

    IMO I thought KZ, and Resistance got such high reviews because of PS3 fanboy reviewers actually wanted so badly for the PS3 shooters to compete with the 360 shooters. Even though it was completely inferior in pretty much every way, they just adamantly defended it (You'll notice those games have a pretty wide range of review scores).

    It was laughable to think Resistance 1 got the same review scores as Gears of War, siting many of the graphics as a wash. It wasn't close, Gears is 10x the game the first resistance was. And KZ2 does have decent graphics, but the Art direction is a shoddy mess, and once again not even close to Gears.

    Little Big Planet is just silly. It's like being told a book is the GREATEST book ever! EVER And when youre given the book, it's completely empty, and you're told to write it yourself.
  • Pankake
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    Pankake polycounter lvl 11
    I loved the crap out of KZ2 :P.
  • Quokimbo
    Pankake wrote: »
    I loved the crap out of KZ2 :P.

    QFT! I spent over 80 hours in multi player...

    LBP is a great platformer, and I would go with uncharted 2...
  • rolfness
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    rolfness polycounter lvl 18
    removed didnt see the guys sig..
  • low odor
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    low odor polycounter lvl 17
    So did you pay for any of those games you played...or did you steal them all?

    I'm just asking cause you sig says:

    ps3 mod chip
    how to burn ps3 games

    Stupid faceless developers. I paid for my console, Why do I have to fork money over for games!

    Hahaha..and you are actually selling them too..awesome, you rock!
  • AstroZombie
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    AstroZombie polycounter lvl 18
    Did a mod report those videos to YouTube before removing them from his sig?TimeToLeave-Asshole.jpg
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