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Transformers 2: Worst Movie of the Year (Multiple Categories!)

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Worst Picture:
Transformers 2

Worst Director:
Michael Bay -Transformers 2

Worst Screenplay:
Transformers 2

I'm sure Bay is laughing as he is going to the bank. Still. Its a bit of egotistical satisfaction to see so much of the public agreed against the people here unwilling to get past "just leave your mind at the door/Its just a movie" defense.


  • snemmy
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    snemmy polycounter lvl 18
    Personally I would have put Wolverine as #1 for worst screenplay.
    Great actors and characters but CRAP screenplay.
    Trans2 was just like Trans1 but with random dog and robot humping.
  • crazyfool
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    crazyfool polycounter lvl 13
    Im a big sucker for huge over the top action films and will admit that I liked Transformers 2, star trek, watchmen and avatar but things like this make me think I have no taste in films lol. And then theres people out there who name 'where the wild things are' as the best movie of 09, what the fudge .....seriously!?!

    and land of the lost was amazing!!!!! but wolverine was another level of terrible! dont understand how trannies 2 was worse haha
  • |Buddy|
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    |Buddy| polycounter lvl 11
  • Yozora
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    Yozora polycounter lvl 11
    oh wow theres an award that says its the worst, therefore it must be true and everyone must agree with it!
  • oXYnary
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    oXYnary polycounter lvl 18
    Yozora wrote: »
    oh wow theres an award that says its the worst, therefore it must be true and everyone must agree with it!

    Yep. And if you don't. Sucks to be you. :)
  • Malus
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    Malus polycounter lvl 17
    Yozora wrote: »
    oh wow theres an award that says its the worst, therefore it must be true and everyone must agree with it!

    I don't think we need the award to know it was an abhorent excuse for a film.

    But hey, toe thumbs has nice jugs so it's not all bad. :P
  • dfacto
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    dfacto polycounter lvl 18
    Bullshit, The Day the Earth Stood Still was the worst movie this year. I mean at least Bayformers 2 made sense and actually had an end to speak of.

    Edit: Nevermind, my bad it was released on the tail end of 2008.
  • easterislandnick
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    easterislandnick polycounter lvl 17
    Transformers 2 was so bad I didn't even finish watching! Seriously, how do you get something like giant robots fighting so badly wrong!

    BTW I thought Where the Wild things are was amazing, my film of the year. I guarantee you won't have seen anything like it before!

    I liked Star Trek too though, big budget done right!!!
  • Firebert
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    Firebert polycounter lvl 15
    i think x3 should have at least taken worst pic of the decade. BE is extremely awful, but I actually threw up in the theater for x3 followed by vocal swearing and profane gestures, and then even more vomiting.
  • marks
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    marks greentooth
    No way, New Moon rightfully deserves that award. Most painfully awful script I've seen in a long time.
  • System
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    System admin
    For me it was Avatar after reluctantly going to see it and nearly puking all over those 'pritteh blue kittehs' on the big screen, I know it's supposed to be a family film but family does not mean moron. I found it to be far too long with bad scripting and predictably hammy acting topped off with some stupid looking alien wildlife :thumbdown:

    Worst Picture:

    Worst Director:
    James Cameron

    Worst Screenplay:

    In light of all that "Unobtanium" should have been the category for Camerons Academy Award.
  • Entity
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    Entity polycounter lvl 18
    If you think Avatar was the worst action movie last year, then clearly you haven't seen enough B rated movies :)
  • achillesian
    independent of how much i liked avatar, i would agree with some of the acting problems, i didnt like the pilot girl, and sigourney in blue girl form.

    where the wild things was amazing, although i feel you have to have been amazingly creative and have divorced parents as a child to fully enjoy it.

    And yeah, i know every action movie has to have comic relief, especially if its pg 13, but i really wish those types of scenes were left out of transformers 1 and 2. Change shia to someone else, get rid of the comic relief, and i think both of them would've been okay.
  • blankslatejoe
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    blankslatejoe polycounter lvl 19
    Wow...razzies have been around for 30 years?!

    I love how they like to take every opportunity they can to make fun of battlefield earth too... :)
  • Joshua Stubbles
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    Joshua Stubbles polycounter lvl 19
    What's with the transformers hate? I enjoyed it =\
  • CrazyMatt
    I think transformers would have been a good movie if "Teenage Icons" were NOT involved in the casting in anyway, shape, or form. But because it was more like "super dog" I have to say anything Transformers related sucks. (The cartoons were darn cool though :))

    I don't care what the Razzle thing says. I loved "Land of the Lost", I mean... it was catagorized under "comedy" considering it was a remake. You gotta give it credit for what it was aiming for...."Teresa Tacos!" :P

    The only thing that makes Transformers worth watching is the MST3K guys from RiffTrax >
  • Keg
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    Keg polycounter lvl 18
    Vassago wrote: »
    What's with the transformers hate? I enjoyed it =

    Personally the transformer movies were focused on the humans more than the robots. Not to mention the transformers were poorly designed in my opinion, just too much noise in the designs.

    The lack of a decent story never helped either
  • Calabi
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    Calabi polycounter lvl 12
    Transformers was mostly just a bunch of random stuff happening. And the battles scenes were forgettable, no one can remember what happened in them.
  • Lord McMutton
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    Lord McMutton polycounter lvl 17
    Not true. I remember what happened when Optimus was kicking butt in the forest.
  • Irreal
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    Irreal polycounter lvl 10
    2012 gets my vote as shittiest film of the year. Transformers 2 was a mess but at least Megan Fox was in it.
  • indian_boy
    what do they exactly use to judge 'the worst ___' ?
    is there a certain minimum popularity the movie should have?

    Transformers 2, though not a great movie, was definitely not the worst released last year.
  • Calabi
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    Calabi polycounter lvl 12
    Not true. I remember what happened when Optimus was kicking butt in the forest.

    But do you remember the bit where they had the existential talk about what it means to be a robot?
  • MoP
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    MoP polycounter lvl 18
    Yes, RiffTrax was the only reason I watched either of the Transformers movies. It made them hilarious instead of dire!
  • vcool
    Calabi wrote: »
    But do you remember the bit where they had the existential talk about what it means to be a robot?

    There was one?

    I agree with indian_boy, it wasn't that great but it certainly wasn't the worst.
  • Taylor Hood
    I fully support the category choices. It's been said alot but I think Bay took the explosions and kid-friendly comedy a little to far. It's fun for mainstream people who don't take the aspects of movies seriously and criticise, fair enough, but for us people who enjoy and understand good movies such as Shawshank Redemption and the Lord of The Rings Trilogy it's just a joke.

    My two £ :)
  • Muzzoid
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    Muzzoid polycounter lvl 10
    Sorry about being a little off topic, but james cameon did a ted talk this year about his creative inspiration, it will give you alot of respect for the dude; i know it did for me.


    Oh and turns our sandra bullock turned up and accepted her razzie, haha.

  • Taylor Hood
    Muzz wrote: »
    Sorry about being a little off topic, but james cameon did a ted talk this year about his creative inspiration, it will give you alot of respect for the dude; i know it did for me.


    Oh and turns our sandra bullock turned up and accepted her razzie, haha.


    Oh yeah : ) I already have HUGE respect for Mr. Cameron and I've seen the very article on BBC.co.uk before. Funny stuff.
  • crazyfool
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    crazyfool polycounter lvl 13
    I completely forgot about 2012 haha, that world disaster that follows john cusack wherever he goes haha. even the fissures chase him exclusively in that movie and what the hell were those arks all about?

    I did enjoy where the wild things are but my buddy hyped it so much before I saw it and then I watched it and was really disappointed. I kept expecting it to get going but it never did and theres just no/very little pay off at the end, I liked how the monsters were quite scary one second and really nice the next.

    theres alot of hate towards people that didnt mind transformers which I really dont get. you cant honestly say GI Joe was a better movie and if I like transformers I dont know anything about what makes a good movie. I think it might be because Im a sucker for VFX and ILM always does a fantastic job!!!
  • JacqueChoi
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    JacqueChoi polycounter
    How did GI Joe manage to escape all of this?


    That was probably the worst movie I've ever seen.
  • Taylor Hood
    I saw 2012 on my birthday and was excited because I thought it would be serious and be on the same level with Day after tommorow. What I saw was not what I expected at all. A cheesy movie with scenes of protagonists escaping a huge split in the earth in a plane and a chi-wawa (Excuse the spelling, it's late) running along a stucture in a scene with the owner trying to reach her as the entire movie focuses on this gringe-worthy scene for around ten seconds as the world around them is crumbling.
  • Sage
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    Sage polycounter lvl 19
    I think tranformers got the worst film award etc because of the brutal raping they did to the transformers. The fans had certain expectations and well they felt they got kicked in the balls with both movies. While there were worse movies in 2009 than transformers 2, it was boring and it sucked and it appears it pissed off the fans the most. I think if you can make a movie that has devastator, optimus prime, megatron and soundwave be boring, sucky and terrible you deserve an award. So lets show two doggies humping, they will forget how much everything else blows. I'm actually watching a movie worse than Transformers, Blade 3. I forgot how terrible this movie was. LOL

    Transformers 2 had terrible battle scenes. Half of the last battle I didn't know what the hell was going on, other than humans running. If I wanted to watch a hot woman running in slow motion I would go see Baywatch! Devastors eats sand, LOL, eats sand
  • Keg
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    Keg polycounter lvl 18
    Sage wrote: »
    I think tranformers got the worst film award etc because of the brutal raping they did to the transformers. The fans had certain expectations and well they felt they got kicked in the balls with both movies. While there were worse movies in 2009 than transformers 2, it was boring and it sucked and it appears it pissed off the fans the most. I think if you can make a movie that has devastator, optimus prime, megatron and soundwave be boring, sucky and terrible you deserve an award. So lets show two doggies humping, they will forget how much everything else blows. I'm actually watching a movie worse than Transformers, Blade 3. I forgot how terrible this movie was. LOL

    Transformers 2 had terrible battle scenes. Half of the last battle I didn't know what the hell was going on, other than humans running. If I wanted to watch a hot woman running in slow motion I would go see Baywatch! Devastors eats sand, LOL, eats sand

    I found a video of hot topless gymnasts in slow motion. With the internet, the excuse of Megan Fox just doesn't seem like a good argument. Especially with so many people having smart phones that can surf the internet at will.
  • indian_boy
    the funniest thing is that there's a graphical glitch during that slow motion running scene
    i'd just barely caught it in my peripheral vision

    one of the explosions that's happening behind them actually ends up in front of megan fox's breasts, and the clipping is horrible: u can see where the alpha is and everything.
    how can you miss that? we all know the VFX artists were looking directly at the tits, there's not a chance in hell they wouldnt notice the glitched up explosion!

    another vfx glitch is when there's that fight in the forest:
    optimus prime is ripping some decepticon's head in two, and the sparks flying out of the decepticons eye is at a MUCH slower frame-rate than the rendered animation. it doesn't help that this entire sequence is in slow-mo, as that just makes the frame-rate difference even more obvious.
  • Frump
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    Frump polycounter lvl 12
    I really liked Transformers but Transformers 2 was painful. It was so bad... They teleport to some battlefield where 5 minutes of footage running from point A to B is extended to 20 mins via slow motion. I really wanted to turn the movie off at that point but I was in the theatre. Not to mention how terrible everything leading up to that point was too. It didn't really make much sense.

    I'm having a hard time remembering anything I watched that I enjoyed less than that last year. Land of the Lost is up there but I think Transformers 2 edges it out.
  • KhAoZ
    Okay I am going to have to disagree :) I think the special effects and all the different Transformers themselves in Transformers 2 were still pretty cool even if the acting and the humans and the rest of the basically sucked. Theres been much worse movies like G.I. Joe for instance :)
  • dfacto
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    dfacto polycounter lvl 18
    Irreal wrote: »
    2012 gets my vote as shittiest film of the year.

    Are you joking man!? Comedy. Of. The. YEAR!:D!!
  • oXYnary
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    oXYnary polycounter lvl 18
    JacqueChoi wrote: »
    How did GI Joe manage to escape all of this?

    Answer: It didn't
    Worst Supporting Actress:

    Sienna Miller

  • Muzzoid
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    Muzzoid polycounter lvl 10
    Wow the hurt locker seriously destroyed avatar at the oscars.


    Cant really make comment on it though as i havent seen the hurt locker.

  • Entity
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    Entity polycounter lvl 18
    No surprise there, the oscar folks don't really like Cameron.

    Hurt Locker was ok for me, but it didn't really feel spectacular.
  • Snacuum
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    Snacuum polycounter lvl 9
    Worst Picture:

    Worst Director:

    Worst Screenplay:

    I'm not an idiot, I know it is a stupid movie, but I liked it a lot and I am a crazy ye olde transformers guy. Nothing compares to the 1986 animated movie. It is from that movie to this day that I believe every film should have a constant musical soundtrack, just like my games do!

    I get into the same arguments with people about the matrix trilogy. I liked it, big deal, I KNOW it's not anywhere as good as the original. But people... the hate... etc...
  • bluekangaroo
  • Taylor Hood
    EricV wrote: »
    yeah transformers 2 was pretty shitty. I hated it more than I liked it sure. But I have to agree with someone else above that said Wolverine origins had the worst screenplay. that movies' dialogue and plot was just horrid

    I agree too. Nice post count by the way ;D
  • TheMadArtist
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    TheMadArtist polycounter lvl 12
    indian_boy wrote: »
    the funniest thing is that there's a graphical glitch during that slow motion running scene
    i'd just barely caught it in my peripheral vision

    one of the explosions that's happening behind them actually ends up in front of megan fox's breasts, and the clipping is horrible: u can see where the alpha is and everything.
    how can you miss that? we all know the VFX artists were looking directly at the tits, there's not a chance in hell they wouldnt notice the glitched up explosion!

    another vfx glitch is when there's that fight in the forest:
    optimus prime is ripping some decepticon's head in two, and the sparks flying out of the decepticons eye is at a MUCH slower frame-rate than the rendered animation. it doesn't help that this entire sequence is in slow-mo, as that just makes the frame-rate difference even more obvious.

    TF2 was rushed as hell, if you watch closely there are even some reused scenes from the first movie (asteroids falling) and there's a scene with Soundwave that is seen twice too. I love the first one, but the second had too many problems from outset that hurt the production. First off, the writers strike meant that Bay only had a very rough outline for a story and went ahead and started shooting as to not miss the release date. The Twins, a lot of the stupid humor, and various plot elements all came from Bay. ILM and Digital Domain were seriously taxed with it too, and I wouldn't be surprised if some scenes were left unfinished like in the first one (ever wonder why Barricade, the Decepticon cop car, just mysteriously vanishes before the final fight?) I think it was biting off more than they could chew.

    I think Bay can be a great director for films like this when he has a producer like Spielberg to kind of reign him in, and I think he was given a bit more freedom on the 2nd one. However, when you hear him talk about TF3, and kind of read between the lines of what he's saying, I think he realizes that TF2 was too much and he needs to reign it in on the next one.
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