Would have done this for February, but there was bugger all I was interested in, but there's a lot due next month so...
Can't wait, first two were among the best the ps2 had to offer, and 3 looks to be epic.
Bad Company 2, played the beta on ps3, not a huge fan of straight forward fps military games, but it was more fun than I had expected
Just Cause 2, wasn't interested in the first, but this one looks to be gloriously over the top, demo is due next week too
FF13 and Metro 2033 coming as well, ff looks too samey, and as far as i can tell metro is just russian fallout3 without the the rpg bits and more fpsyness, not sold on it
Mafia II
Battlefield 1943 for PC, I think.
That new Castlevania, honestly haven't seen much/anything on it, but I love Castlevania.
I like the way Blur looks too, MarioKart meets NFS, awesome!
There's a new commercial out too: [ame]
All the other ones lookin' good, but nothing else I'm gonna shell out that kinda money for.
And hey, don't the new Pokemon games come out this month too?? :P (Not that I'll get those either, but let's not discount games that'll, obviously, be HUGE sellers!!)
and I'm interested in god of war 3
Seriously, to whoever is hyped by GoW, do yourself a favor and give Bayonetta a try (on 360). It's like a hundred times better.
Granted I only played the GoW3 demo and not the full game, but it feels soooo stiff compared to La Bayonette.
two different children of the same genre.
lol why?
Bayonetta just made me cringe, and I wanted to like that game.. at the end of god of war 3 demo, I just wanted more and more.
Not excited for much this month, if I had a ps3 I'd be all over GoW3 though. I still haven't even finished mass effect 2 lol.
this month I'll grab GoW3, Pokemon Silver, and probably FFXIII, though I'm honestly on the fence with that, oddly enough.
and lately as much as I like buying things day 1 theres really less and less incentive, as I guarantee within 2 weeks of FF13 coming out you'll be able to find a copy for $40 or less.. I might just do that
oh and Just Cause was surprisingly fun, I look forward to seeing what they did with the sequel.
Its out mate! I believe world wide as well. I liked the GoWIII demo on District 9, so can't wait for the third. Currently engrossed back into Fallout 3 right now though, and L4D2 currently still fills my multiplayer needs. Be interesting to get back into FF but not sure about JRPGS anymore.
my god! Yeeesssh thats just disturbing!
ahah, awesome. but seriously.
This is all very impressive graphically and all, but it will just be one long QTE with very little interactivity. I wish they would have taken a leaf out of Shadow of the Colossus's book and allowed you to climb all over the bugger. Also, I don't know if it's just me, but whenever there are QTEs in these games I'm concentrating on the button presses so much that I don't actually take in much of the awesome action that is going on elsewhere on the screen!
I'm not that fussed about many of the upcoming releases (lousy Smarch!) but there are a bunch of games from the past couple of month's I've not gotten to play yet so I'll probably catch up with some of them.