I love this guy's stuff, didn't know he was still making new things! This tool is a bit sluggish for me yet when drawing, but I hope it is continued. He is generally awesome.
I just discovered this today and was going to post but I USED SEARCH FINALLY!
Figured I would bump this thread because of how impressed I am with this guy's software and hope to raise awareness of it.
I wish Pixologic would take a couple of cues from Petter and make their cluttered software a bit more intuitive.
maybe it only eats trangulated meshed, dunno
I try it for 10 minutes, cool result
arrangemonk: According to him, the import currently only works on triangulated meshes.
Figured I would bump this thread because of how impressed I am with this guy's software and hope to raise awareness of it.
I wish Pixologic would take a couple of cues from Petter and make their cluttered software a bit more intuitive.
Not sure how comfortable I would be without direct control over subdivision. Interesting design and I hope this develops further.