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[Portfolio] – madN0RMan, Warren Speak, Character Rigger (maya), Animator

Hey all,
I just did some work for an American company and this is my new portfolio, hopefully I can get this looking good and get a full time job! This is the first edit and features just the character that I rigged for this project, there are other characters that I think that I need to add in to show some variety - but I'm not sure what to cut out. Any advice you guys can give me, including some examples of successful rigging showreels would be a great help ;)


my online portfolio can be found here with my existing showreels and portfolio stills can be found here: http://web.mac.com/madnorman/Site/Folio.html


  • Avanthera
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    Avanthera polycounter lvl 10
    Well, the bird man is really sweet, the rig looks pretty solid and up to par with most pro rigs. I think you would really benifit from more diversity, like quadrupeds, mechanical, flying, more realistic, and/or more complicated works

    not exactly the best, but really eye catching, and many leads would stop and probably take a few looks through a piece like this: (you may want to mute before playing)

    also, the quicktime videos on your site wont allow me to pause, replay, or save, wich is what you want employers to do.
    And I dont understand why you have all of the character sheets on your homepage, Are you applying as a generalist?
    your three videos are at the bottom of the page, and only two are relevent to rigging and animation.
    also, this: http://boards.polycount.net/showthread.php?t=70183
  • Soft_Hands
    Offline / Send Message
    The way it is right now is good if someone just wants to see this bird rig by itself.
    But if you'd want more room to add more stuff I'd speed it up a bit. I'd also take out those bumpers separating each segment: arm rig, face rig, etc.
    The animation at the beginning is great.
    What to add to the reel I suggest that Pixar Lamp thing with the ball and the face rig of the Polycount dude and have simple animations for each of them.
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